Sedum prominent: care, varieties, reproduction, photo

Sedum prominent: care, varieties, reproduction, photo
Sedum prominent: care, varieties, reproduction, photo

In nature, many types of different stonecrops (sedums) grow. Most of them have remained wild. But one of them - a prominent stonecrop (Sedum spectabile) - is a frequent visitor to household plots. He is loved by many flower growers, because he has a spectacular look and unpretentiousness.

Description of the plant

This plant belongs to the numerous genus Crassulaceae. This succulent is so unpretentious that it is able to survive even in mountainous terrain and arid regions. Stonecrop prominent (sedum wonderful), unlike most of its undersized relatives, is characterized by rather long stems. He is from Northeast China. This flower is found wild in Korea and Japan.

Sedum is prominent, the photo of which attracts with its unusualness, forms compact bushes. The height of its erect juicy stems, depending on the variety, ranges from 30 to 80 cm. At the same time, they end in spectacular inflorescences.

stonecrop prominent
stonecrop prominent

This perennial plant has tuberous roots. Large flat oval leaves in most varieties have a bluish-green color. They are collected 3-4 pieces inso-called whorls. They are fleshy, juicy, densely cover the stems. In some varieties, the leaves are green, with light spots, or maroon, with a grayish bloom.

Features of the plant

Sedum prominent is decorative at any time of the growing season. It becomes most spectacular after the appearance of numerous small flowers collected in umbrella inflorescences, up to 15-20 cm in diameter. They can be pink-lilac, white, purple-carmine.

Sedum prominent is characterized by a fairly long flowering. Its first buds open in July. It retains its decorative appearance until the autumn frosts. At the same time, its bright inflorescences remain colorful and juicy for a long time. Thanks to this plant, the flower garden retains its decorative effect for a long time. It attracts not only bees, but also a variety of butterflies.

Stonecrop prominent, varieties
Stonecrop prominent, varieties

The above-ground part of this winter-hardy sedum dies off when hard frosts come. Even at -7 ° C, it retains its decorative appearance. This plant does not need shelter for the winter. After any frost in the spring, young stems always grow from the rhizomes. Stonecrop prominent is sometimes used for cutting. Its inflorescences retain their beautiful appearance for a long time.

Sedum varieties

Breeders have bred many new varieties of sedums. Stonecrop is prominent, the varieties of which differ not only in the color of the flowers, but also in the shade of the leaves, and the height of the stems can also differ. To the most common varieties of sedum wonderful domestic andDutch selection include the following:

• white: Iceberg (35-40cm), Frosty Morne (30-45cm, with elegant green-white foliage), Best White (50cm);

• cream: Star dust (height - about 35 cm);

• carmine pink: Diamond (30-40cm), Carmen (50-60cm);

• Flaming Pink: Purple Emperor (50-60 cm, purplish red foliage);

• greenish white: Frosty morning (35-40 cm, leaves with white border);

• red-purple: Xenox (30-50 cm, dark purple leaves and stems);

• pink: Diamond Edge (25-30 cm, leaves are green with cream markings along the edge); Variegatum (50-60 cm, yellow-green foliage); Matron (50-60 cm, leaves with a slight brownish tinge).

Stonecrop prominent, photo
Stonecrop prominent, photo

Very unusual is a bright pink stonecrop prominent variety Karl. It is distinguished by its increased frost resistance. So, its stems remain unchanged until spring. Stonecrop prominent, the varieties of which allow you to arrange very spectacular plantings, is gaining more and more popularity among flower growers.


Almost all varieties of stonecrop have retained their natural unpretentiousness. When choosing a place to plant it, you should choose a sunny place with good drainage. This plant develops normally in areas with light penumbra. With a significant lack of ultraviolet rays, the brightness of the color of the sedum flowers is lost, and its peduncles do not appear at all.

It works with any garden soil, fertilized with a little compost or humus. Atregular introduction of organic sedum into the soil will delight the grower with its luxurious appearance. The best option for stonecrop is sandy soil fertilized with compost. The rotted manure is introduced into the soil very sparingly. Wonderful sedum does not need mineral fertilizers.

Plant care

Sedum is prominent, the care of which even a novice grower can master, requires a minimum of attention. This drought-resistant plant perfectly tolerates the lack of moisture in hot weather. It needs regular watering to maintain its decorative appearance. This flower does not need to be covered for the winter, as it tolerates any frost perfectly. In one place, he feels great for 5 or more years. Some flower growers recommend transplanting a stonecrop visible to another place every 5-10 years. They are cut every few years to maintain an even carpet.

