Ventilation in the dressing room: project development, work technique and expert advice

Ventilation in the dressing room: project development, work technique and expert advice
Ventilation in the dressing room: project development, work technique and expert advice

The long-term functioning of a bath of any size and type depends on competent construction, installation of a furnace and finishing, as well as the organization of a ventilation system. Air circulation in such a building will occur according to the laws of physics, so the circuit diagram of the hood is simple.

What you need

ventilation in a warm dressing room
ventilation in a warm dressing room

For its arrangement, outlet and inlet holes should be made. Through the latter, fresh air will penetrate into the room from the street. When designing a ventilation system, such holes are provided almost at the very floor. They are located near the oven. This is done so that the cold air is heated, and the overall temperature does not decrease.

Design Features

proper ventilation in the dressing room
proper ventilation in the dressing room

Before you make ventilation in the dressing room, you must consider a few nuances. Among others, it should be noted: carbon monoxide accumulating inside and superheated air moist masses shouldget out of the room. To do this, provide exhaust holes. They are located slightly below the ceiling, opposite the supply channels. In this case, the air can be updated without stagnation inside. There is no need for an exhaust hole in the ceiling, because the bath will cool quickly.

The layout of the outlet and inlet holes is simple. More worries will be the need for effective and timely removal of carbon monoxide and at the same time maintaining the temperature that is necessary for a comfortable stay in the dressing room.

Ventilation in a warm dressing room must be designed even before the construction of the building. Air circulation can be spontaneous or forced. What should be the scheme - you decide. It is important to consider the size of the room and its functional features. The natural movement of air masses can be obtained due to the difference in temperature and pressure outside and inside. If you choose such a scheme, then it is important to correctly position the exhaust and supply windows. Cold air should come from below, near the floor, an entrance should be arranged 35 cm from the floor. The outflow of hot air will be carried out through the hood 20 cm from the ceiling. This type of air exchange is not suitable for a steam room, because cold air will accumulate and stagnate near the floor, and hot air near the ceiling.

Create a schema

in the dressing room
in the dressing room

Before you make ventilation in the dressing room with your own hands, you must design a circuit. It may provide for the arrangement of the hood by force. air massesat the same time they will move with the help of mechanisms. With a forced ventilation device, you can use electronics or a combined method of extracting exhaust air. Choosing the first method, you will need to install the appropriate equipment that will control the level of humidity, temperature, and be responsible for supplying and cleaning air. The construction of such a complex technological scheme can be expensive.

Which type to choose

warm dressing room
warm dressing room

The combined method involves the installation of special fans that force the air masses to move, while ensuring natural air exchange. If you want to equip the proper ventilation in the dressing room, you must create a project that takes into account the size of the exhaust and supply openings, as well as the location of the duct windows. The area of the holes is determined taking into account the volume of the room where they are located. The standard size of air ducts varies from 15 to 20 cm.

Expert advice on choosing the type of ventilation system

proper ventilation
proper ventilation

If you have a Russian bath, assembled from timber and logs, then it is better to arrange natural ventilation in it. It will work correctly and efficiently if the vents are located taking into account the calculations, and their dimensions correspond to the volume of the room.

If you are wondering how to properly ventilate the dressing room, then it is important to consider the type of building. If it is frame sealed, then it is better to use a forced system. At the same time, there should be an air inlet in the outer wall, which is filled with a blower. When it is planned to build a bath from a foam block or brick, ventilation should be exclusively forced.

Technique for performing work on the ventilation device in the floor

in the bathhouse
in the bathhouse

Air exchange can also be provided by a ventilated floor. If the coating is made of wood and is constantly in contact with water, then it will become unusable after five years of operation. Therefore, it is important to comply with the requirements for ventilation.

In the foundation of the bath, small vents should be made to ensure air outflow. The floor is covered in such a way that there are centimeter gaps between the boards. Supply holes should be laid in parallel walls, protecting them with gratings from rodents.

If there is a stove in the dressing room

ventilation dressing room
ventilation dressing room

When equipping ventilation in the dressing room with your own hands, you should take into account that a heating stove is sometimes installed in this room. In order for it to perform the function of an additional hood, the finished floor should be laid above the level of the blower. After completing all bath procedures, it is better to leave the doors open until the floor is completely dry.

Work methodology

If you want to provide effective ventilation to a warm dressing room, you should make sure that equal volumes of air enter and leave the room. Adjust the intensityventilation is possible with dampers. If you close them, you can quickly warm up the room.

