The most disgusting domestic insect: bedbugs, cockroaches, spiders, ants. Methods of control and prevention

The most disgusting domestic insect: bedbugs, cockroaches, spiders, ants. Methods of control and prevention
The most disgusting domestic insect: bedbugs, cockroaches, spiders, ants. Methods of control and prevention

There are a large number of insects that live in the apartment, and it will take a long time to list them. Bedbugs and cockroaches, wood lice, ants, fleas and many other parasites and pests get along well next to a person. You can try to classify them, for example, according to the degree of danger and harm to humans. Consider the most disgusting domestic insects, methods of dealing with them and preventive measures.

Name of domestic insects and their species

Insects living in the apartment can be divided into the following categories:

  • Parasites - bite a person, feeding on his blood. These include: mosquitoes, bedbugs, fleas and lice. They can live in the house both temporarily and permanently, breeding in such a dwelling.
  • Pests are arthropods that do not touch the person himself, but most actively harm food or various items in the apartment. As a result, they become unusable. These insects include:cockroaches, springtails, ants, wood lice, moths, whiteflies, termites, leather beetles and book lice.
  • Harmless - do not pose any danger to humans and do not harm the house. These are silverfish, small spiders, centipedes and flycatchers.

There is another group of insects that can fly in through a window, crawl into a living space, or "arrive" on clothes. Among them are mosquitoes, ticks, beetles, flies and many others.

Let's take a closer look at these apartment dwellers.


This domestic insect is known to all. It appears in the dwelling against the will of the owners. The most common species is the red cockroach, followed by the black cockroach. And finally, another species is the American cockroach. The latter, until recently, was a rare guest in our apartments, but, thanks to the development of international trade, such an insect first settled in warehouses and shops in large cities, and then penetrated into residential premises.

domestic insect
domestic insect

Such a wide distribution of this domestic pest is due to the peculiarities of its biology. Cockroaches can eat any food waste and other household items, such as shoe cream, glue, paper. In addition, they are able to not eat at all for quite a long time (up to 20 days). They reproduce very quickly, and an adult lives for 9-16 months.

In addition to causing harm to a variety of foods (contaminate or eat them), they can also carry various infectious diseases and the eggs of somehelminths.

Bed bugs

insects in the apartment
insects in the apartment

This is perhaps the most unpleasant domestic insect that harms humans with its bites. Although it has not been scientifically proven that such parasites are capable of infecting with some infectious diseases, many dangerous pathogens have been found in their bodies. Bedbugs can live in any corner of the dwelling, and they multiply at a breakneck pace. Both adults and larvae feed on human blood.

Domestic ants

It is very difficult to remove such pests from the apartment. There are two types of ants living in the kitchen - red brownies and thieving ants. It is very difficult to distinguish them from each other, but most often the first species can be found in a dwelling. These insects are capable of spoiling food and spreading various infections.

silverfish how to get rid of
silverfish how to get rid of

The difficulty of breeding them lies in the fact that ant colonies have a large number of nests that are combined with each other and can be located in garbage chutes, basements and even in different apartments. Therefore, it is inefficient to destroy only one nest, since if there is a single colony, the ants will return to the apartment again and again. To get rid of these pests, it is necessary for the residents of the house to work together. Only in this case the result will be visible, otherwise, only a temporary decrease in the number of such insects can be achieved.


centipede insect
centipede insect

Insects in the apartment are different and, perhaps,the most harmless inhabitant is the silverfish. She prefers darkness, moisture and warmth. Such an insect prefers to eat various organic matter found in dust, bread crumbs, and sugar on the table. Silverfish never breed in large numbers and catches the eye of a person most often in the evenings when he turns on the light. It is worth noting that she has great speed and quickly hides in an escape shelter.


why do spiders appear at home
why do spiders appear at home

These arthropods are not considered insects, and anything can be expected from their presence in the house, as they are neither pests nor parasites. Why do spiders appear at home? This happens for the following reasons:

  • High humidity. Spiders prefer to settle in rooms with high levels of moisture, as well as if there is little light.
  • Many insects. These arthropods like to equip their home in a place where insects are found in large numbers, which are their food. Particularly large individuals can even prey on small birds and rodents. Also, if there is a toilet with a lot of flies near the house, then spiders will definitely start up in this place.
  • Unsanitary conditions. Scattered things, irregular cleaning contribute to the appearance of various insects, which attracts spiders.
  • Severe dryness. Some arthropods prefer a lot of light and dry air. In order to prevent the reproduction of spiders, the atmosphere in the room must be humidified.


home nameinsects
home nameinsects

This insect has positive and negative sides. Its main advantage is that it feeds on other insects that live in the apartment - cockroaches, spiders, termites. But the appearance of a centipede can cause horror and disgust in a person. This insect does not cause much harm, but it should be remembered that at the moment of danger it can release poison when bitten. At the same time, the bite is very much like a mosquito - this place also turns red and itches. In this case, the affected area must be lubricated with peroxide or iodine. The centipede is an insect that can harm houseplants. After the insect tastes the flower, it dies.

