The interior of the toilet in the apartment is an important part of the overall design of the room. Thanks to modern materials and design secrets, even a small bathroom can be stylish and comfortable. If you reasonably approach the issue of space planning, you can achieve remarkable results. The toilet will turn into a functional, ergonomic and comfortable room that will fully meet the requirements of modern design fashion.
There are many options for the interior of the toilet. It all depends on the area and taste preferences of the owners. Many people prefer a separate bathroom, as it provides access to functional areas for two or more people at the same time. One of the main factors is also enough spacious space in each room to feel comfortable. If the toilet and bathroom are catastrophically small, and the compositionfamilies include a small number of people, a reasonable solution would be to combine a bathroom and a toilet room. Increasing the area may allow you to move the washing machine there, thereby freeing up the necessary meters in the kitchen.
Small toilet
By combining bathrooms, you can achieve significant savings in the cherished square meters. But what if the overall layout does not allow for more space? How to find a way out of this situation?

Properly selected interior of a small toilet in the apartment will make the room practical and comfortable. Experienced specialists are ready to share their secrets on this matter:
- opt for a wall-mounted toilet that fits perfectly in the smallest space since all its communications are securely hidden;
- use a niche above the toilet to store cleaning products and detergents, preferring it to floor cabinets;
- install a small sink if more than four people live in the apartment;
- install the door so that it can open freely;
- glossy shine of the ceiling, floor and walls will visually enlarge the space.
Work Plan
Before you start decorating the interior of the toilet in the apartment, you need to think through everything to the smallest detail. The work plan list should look like this:
- Replacing old communications with new PVC pipes.
- Sewer risers and water pipes hide under finishing materials with the possibilityaccess.
- Installation of new wiring.
- Replacing the door.
- Preparation for wall, floor and ceiling decoration.
- Finishing pipes, ceiling and walls.
- Arranging furniture.
Selection of basic materials
To ensure a beautiful interior of the toilet, it is necessary to choose the right materials. The range of building stores implies the presence of a huge number of various options for all tastes and financial possibilities. The toilet is a room with high humidity and pollution. That is why all materials must be resistant to moisture, easy to wash with all detergents without exception, not lose their brightness, do not peel, do not break, do not crack from accidental touch.

Choice of ceramic tiles
In the interior decoration of the toilet, floor and wall covering plays an important role. The most practical solution would be ceramic tiles. It is easy to clean, does not lose the beauty of appearance, contributes to a visual increase in space. Advice from experienced professionals will help you make the right choice:
- Visually expanding a narrow room will help rectangular tiles laid out on the floor with the long side along the narrow side.
- A narrow little toilet will look more harmonious if laid out from the floor to the middle of the wall in dark color, and from the middle of the wall to the ceiling - light. The junction can be decorated with a border.
- The interior of the toilet in Khrushchev will look harmonious if you decorate the tiles with friezes, parallel orcheckerboard patterns, diagonal stripes.
- If you lay out the tiles diagonally, there will be a visual increase in area.
- A very large or very small tile will look disharmonious if used in a small toilet.
- If the floor is decorated with matte tiles, the walls must be made glossy, and vice versa.
- Low ceilings will look higher if you make vertical inserts in contrasting colors.
Ceiling decoration
The dimensions of the bathroom largely depend on the design of the ceiling. In a large room or a combined toilet and bathroom, the stretch option looks great, which reflects light, shines and washes well. But for a small toilet, it would be a reasonable solution to cover the ceiling with paint or make a single-level drywall coating. Panels with or without seams, MDF or PVC can also be used to decorate the ceiling.
The floor in the toilet should not be afraid of moisture, wash well and not be slippery. The following materials have all these characteristics:
- Tile. Can be laid in a variety of shapes, wood effect floor tiles look very stylish.
- Laminate. It should be an expensive material with increased moisture resistance, impregnated edges, a PVC backing and a protective top layer.
- Linoleum. It should be selected from expensive commercial grade materials with increased wear resistance. Carefully glued to a flat surface, sealed under a rubberized baseboard, linoleum will not accumulatedust and provoke the occurrence of fungus.
- Bulk floor. It consists of a mixture of gypsum, sand and cement. It happens epoxy and polyurethane.