An exhaust duct is installed outside, and the location of the deflectors above the top point of the roof should be 0.5 m. This requirement is prescribed by mechanical air exchange. Arranging ventilation in the dressing room of the bath, you must create a movement of flows from the washing rooms to the dressing room, vestibule and bathroom. At 2 m from the zero mark, it is necessary to install a ventilation grill, which will provide air supply with a forced circuit.

It is important at the planning stage to consider the outflow of moist air from the recreation area through the washing or bathroom compartment. The bath may have a water heater that runs on gas. On individual highways, it is important to provide an extract from it. Oxygenated air must enter the steam room through the ventilation duct. This channel should be located next to the stove, removing it 0.5 m from the floor.

In order for the auxiliary rooms to be heated, the high temperature of the air from the steam room along the mains should be used. Outlet air ducts should be laid in the recreation area and dressing room, where it will be possible to maintain comfortable conditions.

When equipping ventilation in the dressing room of the bath with your own hands, you will need to install an exhaust duct with a valve in the upper part of the room. It is important to correctly determine the area of highways. The cross section of the duct and vent is determined by the size of the steam room. There should be 24 cm of volume per cubic meter2 of ventilation duct area.

In order to be comfortable in a heated room, five air exchanges should be provided. This suggests that the air must be updated 5 times every hour. If you want to increase the service life of floors, it is important to ensure effective air exchange. To do this, channels are drilled in the basement of the building.

Indicating an improperly equipped ventilation system

If you want to make ventilation in the dressing room of the bath with your own hands, you must be able to determine whether the system is working correctly. Installation errors are indicated by moisture in the form of condensate, which accumulates on the ceiling and walls. If there are greasy marks on the exhaust system pipe, this also indicates the inefficiency of ventilation.

If there is an unpleasant and musty smell in the room, you will immediately realize that the moisture is not being removed as intensively as it should be. A burning match should be brought to the vent to check its performance. If the flame does not deviate to the side, then the ventilation system needs to be reviewed.

Making holes for ventilation

If you have already completed the inner and outer wall cladding, but you have not made ventilation holes, then you need to start work immediately. First, markings are made on the inner lining. At this stage, it is important to know where the recesses will be placed, what are their parameters and dimensions. The supply openings should be located behind the stove, 30 cm from the floor. An exhaust channel is made on the opposite side under the ceiling.

At this stage, you need to prepare metal gratingsand air ducts. This will allow you to control the dimensions of the vent and not do unnecessary work. Ventilation in the dressing room can be natural. If you decide to act according to the described scheme, the next step is to prepare a long wood drill. At the central point of the vent, a through hole should be drilled from the inside of the room. The exit of the drill from the outside will be the center of the air. Around should depict the dimensions of the hole. In the marked boundaries, the skin is removed. If the building is sheathed with clapboard, it will only be necessary to dismantle the slats. If steel sheets were used outside, you will need a grinder.

When the skin parts are damaged, they should be repaired. It is necessary to make through holes along the ventilation contour, which will be located as close to each other as possible. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the drill is located perpendicular to the surface. The same recesses are drilled over the entire area of the duct. The more of them, the easier it will be to make a hole in the wall.

When making ventilation in the dressing room, the next step is to remove the jumpers between the holes with a chisel or chisel. It will not work to make a through hole on one side of the wall, because it is quite problematic to get to the tool used. Part of the work is to be done from the inside of the dressing room, and the other from the outside. It is not worth leveling the base of the recesses too carefully, it is important that the air duct can fit into the channel. It will take a lot of time to prepare such holes. Even if a specialist works, he manages to do only two puffs a day. Furtheryou can start installing the duct and grille.

Working on the duct

Galvanized metal or plastic pipes are suitable for this. The length can be determined by considering the length of the passage. The grate must be selected taking into account the size of the hole. To adjust the ventilation efficiency, there must be a damper on the grate.

When making ventilation in the dressing room, the next step is to isolate the planes of the recesses with mineral wool, laying it in one layer. An air duct is installed on the prepared place. For reliable fastening of the pipe, construction foam should be used. As soon as it hardens, its excess is cut off.

If there is insulation between the skin and the wall, the gap is treated with foam. This will seal the slots and prevent liquid from penetrating the wood. A grid is installed on top. The method of fixing it will depend on what material the walls are made of. You can use self-tapping screws, silicone sealant or other fasteners. Ventilation in the dressing room can be supplemented with a valve. It is attached in the same way as the grille.

In conclusion

If you properly organize the air exchange in the dressing room, you can extend the life of the finishing materials and provide comfortable conditions for the stay of visitors. Only in this case, rest in the bath can bring real pleasure, and the room will be comfortable and easy to breathe.
