Raspberry Polana: planting and care. Description of the variety, photo

Raspberry Polana: planting and care. Description of the variety, photo
Raspberry Polana: planting and care. Description of the variety, photo

Most people love raspberries, they are grown by everyone who has at least some piece of land. This plant grows everywhere, whether it be northern or southern regions. The fruiting period of fragrant berries is short, the peak harvest is in June or July, depending on the growing area.

Repair varieties

raspberry polana planting and care
raspberry polana planting and care

In recent years, new varieties have been bred that constantly bear fruit, interrupted only by severe frosts. Despite this, it is better to pick berries in the fall, so it is more rational to keep remontant raspberries as an annual plant. For example, some varieties begin to ripen in early August, sometimes earlier, and the harvest peaks in September-October. The southern regions are quite suitable for these types of raspberries, which cannot be said about the central part of Russia and Siberia, since frosts are observed there in September. With new varieties of remontant raspberries, such problems do not arise. They begin to ripen in early August, and the peak of fruiting occurs in early September, when it is still warm, so the berries are large and tasty.

Raspberry Polana

Raspberry Polana belongs to the new varieties. This species was bred by Polishbreeders, and today he has taken root well in our country. What are theproperties of this raspberry? The Polan variety has stable shoots reaching a height of two meters. The berries are large, juicy, rich red. They are easy to transport. The plant begins to bear fruit at the end of July and pleases with its harvest until the first frost. Polana raspberries are very loved by homeowners. Reviews about her are the most positive. Gardeners claim that this plant is resistant to various fungal diseases and is not subject to spring frosts. Polana manages to bear fruit before the first autumn frosts.

raspberry polana variety
raspberry polana variety

Summer residents have successfully put into practice the technology of growing one crop on the sprouts of the current year, proposed by breeders. Therefore, gardeners like remontant raspberries more. The photos accompanying this article clearly show the entire process of planting and caring for this variety. Immediately after picking the berries, all shoots are removed, leaving branches about 8 cm high above the ground. The following year, new shoots begin to grow, which by July form strong fruit sprouts. Gardeners say that this reduces the cost of pest and disease control, and also makes it easier for the plant to endure winter.

Variety description

raspberry photo
raspberry photo

When crossing Heritage and Zeva varieties, Polan's raspberry appeared. The description of the variety gives the following characteristics: the bush is compact with many fruitful branches. The shoots are covered with thorns, the conical berries have a rich red color andpleasant sweet taste. This variety loves the sun and needs protection from the wind. Susceptible to verticillium wilt and root rot, and susceptible to sprout dieback. From each bush you can collect up to 7 kg of berries. But in order to get a good harvest of such a berry as Polan's raspberry, planting and caring for seedlings must be correct. With good tillage and abundant watering during the flowering of the bush, you can get a big crop of high quality.

Features of plant care

What makes this variety really different is that you have to choose between a double harvest of low quality or wait for a second, more abundant fruit, enjoying excellent raspberries.

If you cut the bushes correctly, provide them with good lighting, moist soil and top dressing, you can count on abundant fruiting in the autumn. This plant requires a little more effort than other varieties of raspberries, but in September it will please you with fresh and sweet fruits.

Raspberry Polana. Planting and caring for her

raspberry polana description
raspberry polana description

This berry is very sensitive and requires proper soil preparation if you want to get a good harvest. As mentioned above, in the first days of September it is best to collect the Polan variety. Raspberries, the seedlings of which are planted during this period, have time to prepare well for frost. If planted later, the root system will be poorly formed, and the plant will not take root well. Young bushes are also planted in early spring, in which case they are added dropwise in an inclined position. Some gardenersallow planting from May to June.

raspberry polana reviews
raspberry polana reviews

Plant a remontant species in rows or individual bushes, leaving a distance of about a meter between plants. Planting seedlings of this variety does not differ from other types of raspberries. First of all, shallow holes are dug under the root system. A young bush is installed there and sprinkled with excavated soil mixed with fertilizers. The earth is well tamped and watered abundantly.

Proper care

Among the many varieties that give a good harvest, Polan's raspberry stands out. Planting and caring for her are key.

polana raspberry seedlings
polana raspberry seedlings

The earth under the bush is loosened due to the superficial root system, and in order to avoid the appearance of weeds, the soil is not mulched. Throughout the season, especially during the fruiting period, this variety requires abundant watering.

In March, the bushes are fed with complex fertilizers, then the berries will be large and juicy, and the harvest will be rich.

To avoid fungal diseases in April, the plant is treated with Bordeaux liquid, and during the flowering period, biological products are used to protect the bushes from pests.

The abundance of berries is affected by timely pruning of shoots. This is also required by repair raspberries. The photos clearly show how to do it correctly.

polana raspberry seedlings
polana raspberry seedlings

Pruning raspberries at different times of the year

Since the plant spends a lot of energy on the development and maturation of the first crop, on the formation of sprouts to replace the next crop, it needs a specialcultivation technology.

In the first year after planting, young sprouts grow on the seedlings, which are covered with flowers in July and berries in August. Annual shoots are cut out without exception, leaving three-centimeter stumps. Pruned bushes in October or early November, when the entire crop is harvested. This process is necessary to protect the bushes from viruses and parasites. In addition, in the absence of snow cover in winter, hemp can always be insulated, and then raspberries will not freeze. The Polan variety requires sanitization of the bushes. To do this, cut off the shoots that have dried up or frozen over during the winter. April is the best time for this procedure, because by swelling buds you can understand which ones are he althy. In May, you can already pinch the tops of the shoots, then Polana will start to produce a crop later, and it will be longer.

Gardeners choose Polana

raspberry polana variety
raspberry polana variety

The owners of household plots can not always boast of a high yield, especially of higher quality. Even on the market, among selected berries, there are raspberries damaged by pests of fruit and berry crops. Of course, no buyer will dare to purchase such fruits.

Any experienced gardener will name the main problems of such a plant - these are pests, freezing, diseases, growth that grows strongly. It is necessary to tie up long shoots by installing trellises and pruning.

Repair raspberries don't know such problems. In autumn, you can safely eat berries straight from the bush, they are clean, juicy and tasty. Therefore, for most gardenersPolan's raspberries are preferred. Planting and caring for her will justify all hopes.
