In order for comfort and coziness to constantly reign in your apartment, it is necessary to maintain cleanliness in it regularly. This applies not only to living rooms. Any home plumbing, and especially the toilet, needs quality care. Over time, a specific plaque and stone-like formations appear on its walls, which are not so easy to remove. It affects not only aesthetics, but also contributes to the spread of an unpleasant odor, and also creates ideal conditions for the reproduction of pathogenic microflora. That is why many people are wondering how to remove a stone in the toilet with their own hands. This can be done not only using purchased household chemicals, but also using folk methods. Let's look at the most effective ones.
General information

There are many ways to remove stones from the toilet. However, before talking aboutthem, let's first understand the reasons for the formation of plaque. The main one is the untimely flushing of urine. This problem is well known to families with small children. If no measures are taken, then gradually the plaque will become more and more and begin to harden, as a result of which it will be very problematic to get rid of it.
Another common reason is untimely or improper cleaning of plumbing. Some people treat the toilet bowl with boiling water, which causes microscopic cracks to form on the surface, from which it is impossible to remove the stone. And the last key factor is too high water hardness. Fortunately, all these problems are easily solved. Next, we will take a closer look at how to remove stones in the toilet and what to do so that they do not appear on the plumbing.
General tips and tricks
No matter what method you use to deal with the plaque, there are some rules that must be followed in order for everything to be done well. Here are the main ones:
- Use rubber gloves when handling household chemicals. If aggressive substances come into contact with the skin, they can cause severe irritation. Also, some products have a pungent odor, so it is better to wear a protective mask.
- Before cleaning, you must completely drain the water from the tank.
- After applying the cleaning compound, do not immediately rinse it off. Leave the plumbing for 2 hours so that the product penetrates as deeply as possible into the plaque structure.
- Liquid chemistry must be applied at least twice.
WhenFollowing these recommendations, you can get rid of plaque with a regular brush. However, if it is outdated, then the expected result may not be achieved. How to remove the limestone in the toilet in this case? You can find out more about this below. This article will describe the most common methods.
Household chemicals

Let's take a closer look at this aspect. Many people are wondering how to remove a stone in the toilet with their own hands. The easiest and fastest way to do this is with the help of special chemicals. They are sold in convenient vials that allow you to treat the surface even in hard-to-reach places. Among the most popular are the following:
- "Sanoks ultra" - gel, which contains oxalic and aminosulfonic acid. It is odorless, penetrates deep into plaque and does not damage plumbing.
- Domestos is a highly concentrated gel based on hydrochloric acid. When interacting with water, the color of the substance changes. If you apply it on a contaminated surface and leave it for a while, then the plaque can be removed with an ordinary brush.
- Comet 7 is one of the most powerful chemicals that effectively cope with even the most difficult pollution. The main component is sulfuric acid, which prevents the formation of new stones over a long period of time.
- "Toilet Duck" is a good alternative to the Comet, which has a similarcomposition, but at a lower cost. It has a pleasant smell that does not irritate the nasal mucosa.
- Cillit is another modern tool with which you can quickly remove urinary stone in the toilet bowl at home. The active ingredient is hydrochloric acid, contained in a consistency that is safe for humans.
It is worth noting that before using any household chemicals, you need to carefully study the instructions, paying special attention to safety rules.
Folk methods

What are they and what is their speci alty? Industrial chemistry for the care of plumbing is quite expensive. Therefore, each person is interested in how to remove a stone in the toilet with folk remedies. There are quite a few good ways, based on the following tools at hand:
- vinegar;
- citric acid;
- carbonated drinks;
- baking soda;
- phosphoric acid.
Each of the methods has certain features that should be considered when cleaning plumbing. So that you can do everything right, let's take a closer look at how to remove a stone in the toilet with folk methods using improvised means.
Using Vinegar
So what do you need to know about this? This product is widely used in canning and cooking, so every home has it. To combat plaque, you will need 9 percent vinegar. Instructions for usenext:
- Heat the vinegar and add some table s alt to it.
- Pour into the toilet and leave for several hours, and best of all until the morning.
- Use the brush to scrub away buildup until the walls of the drain are perfectly clean.
It should be noted that this method may not be effective with outdated plaque. In case of severe contamination, the procedure will have to be repeated several times. If the desired result is not achieved, then try using one of the methods discussed below.
Using citric acid
Don't know how to remove the stone from the toilet? A strong effect can be obtained with the help of an ordinary lemon. What is its peculiarity? It contributes to the splitting of limescale and ensures its easy removal from the surface of plumbing. However, to achieve the maximum result, the procedure will have to be done at least 3-4 times. The bottom line is this:
- Pour 2 sachets of citric acid down the drain hole.
- Please wait 2 hours.
- Clean up plaque with a brush.
This method is easier than using vinegar, but just as effective.
Using baking soda
Sodium bicarbonate has long been known for its whitening properties, but is there any way to remove stones in the toilet bowl at home? Yes, there is one way that will allow you to return the snow-white shine to plumbing equipment. Follow the instructions below:
- Sprinkle heavily on soiled areassurface.
- Leave the toilet until morning.
- Remove the baking soda along with the plaque with a brush.
This method does an excellent job even with old dirt that has petrified. The main thing is to let the soda sit on the dirt as much as possible so that it softens it well.
Using carbonated drinks