It is recommended to pay attention to the fact that the rug visually reduces the space. If you plan to decorate the interior of a small room, you should do without a rug. Cold tiles can be replaced with "warm" underfloor heating. But if this is not possible, it is recommended to purchase a rug that matches the color of the floor, without patterns and patterns.
Wall decoration
Modern decoration of the toilet in the apartment directly depends on the design of the walls. The range of materials for walls is very large, you can use the following options:
- Wallpaper. They must be moisture resistant, non-woven.
- Photo wallpaper. This is a very original version, which is actively used in modern design art.
- Tile is the most common and practical idea that never expires and never goes out of style.
- Liquid wallpaper. After applying them, you need to let them dry and be sure to cover the surface with varnish. Otherwise, their service life will be short.
- Laminate. Can be used to create an interior in a toilet with a window or other spacious rooms. But if you stick it directly on the wall, without a preliminary layer, the space will hide at the level of the wall tiling.
- Paint. For painting walls, water-based paint with a silicone, latex or acrylic composition is suitable. Fordesign, you can use different original color combinations.
Choosing a toilet

The choice of toilet directly depends on the size of the bathroom. By choosing the right option, you can save a lot of space. The following models are presented in the assortment of building stores:
- Suspended. They save a lot of space, are convenient to use and easy to clean.
- Outdoor. The traditional option, which is considered the most reliable.
- Built-in. Save space, very stylish and elegant.
- With a closed ecosystem. A sink is installed on the toilet bowl, the water in which is purified, then it enters the drain tank.
Selection of accessories
An important place in the interior ideas of the toilet is occupied by accessories. They actively increase the space and make the bathroom stylish. To do this, use the following components, which must be from the same material:
- handle and hinges on the door;
- handles on cabinet doors;
- fragrance stand;
- button on the toilet bowl;
- brush with stand;
- toilet paper holder.
In the toilet room there may be main and local lighting. The main thing can be done with a lamp with a ceiling lamp built into the ceiling. A great idea would be spot lighting that will pass around the perimeter or line up different shapes. All kinds of sconces and lamps, sockets and switches forwhich should be with anti-drip protection.

Color solution
The interior of the toilet in the apartment depends on the well-chosen color. Knowing the basic properties of shades, you can visually emphasize the advantages and hide the flaws of the room:
- White. It is a classic and most popular color in the design of the toilet room. It goes well with other colors (black, beige, red, green, blue). It can be a bright accent or background (the second option makes the toilet lighter and more spacious). You can also use all shades of milky color, this gives the interior solidity.
- Black. Perfectly harmonizes with white plumbing, emphasizing its beauty and sophistication. Can be combined with red, scarlet and amber, not suitable for small spaces.
- Green. It gives the impression of freshness, reminiscent of nature. Harmoniously combined with white, gold, all shades of coffee.
- Yellow. Makes the room spacious, bright and warm. Pairs well with purple, coffee, cornflower blue and black.
- Gray. Combined with silver chrome accessories creates a modern high-tech style. Perfectly harmonizes with black, white and pink.
- Red. A vibrant, active and stylish color that pairs well with white or black sanitary ware, with the same décor elements including yellow and gold hues.
- Brown and beige. This is a great option for a small toilet. It makes it bigger and more comfortable. Combined with whiteyellow and sand shades.
- Blue. A cool color of water and freshness that blends harmoniously with white, black, emerald and all shades of blue.

Washroom style
The interior of the toilet in the apartment can be presented in different styles. The main styles of the washroom are:
- Modern. It is dominated by white, gray and black colors, which can be diluted with brown (woody) shades. Assumes the presence of exclusively everything necessary without unnecessary decor.
- Classic. The style is presented in white, beige and golden shades with an abundance of exquisite decor and original fittings.
- Loft. This style is distinguished by gray or white tones with the presence of brickwork. It can be partial, or it can be the basis of the entire interior.
- Provence. The interior design is white with green or white with purple. The combination of colors is complemented by the presence of unobtrusive stripes or color prints. Can be diluted with pastel shades.
- Scandinavian. Differs in minimalism, in which there are white colors combined with wood or bricks. Can be decorated with potted flowers.
- Marine. The style is defined by the combination of white, wood and all shades of aquamarine. Can be complemented with decor of a ship or fishing nets.

Having listened to the recommendations of experienced builders and designers,you can even make a cozy and comfortable room out of the smallest toilet. Do not forget that there are corners in the room, which can also be used to store cleaning products and detergents, as well as small things needed in the household. After viewing the photos and consulting with experts, you can make the right choice. In this case, the original design will delight all households for a long time.