Due to their lush flowering and bright appearance, gloxinia are loved and in demand in indoor floriculture. On one small plant, with proper care, about 10-15 goblet-shaped flowers can bloom at the same time. Many varieties and hybrids have been bred that amaze with their unusual, amazing color. Any grower strives to get something new, and buying is not always possible, and this is where the question arises of how to reproduce gloxinia at home. We will learn all possible ways and technologies.

Description of the plant
The second name of gloxinia is synningia hybrid. A perennial tuberous plant brought to Europe from the tropical forests of South America (from Brazil to Mexico). It received its nominal name in honor of B. P. Gloxina is a botanist and doctor. In its natural environment, synningia prefers to grow on rocky surfaces, near rivers, shady and damp corners of the forest. The plant is sensitive to lighting and has a clearly defined period of winter dormancy, which, when kept in indoorconditions must be observed.
Modern hybrid varieties are conditionally divided into four groups depending on the size of the bush: microminiature (less than 5 cm high) and miniature (5-12 cm), compact (12-25 cm) and standard (more than 25 cm). Gloxinia is characterized by three methods of reproduction.
Sowing seeds
This is a fascinating process, because before your eyes a beautiful flowering plant can grow from a tiny seed in 5-6 months, however, you will have to make an effort and spend time. The best time for sowing is February-March, when the extended daylight hours come. For those who have special lamps, the planting season lasts all year. In this way, you can get the rarest varietal gloxinia. Leaf propagation limits this possibility.

Prepare a nutritious light substrate and a small plastic container for gloxinia. Ideally, it should be closed (like, for example, packaging from a cake). In such dishes, greenhouse conditions for seedlings will be created. Several drainage holes should be made at the bottom.
Procedure of actions
- Pour the soil into the container in an even layer of 3-4 cm and moisten from the spray bottle with a light solution of potassium permanganate.
- Spread the seeds evenly over the surface with tweezers. Then lightly spray the surface again and close the container with a lid. The temperature must be maintained at 18°C. Periodically (once every two days) ventilate the seedlings to prevent the appearance of mold on the surface.
- Firstsprouts appear, as a rule, in two weeks. From now on, it is necessary to ventilate the greenhouse daily, removing condensate.
- As soon as the first pair of true leaves appear, dive gloxinia. Reproduction by a leaf proceeds quite quickly, subject to all conditions and rules.
tuber division

This method is quite troublesome, because in case of failure, you can lose the entire plant completely. It is worth starting to divide the tuber only when numerous growing shoots have become clearly visible on it, as a rule, this is observed only in large old specimens. With a clean sterile knife, the root must be cut into several parts. Their number corresponds to the number of strong shoots. Dry the slices for a day and sprinkle with coal powder.
In the prepared soil mixture, tubers are buried only 2/3 to prevent rotting of the growth point. After the shoots grow, the earth is filled up to the desired level. The main condition for further development is proper watering (best of all through a pan or gently drop by drop from above) and a place in the house without direct sunlight.
If suddenly you notice that the tuber has begun to rot, then immediately remove it from the ground, cut off the damaged part and repeat the whole procedure again.
Gloxinia: propagation by leaf cuttings
Most of the hybrids are characterized by the presence of impressive succulent leaves, which are just perfect for vegetative propagation. Especially thissuits those who want to have several copies of a certain type or when it is not possible to buy the gloxinia they like. Leaf propagation is carried out in summer or early autumn. Its size doesn't matter. Large leaves can be divided into several parts, each subsequently giving a new plant, and small ones should be rooted entirely.

In addition, separate sprouts from an awakened tuber are suitable for vegetative propagation. For abundant flowering and good growth, it is recommended to leave only one shoot from the mother plant, while the rest should be removed and used to obtain a new gloxinia bush.
How to root?
Experts do not recommend using the water method, there is a high probability of decay. Root the leaves directly into the substrate. It should be light, well permeable to air and moisture, it is best to buy a special primer for gloxinia in the store. Reproduction by leaf also requires greenhouse conditions, this provides the maximum likelihood of roots. As a rule, this procedure takes about a month. Then the greenhouse must be opened and the young plants should be gradually accustomed to the conditions of the room. After 2-3 months, children can go from the root, when they give 2-3 leaves, the main stalk can be cut to a height of 1 cm from the ground.

If young shoots do not come from the tuber, do not be upset, it means that the plant is at rest. This happens if reproductionGloxinia leaf occurs in autumn towards winter. In this case, it is worth reducing watering and putting the pot in a cool and dark place.
The rooted leaf rots
The most common problem in vegetative propagation of gloxinia. If it concerns one or two copies, then perhaps an accident. But in case of systematicity, you should pay attention to the reasons:
- damage to the base of the petiole, this can happen if you press too hard on the leaf when planting;
- the direct rays of the sun, it is best to keep pots with petioles where diffused light, and partial shade is also fatal for them;
- reproduction of gloxinia by a leaf involves sterile tools for cutting it and in no case breaking it off;
- unfavorable time for rooting, best done in spring or early summer;
- too old sheet, try to take young medium-sized records.
The rooted leaf withers
Another trouble that can happen during reproduction. It is not so terrible, its causes can be easily eliminated. Leaf wilting may be due to:
- direct sunlight falling on it (exit - rearrange to a place with diffused light);
- non-use of greenhouses, and at the initial stage a small greenhouse is simply necessary, as it will provide the necessary level of heat and moisture, create a special microclimate;
- waterlogged soil;
- damage during transplantation of the roots that the leaf started up, the process requires care andaccuracy;
- leaf is too large, it is best to cut it at 2/3.

Among the flowering indoor plants, it is gloxinia that takes pride of place. Description, reproduction, care, planting - all these issues discussed in this article will allow you to create your own home garden filled with bright colors. The plant only seems capricious, in fact, growing gloxinia is a simple and exciting activity, bringing amazing results that delight the eye and warm the soul.