Soldering can only be successful if the master followed all the requirements and recommendations. For work, it is imperative to prepare a high-quality flux, which is most often represented by ordinary rosin. But this material is not always at hand. Because of this, every owner should know how to tin wire without rosin at home.

If a beginner wants to understand what it means to "tin a wire", then he needs to learn the basic characteristics. Tinning is the preliminary application of a thin layer of solder to the surface of two areas to be joined. This procedure is necessary if you need to improve electrical contact or improve soldering quality. Modern technology allows you to tin wire without the help of a soldering iron. To achieve the desired result, you need to prepare a small metal container in advance. It is best to use a carbonated drink lid. Several small pieces of tin-lead should be placed in the container.solder.
The insulation must be removed from the ends of the wires. The container with solder is heated until it is completely melted. For these purposes, you can use a candle, an electric stove. The bare end of the wire is immersed in the flux so that it covers the entire surface of the product as much as possible. All excess must be removed with a quick movement of the hand with a rag. A uniform layer of tin should remain on the wire. If the master needs to process a section of a flat part, then a little planed solder is poured onto its surface. The source of fire is brought from below the product. After melting, the solder is rubbed over the surface with a steel rod. Metal parts can be treated with soldering acid.
Auxiliary materials
If you prepare all the necessary tools in advance, then you can tin the wires with a soldering iron much faster and better:
- Braid to remove excess solder. This element consists of flux-treated thin copper wires.
- Comfortable stand. This item is designed to provide comfortable and safe operation. You can make a stand with your own hands from a thin metal sheet.
- Original fixtures with enlarged glass and clips. Fine detail work will be better.
- Pliers, clamps, tweezers. These elements make it easier to work with hot parts.

Basic Requirements
You can tin the wire only if you choose the right flux. Any modern solder is designedto remove oxide deposits on metal products, as well as to prevent oxidation. Rosin does an excellent job with all the tasks, but in some cases it is simply necessary to know how to properly tin the wires by other means. The selected material must necessarily meet a number of requirements:
- Maximum dissolution of oxides.
- Low melting point.
- Even distribution over the entire surface.
- Light density.
- Quick dissolution with a soldering iron.
- The flux should not crack outside the working area.
- No reaction with solder and metal parts.
- Easy removal when finished.
Amber, animal fat and resin
To tin wires from headphones and other products, you must first melt all three components. Of course, during operation a very unpleasant smell will come out, but the result is worth it. The mixture must be constantly stirred. The composition of the product is as close as possible to rosin, so this is an ideal option for replacing it.
If the master has to process iron parts, then the tree resin must be dissolved in food vinegar. Essence won't work. Ordinary amber can be used as a flux.

Batteries and aspirin
This option is considered the most affordable and reliable when you need to tin a copper wire. It will not be possible to replace rosin with flat effervescent tablets, so it is better to give preference to traditional aspirin. The drug must be ground to a powder state and dissolved in water or wine-vodka alcohol. The only negative is that the procedure should be carried out under a hood or in a well-ventilated area. Otherwise, the master may inhale harmful fumes. Electrolyte from used batteries can also be used to achieve the desired result.

Universal acids
To tin wire without rosin, you can use any alkaline agent. In order to avoid unwanted oxidation of the metal, you need to carefully clean it and the solder itself, and then cover them with stearin. In this case, an ordinary candle is ideal. Before use, the stearin must be melted without overheating. The protective layer will definitely exclude the possibility of contact with air. Soldering is carried out under the stearin layer.
Unusual options
If there is no traditional rosin on hand, then you can use a universal tool for rubbing bows. Savvy craftsmen who have flux and solder available prefer to soak the product in pure alcohol. The component must completely dissolve. Reviews have shown that it is with this extract that rosin can be successfully replaced. The alcohol will gradually evaporate, and the wire processing itself will meet all requirements.

Electric soldering iron
In order to tin the wire with high quality, you need to adhere to the following recommendations:
- Preparationsoldering iron. To sharpen the sting, you must use sandpaper. The master should get a perfectly smooth and shiny surface of the product. The red-hot tip is placed in flux and solder. The tip is applied to a small wooden board. Manipulations are repeated exactly until the product acquires the desired look.
- Wire processing. They must be cleaned of braid (at a distance of 1.5-2 cm from the edge) and covered with prepared flux. A soldering iron tip is placed on top. Only after melting the wire can be removed.
- Final works. The tip of the tool is treated with solder, the required area is heated to the optimum temperature. After covering the wires with tin, you need to avoid unnecessary movements. You can turn on the fan to speed up the cooling.

Stranded wires
Many beginners may encounter certain problems while working with a soldering iron. Most often, difficulties are associated with the processing of stranded wires. A reliable and durable connection is made as follows:
- wires are carefully peeled off the insulating layer;
- Bare strands should acquire a characteristic metallic sheen;
- all places of the intended connection are treated with solder;
- parts are fastened together by twisting;
- to clean the place of soldering, you can use sandpaper; there should be no burrs on the product that could compromise the strength of the fastening;
- compound covered with moltensolder;
- for reliability, the bonding point is wrapped with insulating tape.

Traditional soldering wires with flux has the following features:
- It is better to choose the agent that maximally dissolves and removes films from non-metallic materials that appear on the surface of products.
- The melting point of solder is higher than that of ordinary rosin. This condition must be taken into account to obtain the strongest possible adhesion.
- Flux must not come into contact with molten tin. Each tool always forms a separate coating, due to which the maximum fixation of parts is achieved.
- The flux should always be as even as possible on the surface so that there are no thickenings.
For complex and refractory materials, it is simply impossible to find a substitute for classic rosin. In a different situation, in the absence of classical material, the master will need improvised tools with similar characteristics. But this approach is appropriate only at home, when you do not need to adhere to certain technologies. In the absence of rosin, you need to remember that the quality of soldering is reduced, because of which you need to be prepared for additional manipulations.