White insect in the bathroom. Silverfish, wood lice: causes and methods of control

White insect in the bathroom. Silverfish, wood lice: causes and methods of control
White insect in the bathroom. Silverfish, wood lice: causes and methods of control

When insects are found in the apartment, the only desire that arises is to get rid of them as quickly as possible and preferably forever. These uninvited guests can appear even in the cleanest apartment, but whatever the reason for their appearance, their presence is not pleasant.

There are creatures that live in the bathroom. Because the warm and humid environment and open water, characteristic of this room, are excellent incentives for the development of various parasites.

how to get rid of silverfish in the bathroom
how to get rid of silverfish in the bathroom


One such creature that prefers a humid climate is woodlice. You can see them if you suddenly look into a damp dark room, as they are nocturnal. White woodlice occur during molting. Usually this crustacean (which, by the way, many mistakenly consider an insect) has a gray or brown color.

If the room is damp and warm, then this white "insect" in the bathroom will settle quickly and for a long time. Convenient conditions for life and development are the main reason why uninvited guests choose this place in the apartment. Most often they settle in placesaccumulations of moisture: in pipes, and where moisture is concentrated or wet floor cloths and rugs are stored.

Many, seeing these creatures, feel a sense of fear and disgust. By the way, not in vain, because they can carry infections that are harmful to animals and humans. Therefore, noticing a white insect in the bathroom, it is difficult to experience positive emotions.


But silverfish will not bring any harm to people, but it is dangerous for wallpaper. The insect lives in damp and dark places. Her diet consists of plant matter, which contains starch and polysaccharides.

white insect in the bathroom
white insect in the bathroom

A silverfish is chosen outside its home in order to get food for itself. And she is looking for him in places that are similar in microclimate to her home.

Recognizing the named white insect in the bathroom is easy. What does it look like? His body is elongated white, there are long anterior and posterior bifurcated antennae. But, by the way, silverfish becomes white after the third molt. Before that, she is dark.

How to breed insects

If you noticed silverfish in the bathroom, how to get rid of it immediately so that the problem does not become global in the future? It is believed that insects are very difficult to remove. But it's still possible.

Forced ventilation in the bathroom can help you with this. With it, it will be possible to regulate the level of humidity, as a result of which it will be more difficult for intruders to be without the necessary conditions.

Comfortable living temperature for silverfish 21-27°C. Therefore, it is necessary to lower the temperature in the apartment. This can be done with ventilation.

At the same time, all hard-to-reach places should be cleaned of dust, and wet corners and other damp areas should be thoroughly dried. In addition, you should clean the apartment with chlorine-containing substances - to ensure disinfection.


The most effective insect repellent in the bathroom, as we have said, is forced ventilation. It allows you to reduce the level of humidity. To install it, you need to select the type of fan.

To serve both the bathroom and the toilet at the same time, you can install a duct fan in the ventilation duct in the attic. Such a device is best used for installation in a private house. Depending on the volume of the premises and the number of people living, you need to calculate the power of the device, which is necessary for the entire building.

If installation was required in an apartment, then difficulties may arise here. To install a duct fan, you need to hide the ventilation ducts in the false ceiling or mount a box, which can harm the appearance of the home. Therefore, another device is used here - an axial fan.

With its help, the problem of poor ventilation in one room, for example, in the bathroom, is solved, and then a second device is installed, but in the toilet. Fixation is carried out in the hole of the hood. Therefore, it is necessary to make its measurements in advance. Then look for the necessary fan in the store.

white woodlice
white woodlice

Additional ventilation is the mosteffective insect repellent. By the way, high humidity damages furniture and newly made repairs. If the humidity level is high, the wallpaper falls off, which must be glued all the time. Fungus and mold are also frequent guests in a damp room. Moreover, they not only spoil the appearance, but also can harm human he alth.


But there are other methods of dealing with insects in the bathroom. These can be traps and baits:

  1. If you place wet birch brooms in the corners and leave them overnight, in the morning you will notice that small insects have fallen into the trap. It is best to burn brooms.
  2. The glass jar should be wrapped with paper or tape to make it easier for the silverfish to climb inside. On a rough surface, she will easily get there, but she will not be able to get out.
  3. Leave a roll of paper moistened with water in the bathroom overnight and throw it away or burn it in the morning without even unrolling it.


Chemicals are just as good as makeshift traps, and getting rid of insects comes in a month. Disinsection is carried out not only in the bathroom, but throughout the apartment. It needs to be done every week. But do not forget to use a mask or respirator to protect your respiratory system. Gloves should be worn on hands. It will be necessary to process all corners, sinks and hard-to-reach places, especially those where the humidity is very high.

Folk methods

bathroom cabinet
bathroom cabinet

Folk remedies can also help get rid of uninvited guests:

  1. A food powder called "Diatomite" will kill crawling insects if it is treated with cracks and crevices in walls, on the floor and between tiles, as well as baseboards throughout the apartment
  2. Peel zest is great for getting rid of insects. The smell is pleasant only for humans, but for an insect it is sharp. Therefore, in all the cracks and places of their accumulation, you need to scatter the zest and update after 5 days.
  3. The smell of cloves is also unpleasant for silverfish. Therefore, you can sprinkle spices in a cabinet in the kitchen. And the aroma is pleasant, and the pests will go away.
  4. Boric acid will also help you out. It sprinkles on pipes and around sinks. And a solution of this acid can be applied to the surface of the pipes.
forced ventilation in the bathroom
forced ventilation in the bathroom

Such methods will also help in the fight against the extermination of wood lice. Just like silverfish, wood lice love moisture. Therefore, the above methods will help to part with them.

If there are objects in the room where silverfish and wood lice live, for example, a bathroom cabinet, then you need to carefully examine it. We need to check that moisture does not accumulate there, so as not to increase the area for insects.

If this has already happened, and they still filled the bathroom closet, then it should be thoroughly dried and prodensified. Then refill.

effective insect repellent
effective insect repellent

Small conclusion

Now it is clear what to do if a woodlice or silverfish has settled in the bathroom. How to get rid of them? There are many ways and means. You just need to choose the most comfortable one that is right for you.

But do not forget about one thing: if the unpleasant white insect in the bathroom has disappeared, it can return very soon, it is enough just to make living conditions comfortable for it. Moreover, silverfish multiply very quickly. Therefore, having noticed at least one creature from those described in the article, you must immediately take measures to exterminate them.