Light and sound annunciator. Fire alarm system

Light and sound annunciator. Fire alarm system
Light and sound annunciator. Fire alarm system

The light and sound annunciator can become a convenient means of transmitting light and sound signals in case of emergencies in buildings of various types and purposes. Light and sound type annunciators provide timely signals about the beginning of an evacuation, remaining active throughout the day, functioning from a standard electrical network.

Application areas

light and sound siren 220v
light and sound siren 220v

Different models and modifications of light and sound annunciators are actively used to ensure security at industrial facilities, retail establishments, entertainment and public areas.

Each device must necessarily correspond to the features and purpose of the room in which it is installed. Usually, a suitable light and sound annunciator is selected based on the level of noise that exists in the room. The type of activity of the people who are in it is also taken into account.

Features of operation

Before installing the light and sound annunciator, it is necessary to determine the mode in whichit should work. This can be a general, simplified or special mode of operation. The latter option is most often used at security posts and in medical institutions, in control rooms, when the fire alarm system is under the control of specially trained personnel.

Fire alarm system
Fire alarm system

In standard mode, the sirens work in public, residential and rented premises. To ensure comprehensive security, several devices are mounted on opposite walls, connected to an alarm system and operate from a conventional power supply.


The light and sound annunciator (220V) can be connected to the security system either by soldering or by the standard, default, screw method. The input and output wires are connected by means of the siren's terminals by duplicating them.

light and sound annunciator
light and sound annunciator

The operation of the siren in standby mode involves installation, in which communication control is performed by connecting wires to the end element. Typically, such an element is a resistor with a diode. When installing sirens, external connection of diodes is unacceptable.

Types of annunciators

The fire alarm system can contain a number of light and sound annunciators of various models and modifications. Currently, the most common models are round and square notification devices.

If we talk about the possibilities of exploitation anddesign differences, then they distinguish here:

  • external type of sirens that provide security in open areas;
  • indoor sirens widely used for indoor use.

Regardless of the type, a device such as a light and sound annunciator can be installed at facilities with fire and security alarms, not only to give light and sound signals during the evacuation of people, but also, if it is necessary to give certain signals to personnel.

Standard and combination models

Despite the relatively limited functionality, which is dictated by the purpose of standard annunciators, at present there is a sufficient number of various modifications of devices for this purpose. Modified sirens are designed for use in the most innovative integrated security systems and modern fire alarms.

light and sound siren price
light and sound siren price

Among the main advantages that distinguish the light and sound combined siren, it is worth highlighting the modern design, the availability of conditions for installation both outside and inside the premises, as well as the ability to issue sound and light signals simultaneously. This, in turn, becomes extremely important for ensuring safety at sites with a high level of noise and smoke in the premises.

Sound and light annunciator: price

combined light and sound annunciator
combined light and sound annunciator

Cost of sound and lighthome-made annunciators belongs to the average price range. The price of the simplest models varies from 70 to 150 rubles. The cost of combined and modified devices can reach 350 rubles, which is fully consistent with their functionality.

Naturally, the same light and sound annunciator may differ in different prices depending on the pricing policy of a particular retail chain. However, for most consumers, the price of domestic and imported devices is still more than acceptable. Therefore, such security systems are available to the widest range of interested buyers.

Light and sound annunciator "Mayak"

If we talk about the most affordable for domestic consumers, popular models, then light and sound devices of the Mayak brand come out on top here. Today, such relatively inexpensive, really reliable, functional and durable systems are widely used in domestic industrial, commercial, entertainment, exhibition, and public facilities. If necessary, fire alarm systems in residential premises can be equipped with Mayak brand annunciators.

light and sound beacon
light and sound beacon

Mayak annunciators do an excellent job with their main task - notifying people of an emergency situation with the help of signals that can simultaneously affect a person's vision and hearing. With this task, the devices of the brand "Mayak" cope perfectly, which confirmspractice and numerous expert reviews.

In the event of an emergency, devices of this category light up with a bright pulsating light, which illuminates a special alarm or direction indicator. The light signal is accompanied by a loud, clearly audible sound siren in conditions of increased noise. Currently, such annunciators are in demand not only when it is necessary to ensure security at enterprises, but also among individuals.

However, giving preference to light and sound annunciators of the brand "Mayak", you need to understand that for their effective operation it is necessary to select the right type of device that corresponds to the features of the existing alarm system. It is also necessary to pre-calculate their sufficient number, starting from the conditions and features of the room. Therefore, the choice of annunciators should be approached wisely, preferably relying on the advice and opinions of experienced professionals.