No matter how strange it may sound, you can clean plumbing with sweet water, which we often buy in stores. But there is one important nuance: any will not work. It is best to use the well-known Coca Cola or Sprite. The procedure is as follows:
- Pour the soda down the drain overnight.
- In the morning, use a brush to remove plaque.
Don't know how to remove the stone from the toilet? The strong method has been described above. You will be surprised how easy it is for dirt to peel off the walls of your plumbing in the morning. According to experts, Coca Cola corrodes not only plaque, but also many other items. If you put a piece of meat or even a tooth into it, then after a while they will completely dissolve. Therefore, you need to seriously think about whether to use it.
Methods of dealing with chronic pollution

How to remove stones in the toilet if they are petrified and are not removed by any of the above methods? In this case, phosphoric acid or electrolyte can help to cope with the problem. When using the first, the procedure will benext:
- Pour 150 milliliters of the substance into the reservoir and drain hole for 10-15 minutes.
- Drain the water and carefully go over the surface with a brush or cloth.
Electrolyte also effectively removes mineral deposits from plumbing fixtures. However, this substance is very dangerous for human he alth, so it is necessary to work with it with rubber gloves. But if you have plastic pipes installed, then you cannot use it, as it will damage communications.
How to properly care for plumbing
Let's take a closer look at this. Above, we examined in detail how to remove a stone in the toilet. But it is much easier to prevent a problem than to fix it later. If you properly care for plumbing, it will always remain clean. The following tips and tricks will help you with this:
- If you have a porcelain toilet, then you need to clean it exclusively with gels or liquid products. Abrasives can damage the surface, causing it to become dirty much faster.
- Porcelain sanitary ware is forbidden to be poured with boiling water and rubbed with hard brushes. This can lead to the formation of microcracks, which will complicate maintenance. To get rid of the stone, it is better to use household chemicals based on hydrochloric acid.
- In the case of polymer toilets, the best option is gels and liquid formulations.
- For appliances made of stainless steel, any of the tools and methods discussed in this article will work.
By adhering to these simple rules, you can extend the life of your toilet and keep it looking like new for a long period of time.
Prevention measures

This aspect should be given special attention. There are a few simple steps that will help prevent the formation of limescale on plumbing. Here are some of them:
- Check the cistern is working properly. If it passes water, then this may be the reason for the formation of stones. If necessary, replace worn or failed elements, and also adjust the pressure.
- Use mounted toilet bowl cleaners. Each time you flush, they will clean the surface of the drain, which will prevent plaque from settling.
- After visiting the toilet, it will be useful to walk after yourself with a brush. This way you can remove small dirt without using purchased products.
- Do not flush food, waste oil and grease down the toilet. As practice shows, this is precisely what is the most common cause of the formation of plaque on the walls of plumbing.
- In order to prevent, you can use special tablets for the tank. They not only prevent the formation of stone, but also disinfect and disinfect the surface, preventing the reproduction of pathogenic microflora.
In addition, once a week you need to carry out a scheduled cleaning in the toilet using chemicals designed to care forplumbing.

So now you know how to remove stones from the toilet. All the methods considered have good efficiency and will give plumbing a proper appearance. However, if the alkaline plaque has had time to petrify, then it may not be so easy to deal with it. Therefore, it is better not to bring it to this, but to clean the equipment in a timely manner. This is also important because pollution not only affects aesthetics, but also creates favorable conditions for the reproduction of harmful microorganisms.