Device "Signal-20P SMD": instruction, description, characteristics

Device "Signal-20P SMD": instruction, description, characteristics
Device "Signal-20P SMD": instruction, description, characteristics

According to the instructions, "Signal-20P SMD" was developed and put into operation for operation in fire, alarm and security alarm systems. The control fire and security device can be equipped with 20 communication lines in the system. The composition includes all types of fire and security equipment to detect and inform about the occurrence of fires or violations of the protected perimeter.

General Description

In the description of the instruction "Signal-20P SMD" the device is listed as a device with control and reception functions in the security and fire system. It has technological capabilities to control up to 20 alarm areas. Receives information from alerts that have automatic, manual or active mode. It has control over sound and light technical means of detecting and generating a fire signal. Functioning in the RS-485 software shell, it receives commands and issues information to the network controller. Such control points, according to the instructions of "Signal-20P SMD", can becontrol panels of the S2000 modification or a personal computer with "Orion" type software installed on it.

system instruction
system instruction

The device broadcasts alerts "fire" and "malfunction" to the fire department console. The centralized monitoring console receives alarm notifications from this device. Interacts with Touch Memory electronic identifiers.

Intended use

According to the instructions of "Signal-20P SMD", the purpose of the control device is to subordinate to its functionality the processes of arming and disarming single alarm loops. The device can also perform these tasks with a group of loops, depending on the instructions of the network controller.

"Signal-20P SMD" monitors breaks and short circuits on lines to which signal annunciators are connected. The device provides connection of an alternative power supply to the auxiliary input. Passes the electronic ID cipher to the network controller for organized partition management. All the necessary information on the state of the partition is displayed on an external indicator built into the device (according to the instructions "Signal-20P SMD").

fire fighting device
fire fighting device

The operation of the device is defined as addressable and only in a joint group with the Orion security system.

The device "Signal-20P SMD" is designed to protect premises and structures from fires andunauthorized access. Such objects most often become various offices of enterprises and companies, retail buildings, banking institutions, warehouse space, residential buildings and similar covered building structures.

System operation conditions

The instruction manual for "Signal-20P SMD" recommends taking care of the device and puts forward a number of requirements for working with it.

The device should only be installed inside enclosed buildings with no heating. The power supply is specially reserved for uninterrupted operation, or there must be two of them - the main and the alternative. The required voltage varies from 10 to 28 V. It is recommended to use power supplies of the Rip model range from the Bolid company. It is strictly not recommended by the manufacturer to use the Signal-20P SMD device in dusty rooms, in explosive environments and in conditions where negative environmental factors can affect the device.

signal 20p smd instruction description
signal 20p smd instruction description

Proper performance is ensured by the device in conditions at an ambient temperature of -30 ℃ to +50 ℃, air humidity should not exceed 98% at +25 ℃. Vibration pressure should be in the range from 1 to 35 Hz. If the electromagnetic environment is not suitable, the quality of the performance functions is not guaranteed by the manufacturer.

Technical parameters of the device

According to the instructions, "Signal-20P SMD" can process informationvolume from 20 signal loops. Serves up to five switched circuits, the number of control circuit inputs is 26. This number includes 20 fire alarm loops, an electronic identifier circuit, two circuits of the RS-485 interface shell, monitored circuits of the outputs of two relays, and inputs for the electrical power supply of the device.

"Signal-20P SMD" has 7 outlets. They are defined as 3 relay outputs for switching with a voltage of 28 V and a current of up to 2 A, 2 control outputs for connecting fire detection and signaling equipment, two outputs that control an external indicator for scanning an electronic ID.

device device
device device

Informativeness of the system

The device notifies about events such as:

  • arming the loop trunks or failed attempt;
  • sensor triggering;
  • fire or prerequisites for its occurrence;
  • breaks in cables and circuits;
  • short circuits of own circuits;
  • violation of the integrity of the hull;
  • restoring the last and output circuits;
  • test run;
  • disarm loops;
  • reset device;
  • alarm reset;
  • breakdown and restoration of power sources;
  • break and restoration of technological signal loop;
  • silent alarm;
  • input area alarms;
  • restoration or violation of a loop disconnected from the security system;
  • tamper alarm.