How to install a wall hung toilet: execution technique, necessary materials and tools, step-by-step work instructions and expert advice

How to install a wall hung toilet: execution technique, necessary materials and tools, step-by-step work instructions and expert advice
How to install a wall hung toilet: execution technique, necessary materials and tools, step-by-step work instructions and expert advice

Anyone can independently install a toilet in their apartment, but only if it is a standard floor product. When installation installation is required, most homeowners turn to specialists, but even such work is quite within the power of a novice master.

How to install a hanging toilet without anyone's help, we told in our article.

Features of hanging toilets, their varieties

Modern hanging products are of several types. They can be presented as a regular hanging bowl, as a product with a block or frame type installation.

Depending on which variety you have chosen, the complexity of the upcoming work on its installation will depend. Installation instructions for a wall-hung toilet are usually attached to the design itself, but even after reading it, novice masters still have many questions. Consider the features of each system.

So, the most difficult installation processto the owners of suspended structures without installation. This is due to the fact that in order to securely fix the product in the wall, it is necessary to make a strong support yourself.

installation height of the wall-mounted toilet
installation height of the wall-mounted toilet

The second place in terms of installation complexity is occupied by products with a block installation. Such systems are fixed only to the main wall, so the place for their installation should be chosen very carefully. For the installation of block varieties, a niche is made in advance in which a drain tank is fixed on the fittings.

Installation of the toilet bowl will be greatly facilitated if frame structures are used. Such systems consist of a tank and pipes, which are fixed in a steel frame. Similar products can be installed away from the main walls, but they cost much more than the previous types.

Choosing a toilet

When choosing a system with a wall hung toilet, give preference to products from well-known companies. This is especially true for those varieties that are sewn into the wall. All components must be of high quality, since it will be quite difficult to provide quick access to a failed element. Products of well-known companies are usually more expensive, but their price tag is offset by the duration of operation.

installation of a block-type installation
installation of a block-type installation

When purchasing this or that system, pay attention to its complete set. In most cases, the steel frame is not included in the price of the wall hung toilet.

Pay attention to the wall-hung toilet installation kit. Check all small items: forthey should not show signs of corrosion, the packaging should be intact. Any system is completed with special fasteners and fittings for connecting pipes.

Materials and tools for work

When preparing a place for installing a hanging toilet with your own hands, make sure that you have all the necessary materials and tools available. During the work you will need:

  • perforator;
  • silicone sealant;
  • FUM tape;
  • roulette;
  • building level;
  • plumbing keys;
  • screwdrivers.

If the kit does not include sewer pipes, separately purchase an angle valve, a sewer outlet for drains (made of plastic), a flexible hose.

Please note that depending on the type of structure and its installation location, the list of required materials may vary. You can find out about the full set of additional materials when purchasing the system itself.

Preparing for work: choosing a location

When understanding the question of how to properly install a wall-mounted toilet, first of all determine the best place for its installation. If you are the owner of a standard-plan apartment, it would be wiser to install the system in place of a floor-mounted toilet.

Consider arranging a niche next to the water risers. In some cases, the pipes have to be moved apart, while the plumbing is completely changed to polypropylene.

wall hung toilet installation without installation
wall hung toilet installation without installation

If you decide to move the toilet, considerthe likelihood of arranging sewer pipes in a new niche. The diameter of the plastic elements of the drain is 110 cm.

Before installing a wall-mounted toilet away from risers, take into account the fact that the shorter the length of the sewer pipe, the easier it is to clean it in case of a blockage.

Simple wall-mounted toilet installation technology

If you decide not to spend money on a finished frame, the installation process will require more effort from you. The sequence of actions in such a situation is presented in the instructions on how to install a wall-mounted toilet without installation:

  1. Start with the installation of the drain coupling. If necessary, its height can be adjusted - add a pipe or cut it.
  2. Prepare formwork panels. You can use plain plywood or OSB boards.
  3. Using a tape measure, measure the distance between fasteners. Most often, this parameter is 20 cm.
  4. Assemble the formwork for the base. Bring a toilet bowl to it, check the markings.
  5. Cut the threaded rods to the desired length. To do this, add up the distance between the wall and the bowl, the thickness of the toilet in the fixation area, the thickness of the recess and the length of the free end of the rod. This will give you the size you need.
  6. Lock the toilet. Drill a hole in the wall, install a rod through it, put a washer on the product and tighten the nut (M20).

In the question of how to install a hanging toilet with your own hands, the correct concreting of the formwork plays an important role. Prepare the concrete mixture, add toher a little liquid soap (at the rate of 10 ml per 10 liters of concrete). Cover the metal rods with a film, this will protect them from moisture.

wall hung toilet installation without installation
wall hung toilet installation without installation

Pour the mixture into the formwork and pierce it into the corners of the structure. Leave the filled construction for 10-15 days. Then proceed to install the drain tank. Insert the PVC corrugation into the hole in the toilet, drain the water, and coat the pipe itself with silicone sealant.

After 48 hours, proceed with the installation of the bowl. Fix it on the rods and tighten the nuts. Connect a drain tank to the corrugation. This completes the installation.

How to install a wall hung toilet with installation: installation technology

In cases where a block installation is used, you first need to make markings on the walls. Draw a drain axis on the surface, the whole system will be tied to it.

Then, based on the design features of the frame, make a mark on the height of the system. Mark the points for installing the mounting studs. If the width of your installation is 60 cm, then set aside exactly 30 cm on both sides of the drawn axis.

how to install a wall hung toilet with installation
how to install a wall hung toilet with installation

At the marked points, drill holes, hammer dowels into them. After that, a drain tank is installed in place. Twist the water drain hole, check for rubber gaskets. When the system is assembled, connect the tank to the water pipe.

