Tile "Laguna" ("Uralkeramika"): description, reviews

Tile "Laguna" ("Uralkeramika"): description, reviews
Tile "Laguna" ("Uralkeramika"): description, reviews

Marine theme has always been considered special: it is a reminder of a bygone summer, golden beaches, amazing sunsets, gentle waves, an endless horizon - everything that is inseparably connected with the golden days of relaxation. This is exactly what the manufacturers of Laguna tiles took into account and did not fail: thanks to the marine theme of design, today these products are a bestseller. As a result of the release of such products, you can simply and creatively decorate the bathroom. Main product colors:

  1. Blue.
  2. Blue.
  3. Turquoise.
  4. White.
  5. Azure.

Who makes these products and how did the manufacturer manage to achieve such great success?

About the company

At the enterprise "Uralkeramika"
At the enterprise "Uralkeramika"

The plant began producing ceramic tiles a couple of years after it was founded - in 1962. At first, all manufactured products were of the same size and color - white. But new technologies and techniques developed, the use of which made it possible to decorate the front surface of products with colored decorative elements. Already 5 years after the start of the plant's activities, improved products appeared on the market in a largediversity.

At the beginning of the 21st century, three Italian lines were installed at Uralkeramik's production, which made it possible to significantly diversify the types of products and improve their quality. Today, this brand produces annually 8 million square meters. products. And this is not the limit.

Product Features

One of the options for drawing on the tile
One of the options for drawing on the tile

Uralkeramika tile is one of those interior design materials that cannot be replaced by other building products. Usually the standard product has a square or rectangular shape. As for textures, sizes and colors - a huge number of them are produced. This allows everyone to find floor and wall material in any decorative style.

The main properties of the Uralkeramika tile:

  1. Wear resistance.
  2. Practical.
  3. Attractiveness.

You can use the products of this manufacturer for finishing any premises and their locations. Those who are professionally engaged in laying can, using Laguna tiles, create unique design compositions that have no analogues.

Popular collections

Thanks to the great experience and desire of the factory employees to create unique products, today the company sells a large number of tile selections that differ not only in appearance, but also in size, thickness of products, and cost. The most popular and relevant collections, which were highly appreciated by both professional builders and buyers, were recognized as collections:

  1. "Bamboo". Feature - natural natural colors, a unique relief that imitates bamboo thickets.
  2. "Syrio". To create a picture, white-gray-blue shades are used. These tones allow you to create weightless airy and delicate interiors.
  3. "Assol". Depicted in beige and blue colors, the lighthouse and boats with snow-white sails are made in such a way that it seems that a light breeze burst into the room and drives small ships along the waves towards exciting adventures.

But still, most often, buyers choose the Lagoon tile, decorated with the image of the vast expanses of the sea. In order to bring the finishing material as close as possible to the theme of the sea, decorations in the form of shells and other similar patterns were created on individual elements to give dynamics, variety and expressiveness to the bathroom interior. In order for the border to continue this theme and carry a certain load in the design, it was decorated with sea shells and bubbles.

Collection "Syrio"
Collection "Syrio"

In addition to the "Laguna" tile, decorative inserts and panels depicting marine patterns, underwater vegetation, sea inhabitants are produced for the bathroom. Their use gives the room a finished look, adds light, air and volume to the surfaces, and, if necessary, helps to perform zoning.

Thanks to the use of Laguna tiles in the interior, it is possible to create a special atmosphere in the bathroom that gives relaxation and comfort, which is very important in modern everyday life.

Product Benefits

Dolphins on tiles
Dolphins on tiles

Today, there are a huge number of types of tiles from various manufacturers on sale, but not all of them are popular. What makes Laguna tiles and other Uralkeramika collections to take leading positions in sales?

This is due to the advantages of this product:

  1. Reliability. Innovative equipment has been put into operation, which makes it possible to create durable and reliable products. After styling, she is not afraid of any external influences.
  2. Moisture resistance. Initially, the material was developed for finishing rooms in which humidity is always high.
  3. Versatility. Products of this brand are suitable for decorating rooms in both classical and other modern styles. During the development, the specialists also took into account the fact that the dimensions of the premises in most cases (especially in old houses) are minimal - 2-3 square meters. m. Thanks to this, it was possible to produce products that visually increase the size of the premises - it seems that the walls are becoming wider, and the surface of the ceiling is higher.

Customer feedback

Turquoise - the color of the sea
Turquoise - the color of the sea

The best thing about the quality and other parameters of any product, including ceramic products, will tell the opinions of those who have already purchased bathroom tiles in their home. What do consumers say in reviews of the Laguna tile? In addition to the amazing aesthetics, buyers highlighted the following benefits:

  1. A variety of assortment that differs in style, texture, color.
  2. Quality. During transportation and installation, the top layer of tiles is not damaged, thanks to which the pattern is perfectly preserved.
  3. Duration of operation. Many buyers come to purchase ceramic products on the advice of their acquaintances / friends, who have been using this type of finish for many years and at the same time remain in excellent condition.
  4. Cost. This is one of the main criteria when choosing a finishing material. Uralkeramika also takes care that their products are available to as many customers as possible, therefore they do not apply a margin, do not charge interest when forming the cost of products.

What do the pros say?

Of course, the opinion of consumers is very important, but even more important are the reviews of those who, on duty, have to work with this type of finishing material. We are talking about professional builders and repair workers.

Masters say that it is easy and convenient to work with the material, ceramics are so securely packed that they retain their integrity and appearance upon delivery to the site and even long-term storage.

Note: of course, like tiles from other manufacturers, ceramics of this brand can be easily damaged during installation. But this is only in the case when those who have no idea about its features are taken to work, so if there is no proper experience, it is best to entrust the installation to experienced professionals.
