European larch: planting and care

European larch: planting and care
European larch: planting and care

This beautiful plant is often used in landscape design. Larch is a fast growing large tree with a spreading crown.

Usually, coniferous plants do not tolerate changes in the shape of branches, but this does not apply to larch. In total, there are approximately 15 species of plants in the genus Larch. You can meet them in a variety of climatic conditions.

The article presents a description, growing conditions and photos of European larch.

Distribution area

Larch in natural growing conditions
Larch in natural growing conditions

There are larches in mixed forests in areas from Northern and Western Europe to the Carpathians. Most of them grow in the mountainous regions of the Carpathians and the Alps at an altitude of 1000 to 2500 meters above sea level, interspersed with spruce and fir.

The lifespan of this tree is approximately 500 years, which is not the limit. The oldest recorded larch is 800 years old.

According to rough estimates, this species is the mostthe largest tree of the world by the number of units.

Types of larches

First, let's briefly introduce the varieties of larches. Of the 15 species in Russian gardens, mainly four are grown:

  1. Siberian larch. Distributed in the European part of Russia and in Western Siberia. It is she who is often found in squares and park areas of cities. Its distinctive feature is rather massive branches and almost no drooping small twigs. The bumps are large. A characteristic feature for it is an earlier drop of needles after yellowing compared to other species.
  2. Dahurian larch (Gmelina) is the record holder for frost resistance. The places of its growth in nature are a significant part of the territory of the Far East and Siberia. Rarely used in horticulture. Distinctive features are a lighter and thinner crown, as well as small cones with scales with slightly pointed ends.
  3. European larch in Russia is less common than Siberian larch, and can often be seen in old city parks. It is easy to distinguish by weeping, drooping branches. More detailed information about this species (description, planting and care) can be found further from the article.
  4. Fine-scaled Japanese larch (or Kaempfera) is a beautiful plant found naturally in the mountains of Japan. It has wide and long needles of light turquoise color. Its cones are especially beautiful, the scales of which are curved outward, so they look like small beautiful roses.

Description of European larch

This tree is in the wildgrows up to 50 meters in height, and the diameter of its trunk can be 1.5 meters. However, these larches in garden culture are characterized by smaller sizes.

European larch in the mountains
European larch in the mountains

The crown has an irregular or conical shape. The bark is gray-brown. The branches are drooping, and the leaves located on short shoots are of different lengths and they are collected 30-40 pieces in bunches. Young cones are painted in a beautiful purple color, in adulthood they acquire a brown hue. Buds usually open in early spring.

In Russia, this type of larch is cultivated as a garden tree. Many people confuse Siberian and European larch, not noticing the existing differences. In fact, the first species is characterized, as noted above, by weeping tender sprouts that extend from skeletal branches.

European larch crown
European larch crown

Growing conditions

Larch is unpretentious, photophilous, prefers well-drained, moist and slightly alkaline soils. It grows a little worse on acidic and dry sandy soils. During dry summer periods, young trees need good watering. The plant perfectly tolerates transplantation at any age.

Distribution places - northern and western forests of European countries. Larch has a tendency to intensive development, rapid growth. In the latitudes of Russia, its height reaches only half of what is possible. The tree adapts well to any soil, even loam and limestone, but it does not respond well tonearby groundwater.

Larch has been grown in Europe since ancient times. Therefore, this species has different garden forms, of which creeping and weeping ones, grafting onto a stem, are especially common in Russia.

larch cones
larch cones

Varieties of European larch

  1. "Konika" is a standard form with a regular crown shape. The long lower branches are in a horizontal plane, and those that grow higher are shorter, due to which a cone is formed. The variety was bred in 1868 by French breeders.
  2. "Bullets" - a dwarf tree with a narrow crown with shoots hanging down like a weeping larch. The average height of the plant reaches an average of 2 meters in height. The needles are green with a gray tint. Larch, which needs a lot of space, is used both in group plantings and singly. The form is frost-resistant, tolerates winter well.
  3. Creeping form - dwarf clearstem tree. The shoots wilt strongly, reach the ground and spread along it. The trunk is most often reclining, curved, the crown is wide and dense. Thanks to her, larch looks fabulously gorgeous. For overwintering, the trunk should be covered with breathable insulation.

Also noteworthy are varieties such as European weeping larch - Pendula, Fastigiata, Compacta, Kellermannii, Corley, Repens, etc.

Weeping form

European Larch Pendula has thin shoots unevenly located on the trunk, which hang down beautifully. In height, the tree grows up to 30meters. European gardeners first discovered it in 1836 and immediately adopted it. Larch of this form is photophilous and winter-hardy. It reproduces by grafting.

Larch Pendula
Larch Pendula

It should be noted that the tree is resistant to air pollution, so it does well in urban environments. And in the old days, larch was widely bred, because it is beautiful and grows relatively quickly.

Growing larch from seeds

Mature cone of European larch
Mature cone of European larch

To grow European larch from seeds, you need to hold them in cold water for about 3 days before planting. Moreover, the timing should be adjusted so that the earth warms up well by the time the seeds are sown.

The distance between rows should be about 12 centimeters, and between plants - a few centimeters. Planting depth from the soil surface should be 3-5 mm. With proper sowing and favorable weather conditions, seedlings should appear in about two weeks. When it gets cold, it is better to cover the crops with special garden material.

Growing seedlings

When planting a seedling of European larch, you must adhere to the following rules. It is desirable to plant them at the very beginning of autumn (when the needles turn yellow) or in early spring (after the soil has completely thawed). First you need to prepare a landing site, which should not be shaded. Dig a hole measuring 50 by 50 cm. Cover the root of the plant with a mixture of peat and excavated soddy soil (ratio 1: 1). ATif the earth is heavy, it should be well diluted with sand.

A planted tree of European larch (ordinary) must be watered abundantly. You can add a little compost or humus. It is not recommended to add fresh manure. When creating comfortable conditions, larch takes root well and feels quite comfortable. Every year, she can add about 1.5 meters in height.

It is desirable to fertilize the earth with mineral fertilizers, for example, nitroammophos. During the growth stage, it is very important to water the seedlings, as the ground must be constantly moist. If everything is done correctly, next year you will have strong plants. The grown seedlings should be planted at some distance from each other, and after another year or two they can be planted in a permanent place.


Pendula in landscape design
Pendula in landscape design

With minimal effort and a certain amount of time, you can transform the appearance of a garden or garden plot with the help of an amazingly beautiful and decorative coniferous weeping beauty. Adhering to simple rules, you can plant a plant among other vegetation or singly in the middle of a lawn.

From April, young needles begin to appear on the tree, which delight the eye with their fresh greenery until autumn. Thanks to this plant, the summer cottage will look picturesque and unique.