In the holes made earlier, screw the fixation pins that go intocomplete with installation. In this form, the structure remains until the final stage, when the wall is sewn up and tiled.

At the end of the process of finishing the bathroom, you can return to the question of how to install a hanging toilet. Put the bowl on the protruding sides of the pins. Connect the drain hole to the sewer pipe, fix the pipes with clamps. This completes the installation.

Installation of a toilet bowl with a frame system

Now let's pay attention to how to properly install a wall-mounted toilet with a frame-type installation. Installation of this design is facilitated due to the fact that the system provides retractable rods and studs for fixing the structure to the wall. Additionally, during the work, anchor bolts are used to ensure the immobility of the metal frame.

installation instructions for a wall hung toilet
installation instructions for a wall hung toilet

During the work, be sure to check the correct installation of the frame with a building level. Measurements should be made in all planes simultaneously.

Perform the installation of the system in the following sequence:

  1. Fix the frame to the floor. In total, you will have 4 fixation points: 2 on the wall and 2 in the floor.
  2. Attach the frame to the walls. It must be pulled to the base with bolts that are located along the edges of the frame (in its lower part).
  3. Now secure the top of the frame with brackets, anchors or self-tapping screws of sufficient length.
  4. After fixing, check the installation is secure. A properly installed frame should not wobble or flex under load.
  5. Connect tosewer and water pipe installations. In order for the system to function without repair for many years, use only high-quality materials. Give preference to pipes made of copper and polypropylene.
  6. Mount the sewer pipe at an angle of 45 degrees. To exclude the possibility of leakage, treat the junction of two pipes with plumbing sealant.

Before you install the wall-mounted toilet with installation, check the operation of the system. Open the water valve and carefully inspect all connections, make sure that there are no even the slightest leaks. Check if all elements of the tank work properly.

If everything is in order, continue with the installation of the system. Before sheathing the installation, install the small and large pipes. Prepare in advance the mounting studs, a square frame for the drain button. After installing all the listed elements in their places, proceed to the sheathing of the frame. For this purpose, it is better to use moisture-resistant varieties of drywall.

how to install a wall hung toilet with installation
how to install a wall hung toilet with installation

After finishing the walls in the room, you can proceed to the installation of the bowl itself. Pre-fit all nozzles to size. If any pipe sticks out too much, it will prevent the bowl from being installed tightly against the wall.

To prevent cracks from appearing between the tile and the toilet as a result of loads, install a rubber gasket in the place where the bowl is fixed. You can also use silicone sealant for this purpose.

Put onbowl onto the studs and tighten the bolts. Do this very carefully so as not to damage the product and not strip the thread. The final stage is the installation of a drain button.

How high should the bowl be?

If you are installing a bowl of this type for the first time, then you will probably be interested in the question of at what height to install a wall-hung toilet. This parameter is chosen depending on the place where the sewer pipe exits the wall and based on the data on the growth of all residents of the house.

The standard is to install the bowl at 40-45 centimeters from the floor, but this rule is not necessary, since the convenience for all family members is taken into account first of all.

at what height to install a wall hung toilet
at what height to install a wall hung toilet

If small children live in the house, it will be difficult for them to reach the high seat. In such situations, the toilet is raised no more than 5-10 centimeters above the floor. Adult family members can choose the location of the bowl based on their preferences and the functionality of the bathroom.

Determine the location of the installation should be very careful, since after tiling the walls it will be impossible to adjust the location of the toilet. But what if you've installed a wall-hung toilet high and the room is almost finished?

In this situation, there are two options for correcting the error: dismantling the back wall behind the toilet and adjusting the studs, or arranging the box.

do-it-yourself wall-mounted toilet connection
do-it-yourself wall-mounted toilet connection

If you don'tif you want to disassemble and assemble the structure again, arrange a kind of podium under the bowl, which will play the role of a step. This method will slightly worsen the aesthetics of the finish, but it will provide convenience when using the bathroom.

Advice from experts on assembly and installation installation

If you decide to do the installation of a hanging toilet with your own hands, be prepared for the fact that you may have some difficulties in the process of work. Learn in advance the advice of experienced plumbers to help you eliminate possible errors:

  1. If during the process of checking the system you find a leak between the toilet and the wall, check the tightness of all pipe joints. Recoat with silicone sealant if necessary.
  2. If the bowl is unstable, this indicates its weak fixation. Try tightening the nuts a little more. However, don't push too hard! At best, you will strip the threads, and at worst, cracks may appear on the ceramic.
  3. If a leak is detected from the drain tank, check the correct installation of the rubber gasket. To re-install it, you need to completely drain the ox, unscrew all fasteners. In some cases, it may be necessary to replace the sealing element due to the original marriage.
  4. To simplify future repairs, provide a technological hole under the drain, which will provide you with quick access to the functional units of the system.
  5. Be sure to equip the drain at an angle of 45 degrees. Otherwise, the water will stagnate in the bowl.
  6. Purchasingwall-hung toilet with installation, pay attention to the fact that the kit comes with instructions for its installation. The basic technology will tell you how to install a wall-mounted toilet from Roca, Vega, Grohe and other well-known brands, however, some manufacturers' instructions may vary slightly.

In order to save water, purchase an installation with a dual-mode drain system. Such products are equipped with two buttons: for full and partial emptying of the tank.

Summing up

The main rule for installing a wall hung toilet is that the correctness and tightness of the installation should be checked as often as possible. If any error is discovered after the repair is completed, you will have to spend a lot of time, money and effort to eliminate it. For the rest, just follow the instructions to understand how to install wall-hung toilets of all kinds. So you can save from 5000 to 8000 rubles on the services of specialists.