Lighting plan: rules, regulations, symbols

Lighting plan: rules, regulations, symbols
Lighting plan: rules, regulations, symbols

The yard of every high-rise building in the city requires good lighting. It should not be dark in settlements, large and small, of course, and streets, avenues and squares. A lighting plan for any object in the city should, of course, be drawn up with strict observance of various kinds of standards. In Russia, the conduct of such work is mainly regulated by three documents: GOST, SNiP and PUE.

Plan for building

Engaged in the design of lighting for multi-storey buildings in Russia, of course, qualified specialists. These may be engineers from the same company that is erecting the building, or invited workers from another licensed firm.

City lighting
City lighting

In any case, experts usually draw up a home lighting plan in stages:

  • studying a design project based on floor sketches and house drawings;
  • calculate possible loads on the power grid;
  • think over cable routing;
  • select the equipment necessary for the safe and uninterrupted operation of the network.

At the final stage, engineersusually choose the location of the shields or design a centralized control system.

Calculation of loads

This indicator, when drawing up a plan for the lighting network of a building, is determined by the demand factor method. In this case, the following formula is used:

Pp=nPKcα, Qp=Pptgϕ

Here n is the number of lamps used, P is the power of the lamps selected for lighting, K is the coefficient. load demand, a is the loss factor in ballasts, tgφ is the reactive power factor of the lamps. The last indicator for incandescent bulbs is 0, for DRL - 0.33.

High-rise building lighting
High-rise building lighting

Cable rules

In multi-storey residential buildings, wiring is now being pulled, of course, almost always in a hidden way. That is, power cables are laid for lighting fixtures inside walls and ceilings. To do this, at the stage of construction work, special channels are laid on the surface of the enclosing structures, called strobes.

Apartment lighting
Apartment lighting

According to the rules of the PUE, in the thickness of concrete and brick walls, if plaster is subsequently used for their finishing, cables can be pulled directly - without additional protection. But in our time, wires in strobes are usually laid all the same in special fireproof tubes called corrugations. This method of installation allows you to subsequently change the cable that has become unusable without removing the fine finish of the wall and plaster.

Sometimes there are wires in the walls during constructioninstallers pull high-rise buildings without corrugations. However, this laying method may only be used when the subsequent layer of finishing plaster will be at least 1 cm.

Equipment Selection Rules

Lamps for lighting multi-storey buildings can be used as fluorescent, incandescent or LED. At the same time, such equipment should be selected correctly, first of all, in terms of power. According to the regulations, the illumination of entrances in residential buildings should be at least 10 lux when using fluorescent and LED equipment and 5 lux when using incandescent bulbs.

Also, according to the rules of the PUE, the power supply for lighting basements is supposed to be reduced to 42 V, since there is always a lot of moisture here.

Illuminated avenues
Illuminated avenues

Courtyard lighting

When equipping the local area of a high-rise building, installers must, among other things, adhere to the following rules:

  • at the exit from each entrance it is supposed to install a lamp with a power of at least 6 Lx;
  • paths in the yard should be illuminated by at least 4 Lux;
  • for outbuildings, this provides for 2 Lux.

City lighting design

Streets and squares of various kinds of settlements should, of course, also be improved in terms of lighting in accordance with all the rules. Designing the power grids of cities is actually a very difficult task. Illuminate in settlements, in addition to roads and squares:

  • parks and squares;
  • windowsstores;
  • architectural monuments;
  • building facades, etc.

Actually, the city lighting plan itself is also drawn up in several stages. Engineers:

  • calculate the necessary equipment parameters;
  • thinking up a plan for laying cables and wires, taking into account the safety requirements for the population;
  • create a design project so that after the installation of equipment, the city streets look aesthetically pleasing;
  • determine which architectural objects will be illuminated.


When designing, specialists, among other things, mark all objects and equipment on the street lighting plan. Symbols in such drawings may be used differently. Unified icons in modern documents, for example, for lampposts, lamps, etc., unfortunately, are not provided. The lighting scheme may look, for example, as follows.

Street lighting scheme
Street lighting scheme


City lighting lamps are selected based on the following requirements:

  • horizontal illumination of children's and sports grounds on the territory of the microdistrict should be at least 10 Lx;
  • traffic and pedestrian tunnels can only be lit with gas discharge lamps;
  • lighting of streets of categories A and B with a traffic intensity of more than 2000 units per hour, as well as heavily dusty roads, is supposed to be done using 1P53.

If, according to the standards, the street must be illuminated by at least 4 lux, it is supposed tochoose lamps with an optical system that would provide a wide or at least half-wide light distribution. It can be both console LED lamps, and gas-discharge or with incandescent lamps. The main thing is that such equipment should provide illumination of a large area.

For alleys, walkways, entrances to parks, stadiums, gardens, etc., it is recommended to use equipment with predominantly direct or diffused light.

Light placement rules

Lamps on the streets when illuminating the city are arranged taking into account the following requirements:

  • on streets with tram and trolleybus traffic, lamps are placed on the supports of the contact network;
  • on the streets with the public overhead power grid on the pillars of this network.

Console lamps, according to regulations, in cities are installed at an angle of 15 degrees.

Console lamp
Console lamp

When drafting street lighting, engineers take into account, for example, the fact that, according to the regulations, supports for lamps are supposed to be installed at least 0.6 m from curbstones. On roads without tram, heavy-duty and trolleybus traffic, this distance can be halved. At intersections and junctions of streets, poles should be placed closer than 1.5 m before the curvature of the sidewalks. On alleys and sidewalks, supports are supposed to be placed outside the pedestrian zone.

Among other things, when arranging streets, according to the rules of the PUE, it is necessary to ground street lighting poles. This isprotect people walking on sidewalks or driving on highways in cars from electric shock.

There are many other rules for the selection and installation of lighting equipment for settlements. In any case, cities, towns, etc., should be illuminated in such a way that the people living in them are provided with maximum comfort.

Design for a country house

Lighting plans for multi-storey residential buildings, streets and squares are thus made up exclusively by licensed professionals. For a country house, such a project, of course, can be developed independently. Such strict requirements as for urban buildings, in this case, of course, are not provided. However, it is still necessary to develop a project for lighting a country house in compliance with certain rules.

Entering wiring into a private low-rise residential building, according to the regulations, can be carried out both by cable line and overhead. Inside the walls of panel houses, wires are pulled in plastic fireproof corrugations. In the same way, cables are pulled in strobes of brick and concrete building envelopes in low-rise residential buildings. In wooden houses, wiring is laid in special fire-resistant decorative boxes over the plane of the walls.

Courtyard lighting
Courtyard lighting

Of course, some rules should be observed when lighting the courtyards of country houses. Moving around at night in the local area should be first of all safe. It is believed that in a suburban low-rise building it is necessary to illuminate:

  • porch;
  • path from the gate to the door.

A very good solution would be to illuminate the courtyard of a country house and the main garden paths, as well as the entrances to the summer kitchen, a bathhouse and various outbuildings. It is also worth putting lights near the pool. Otherwise, someone may fall into it at night. It is believed that it is best to use LED spotlights in country houses for the street. In this way, you can save a lot of money on electricity.