Leather beetles

Such an insect is practically impossible to see with the naked eye, as adults reach 3.5 mm in length, and larvae - 2 mm. In nature, leather beetles usually settle in a place where there are a large number of organic remains of the vital activity of birds, animals and other insects. But at home, these insects feed on wardrobe items, book bindings and plain paper. Beetle larvae can be found in herbariums and cereals. They can even consume the remains of garbage in the dust and live for a very long time behind the baseboards, where they are completely invisible.

bedbugs and cockroaches
bedbugs and cockroaches

If kozheedy bugs are wound up at home, then it should be remembered that they not only harm food and household items. It has been found that such household pests are capable of infecting humans with helminths and some infectious diseases.diseases, so they must be destroyed in a timely manner.

Methods of protection

Domestic insects should be de alt with from the moment they are found indoors. For their destruction, specialized tools have been developed in various forms. These can be powders, sprays, gels, solutions, adhesive tapes, traps, as well as preparations that have a compressed or tablet form.

In addition, in order for household insects such as house ants, cockroaches or bed bloodsuckers to disappear forever, it is necessary to act simultaneously for all residents of an apartment building. If this rule is neglected, then the result will be only temporary or the number of insects will decrease slightly.

To eliminate domestic pests, they use such an effective tool as insecticides, but the best option is to use poisoned baits in a convenient form.

Fight against cockroaches and bedbugs

A domestic insect like a cockroach is destroyed with the help of insecticides produced in various forms: aerosols, gels, crayons, powders. This is considered a universal way to deal with them. The most effective method by which you can get rid of cockroaches is to call a pest control service. The only disadvantage of this method is the high cost of calling a brigade. Freezing these insects is a simple, environmentally friendly and effective method. But it also has drawbacks: residents of the northern and middle parts of our country can use it, and only in winter.

Methods of dealing with bedthere are a lot of bedbugs, but it is not possible to expel them from the apartment, like cockroaches, because they return very quickly and manage to infect neighboring rooms during their absence.

Basic ways to deal with bed bugs:

  • The use of insecticides, which in a short time can destroy all bedbugs in their habitat. It can be "Chlorophos", "Karbofos", "Combat", "Microphos", "Pyrethrum", "Tetrix".
  • Temperature methods are a way of freezing bedbugs, treating them with boiling water or heat, washing contaminated linen at high temperatures.
  • Mechanical methods of control - the destruction of the nests of these insects manually or with a vacuum cleaner.

How to get rid of ants and silverfish?

If insects, such as ants, are wound up in the apartment, then it is necessary to fight them with the help of poisons that act slowly. Boric acid is one such agent. This is the strongest poison to which the ant does not become addicted, and with its help all the ants in the nests and all the queens are destroyed. A week after using such a remedy, these insects can be poisoned with chemicals such as Combat, Dichlorvos, Ride, etc. The final stage involves preventive measures. For this, folk methods of struggle are used that repel ants - these are various decoctions of herbs and essential oils of plants that have an insecticidal effect.

If such an insect as silverfish has started up in the apartment, how to get rid of it? First of all, you need to check the bookshelves,built-in closets, basements and put duct tape traps there. This insect loves high humidity, so you need to ensure that the room is dry. The apartment should always be kept clean, paper should be stored in a special place, cereals and flour should be put in airtight containers.

After the silverfish disappear from the apartment, it is necessary to use preventive measures, which consist in combating high humidity and ensuring good air circulation in the apartment. Thus, the answer to the question became clear: If silverfish started up, how to get rid of it?

Fighting spiders and centipedes

Spiders usually appear in an apartment in small numbers, so it’s quite simple to get them out: for this, they are thrown out into the street with a broom or other object along with a cobweb.

The centipede prefers rooms with high humidity, therefore, in order to get rid of it, all causes of moisture accumulation in the apartment should be eliminated. Since it feeds on various insects, it is necessary to direct all your efforts to the elimination of other parasites. Deprived of food, the centipede will leave the room itself. If no methods bring results, various insecticides are used, such as Zifox, Delta-Zone, Dobrokhim. To avoid the appearance of this insect in the house, it is necessary to carry out general cleaning or cosmetic repairs at home.


Thus, any domestic insect that appears in an apartment gives a person a lot of trouble. Some can bite tenants, others spoilproducts and household items, as well as spread various infectious diseases. Still others, although they are harmless, are capable of terrifying a person with their appearance. There are many ways to deal with them, and preventive measures must be taken to prevent them from reappearing.