Small stove: technique, necessary materials and tools, instructions and expert advice

Small stove: technique, necessary materials and tools, instructions and expert advice
Small stove: technique, necessary materials and tools, instructions and expert advice

The technology of laying furnaces is not particularly difficult. Such structures are assembled simply according to special schemes called orders. However, even when laying a small stove, certain rules must be observed, of course, it is necessary. Otherwise, using such equipment in the future will not only be inconvenient, but also unsafe.

In what cases it is advisable to build

Many even not too big villages and settlements in our time are already gasified. And most often private houses are heated using boilers. However, regarding the supply of electricity, the situation, unfortunately, in suburban settlements, even those located close to the city, still leaves much to be desired.

Russian mini oven
Russian mini oven

If the voltage in the village or village is constantly jumping, you can, of course, equip the house with a gas system with natural circulation of the coolant. However, pipes in such communications are used very thick, which negatively affects the appearance of the premises. Sosome owners of private houses prefer to additionally install a small stove in them. Such heating equipment in the event of a power outage can provide short-term heat support in the building.

Of course, a stove can be a good solution, if you wish, to make living in the country more comfortable in the spring and summer. Connecting to gas pipelines in our time is a rather costly procedure. And the arrangement of such a heating system in a small country house may simply be inappropriate.

Of course, a small brick oven with your own hands can be assembled for a bath. Such equipment usually has a special design that allows you to lay stones in it. Such stoves are assembled in compliance with the same rules as ordinary ones, but according to special orders. They are called heaters.

Features of construction

Even the smallest brick ovens are best built, of course, on the foundation. Despite the compactness, the weight of such designs is usually still significant.

Of course, small stoves, like ordinary ones, are not only convenient to use, but, unfortunately, also fire hazardous. The location for the installation of such furnaces must therefore be chosen correctly. This is especially true for wooden - panel, block and log houses.

In compliance with fire safety regulations, it is also necessary to carry out the chimney of a small stove through the ceiling and roof slopes. In any case, the building structures should not come into contact with the pipe.

Where to put

The place for building a small brick oven in a country house is chosen depending on the purpose for which such equipment is being built. Kamenki, for example, usually try to install in the center of the baths. At the same time, the stove itself, in most cases, is located in the steam room, and its firebox is taken out to the locker room.

Do-it-yourself oven
Do-it-yourself oven

A small heating stove is best placed in the house near the partition separating the living room and the nursery or bedroom. This will allow the most rational distribution of heat throughout the house. Thus, for example, you can place a small Russian stove in the building.

Models with a hob, including small ones, are, of course, usually located in the kitchen.

What materials will be needed to build the foundation

The base of the furnace must be, firstly, reliable and durable, and secondly, fireproof. The foundations of the furnaces are usually poured from concrete. To build such a foundation, you will need to prepare:

  • cement grade not lower than M400;
  • river or coarse quarry sand;
  • rubble.

For the waterproofing of the furnace, you will also need roofing material. The frame for reinforcing the foundation is usually made from a rod of 8-10 mm using a knitting wire.

Which brick to choose

The firebox of a small stove, of course, should be laid out primarily from heat-resistant material. Firewood has a rather high combustion temperature. Furnaces are laid out in most cases from fireclay bricks. Exactly the samethe material is usually used for the construction of the lower part of the chimney. After all, the gases formed during the combustion of firewood and coal also have a rather high temperature. The upper part of the chimney of mini-ovens, as well as large ones, can be laid out from ordinary solid bricks.

How to lay out a mini oven
How to lay out a mini oven

Masonry mortar: materials

The firebox of a small stove is best assembled using a clay mixture. Cement mortars tolerate high temperatures, unfortunately, not too well. Clay mortar for laying the oven can be prepared independently or bought ready-made in the store.

In addition to clay, to prepare the masonry mixture for the oven, you will also need sand. To make the solution as high quality as possible, table s alt is also usually added to it.

Chimney materials

Sometimes small stoves for summer cottages are supplemented not with brick, but with metal chimneys. The disadvantage of such pipes is, first of all, that they form a lot of condensate and, as a result, soot. To save yourself from the need for constant cleaning, instead of a simple metal mini-oven, you can add a sandwich chimney. Such structures consist immediately of two pipes of different diameters with a heater laid between them. Sandwich chimneys are more expensive than usual, but it is much more convenient to operate the stove when using them.

What else you need

Of course, for laying the stove, you will need to prepare a cast-iron grate-grate and doors for the furnace and blower. These elements can still bepurchase from some specialized stores. Sometimes on the farm there are even similar products left over from the once dismantled stoves of old houses.

If it is not possible to purchase cast-iron additional elements or, for example, the doors found are large or small for the furnace, you can make such an element with your own hands from thick heat-resistant glass. This version of additional elements for heating equipment is also sold in specialized stores.

What tools will need to be prepared

For laying a small stove, you will need to prepare, among other things:

  • buckets and trough;
  • shovels and bayonet;
  • metal mesh;
  • trowel;
  • hammer.

The mesh will be needed to sift the sand. Passing it through it before kneading both clay and cement mortars is a must. Otherwise, laying in the future will not be very convenient.

Furnace in the house
Furnace in the house

To align the rows and corners during the construction of the furnace, you will also need a plumb line and a mooring cord. You will need a master who decides to lay out a mini-oven with his own hands, and a ruler with a building level.

How to pour the foundation

The bases of small stoves for summer cottages, baths or residential buildings are poured using conventional technology. Such heating equipment is usually placed on slab foundations. The technology for pouring such bases is as follows:

  • in the place chosen for the installation of the ovena pit is dug about 70 cm deep;
  • a layer of crushed stone 15 cm thick is poured on the bottom of the pit and compacted;
  • sand is poured over the rubble into the pit and also compacted with water from a hose;
  • formwork from boards is installed;
  • mounted frame connected from reinforcing bar 10 mm;
  • concrete is being poured.