Stonecrop prominent (care)
Stonecrop prominent (care)

Planting varieties that do not have increased frost resistance are rejuvenated by adding fresh soil and cutting out old shoots. Care for stonecrop prominent consists in weeding (if necessary) and loosening the soil. All these actions are greatly simplified by mulching the root zone of the plant with ventilated peat.

Diseases and pests

Sedum is prominent, the care of which, in view of what has been said below, is noticeably facilitated, practically not susceptible to disease. He is not afraid of pests either.

Morphological features of sedum

Since any stalk of a prominent stonecrop is capable ofto quickly develop roots, many flower growers have to solve the problem of not propagating this flower on the site, but keeping it from growing. If the shoots that have appeared are not removed in time, then the sedum can very quickly capture fairly large areas of flower beds. To prevent this from happening, you can limit the growth of the bush with the help of stones dug around it, pieces of tile or slate.

Reproduction of stonecrop prominent seeds
Reproduction of stonecrop prominent seeds

Propagation of stonecrop prominent

This plant reproduces very well vegetatively. Most often, 2 methods are used:

• summer cuttings;

• dividing the bush in spring or autumn.

Reproduction of stonecrop occurs by cutting he althy stems of the plant into pieces 5 cm long. They are planted in a specially prepared place (stalk) located in partial shade. It is even easier to get a prominent stonecrop developing in a vase. Propagation by cuttings does not require any effort at all, since the cut stem of this plant takes root very quickly in water and young shoots with a developed root system appear from the axils of the leaves. The flower grower only needs to carefully remove the new plants from the stem when they grow to 3-4 cm. Then they are planted in flower beds.

Reproduction of stonecrop prominent
Reproduction of stonecrop prominent

If the bouquet of sedum was cut in late autumn, young stonecrops are planted in separate pots and left to winter until spring on the northeast or west window sills. This is due to the fact that on the southern window the plant can stretch out a lot. In the spring of themplanted in flower beds. This usually happens in May. Such a young growth of a wonderful sedum can bloom already in the year of planting. Stonecrop is prominent, the reproduction of which is absolutely not difficult, from one stem it can produce about 10 new plants. Thus, you can quickly increase the number of bushes of the most valuable varieties of sedum. The main advantage of this method of reproduction is that the mother bush is not subjected to summer cuttings or division and retains its decorative effect until late autumn.

Accommodation on site

This wonderful plant looks great in both single and group plantings. Planted against a background of green grass and other plants as a tapeworm, it can enliven any landscape with itself. This sedum also looks great in a group planting with other succulents. As a rule, it is placed in mixborders, on sandy and rocky areas or alpine slides. In this case, the grower will not have to constantly monitor the condition of this plant.

Medicinal properties of stonecrop prominent

This flower is used not only as an ornamental flowering plant, but also as a medicinal raw material. Almost all types of stonecrops are used in folk medicine to one degree or another. Poultices, infusions and ointments are prepared from wonderful sedum. It is used for such serious diseases as epilepsy, ischemia, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. Preparations prepared from sedum prominent are used to treat burns, trophic ulcers, and bone fractures.

Useful substances that make up thisplants, such as alkaloids, tannins, glycosides, organic acids and vitamins, relieve headaches, lower blood pressure, stop bleeding, remove toxins and calm the nerves. Preparations from this type of stonecrop are prescribed for pulmonary and heart failure, diseases of the gallbladder and liver. They have established themselves as a good tonic and tonic. Many healers use this plant to remove calluses and warts.

Stonecrop prominent (sedum)
Stonecrop prominent (sedum)

There are certain contraindications to taking drugs from this plant. These include anacid and hypocidic gastritis and the presence of malignant tumors.

Preparing decoction

When the body is weakened, you can take a decoction of stonecrop. For its preparation, the stems of a fresh plant are scalded and crushed in a meat grinder. Juice is squeezed out of the obtained cake. It is mixed with an equal amount of pure water and boiled for 30 seconds. The finished broth is taken in 1 tsp. three times a day with meals. To store this drug, vodka is added to it in a ratio of 1: 1. This infusion is taken 30 drops after meals 3 times a day.

To prepare a therapeutic ointment, the juice of fresh stonecrop is mixed with melted butter in a 1:1 ratio. This remedy is applied to the affected areas of the skin with ulcers, purulent wounds or various rashes.