About a couple of days after laying the cement mortar, the formwork is removed from the foundation. The laying of the furnace on it is started only after the concrete has gained sufficient strength - that is, not earlier than after 2 weeks.

Small do-it-yourself oven: how to make clay mortar

Concrete mixture for laying the top of the chimney is prepared in the usual way. That is, pure fine sand is mixed with cement in a ratio of 3/1 and a little slaked lime is added to the solution as a plasticizer.

Clay mortar is prepared using approximately the same technology. Sand in this case is also best suited fine. Clay before preparing the mixture is soaked for several hours (or better for 3-7 days). Then sand is added to it until a plastic, sufficiently thick solution is obtained. At the final stage, a little s alt is added to the mixture (about 1 kg per large trough).

The proportions of clay and sand in the mixture may be different. In this case, it all depends on the characteristics of the material used. The fatter the clay used to prepare the solution, the more sand will have to be added.

Knead the material for laying bricks from a small Russian stove with their own hands in this case as follows:

  • a small portion of sand is added to the trough with soaked clay;
  • put on rubber boots and begin to stomp in the trough until a homogeneous mass is obtained;
  • add more sand to the clay and repeat the kneading operation.

You can check the readiness of the solution by simply prying it with a shovel. A quality mixture from the blade will slide very slowly. You can check the readiness of the solution in another way:

  • apply it on the brick with a layer of 3-4 mm;
  • lay the second brick on top;
  • press the top brick to the bottom and wait 5 minutes

After this time, you need to grab the top brick with your hand and lift it up. If the second stone does not come off from it and also rises into the air, then the solution turned out to be suitable for laying the furnace.

First stage

After the foundation has matured, it is waterproofed with two layers of roofing material. On top of this material, the first row of the furnace is laid all over. This is necessary so that high temperatures during the operation of the equipment do not have a negative effect on the base in the future. Next, they begin laying a small stove for the house, according to the chosen order.

Sometimes furnaces are assembled without foundations. In this case, a waterproofing material is preliminarily placed on the ground in the selected place. Next, a layer of sand is poured on top and tamped down. Then spreadthe first row of the oven is continuous. With the use of such technology, of course, it is possible to lay out a rather convenient and durable design. However, it is still recommended to assemble using this technique only very small stoves.

Masonry rules

When assembling the oven, the following rules must be observed:

  • the mortar is lined in such a way that it fills the entire space between the bricks in the masonry, so that later it does not penetrate into the premises of the house;
  • seams are made as thin as possible (for fireclay bricks - 3 mm, ceramic - 5 mm);
  • it is impossible to move incorrectly laid bricks when laying the furnace (the element, if necessary, is rearranged again, having cleared the mortar);
  • dressing the seams is done by half a brick.

The trowel in the construction of small brick ovens is usually used for laying only the first row. The solution for all subsequent rubbed by hand. This allows you to fill the seams with the highest quality.

Assembling a mini oven
Assembling a mini oven

Masonry example

Next, we will consider step by step how to lay out a small oven 238 cm high, 51 cm wide, 89 cm long. The optimal heating area for such equipment is 20-35 m. The main elements of such a furnace are:

  • firebox;
  • blower;
  • smoke channels leading into the chimney.

The order of such an oven is shown below.

Masonry in this case will beconducted in this order:

  • 1 and 2 row - bricks are laid in a solid pattern.
  • 3 - assemble the blower chamber with the door installed on the wire.
  • 4 - continue to collect the blower and strengthen its door. Also at this stage, lay out a ledge for the lattice.
  • 5 - put the grate without fastening, leaving gaps of 5-7 mm around it.
  • 6 - install the firebox door and secure it with wire.
  • 7-11 - put the firebox and finally fix the door. At the end of the laying of the 11th row, a metal strip is mounted and a hob is laid on it.
  • 12-15 - build the walls of the cooking chamber and lay out the chimney from the firebox. A sheet of flat slate is placed on the 15th row.
  • 16 - cover the vault of the cooking chamber with solid masonry.
  • 17 - install chimney cleaning doors.
  • 18 - secure the doors.
  • 19-22 - use the selected scheme.
  • 23 - put the oven niche.
  • 24 - put the oven.
  • 24-27 - build brickwork around the oven.
  • 28 - install the second cleaning door.
  • 29 - mount the valve.
  • 30 - laying in order.
  • 31 - install the second valve
  • 32 - complete laying.

At the final stage during the construction of such a furnace, a metal chimney is usually mountedand bring it to the roof, passing through the ceiling and slope in sleeves insulated with mineral wool.

Ordering a small oven
Ordering a small oven

How to pass a pipe through ceilings

To install the stove in the house, of course, it is necessary in such a way that its chimney is subsequently located between the floor beams. A sleeve for pipe output through the ceiling can be made independently by bending, for example, a thin tin in the form of a box without a bottom and a cover.

As a heat insulator for a chimney, mineral wool is usually used. This material is able to withstand simply huge temperatures. Cotton wool is inserted into the sleeve, after which the latter is attached to the ceiling structures in the hole cut under the chimney. In approximately the same way, the pipe is also led out through the roof slope.

What you need to know

It is, of course, by no means possible to melt a newly laid oven. This will cause the seams to crack. As a result, in the future, the stove will begin to smoke. Before the first furnace, you must definitely wait at least two weeks.

Finishing the mini oven
Finishing the mini oven

When laying a small brick oven for a summer residence, a house or a bath, they also perform jointing. This allows you to apply the plaster mortar in the future with a better quality. To prevent such a finish from crumbling during operation, a metal mesh is pre-mounted on the furnace walls.
