Carbon electrodes: properties and applications

Carbon electrodes: properties and applications
Carbon electrodes: properties and applications

Carbon electrodes are used to carry out air-driven cutting of metals. In addition, they are used to weld metals, remove defects in metal sheets, cut rivets and perform other operations. Carbon electrodes are made from electrotechnical amorphous carbon.

carbon electrodes
carbon electrodes

Finished products have a sheet-black surface and are round rods, the cross section of which varies from 6 to 18 millimeters. The standard rod length is 25-70cm.

To cut different types of metal, carbon electrodes are sharpened at different angles. So, for processing ferrous metals, one end of the rod is sharpened at an angle of about 65 degrees. To perform welding of materials from non-ferrous metals, including hardfacing, the electrode is sharpened at an angle of 30 degrees.

In the process of manufacturing electrodes, technologies of dextrusion or molding and heat treatment of compositions are used. The products are based on coke or coal, and also addvarious binders (tar, resin, etc.). In some cases, metal powder or shavings are included in the carbon electrode.

carbon electrode welding
carbon electrode welding

Products are used in various industries. They are used for cutting steel materials, making holes in alloy, carbon and low alloy steels. In addition, they are used to cut copper, stainless or mild steel, as well as other alloys used in the production of metal structures, in mechanical engineering, shipbuilding, and the steel industry.

Carbon electrode welding has proven itself to be of very high quality. It has many advantages over other common types of cutting. Carbon welding uses carbon, compressed air, or electric current to perform excellent metal cutting and removal. Welding works are carried out using compressed air or an electric arc, which not only melts the metal, but also self-removes with an air jet.

This method of welding metal products has its own characteristics. For example, all work can be carried out only with direct current, and the length of the arc should be in the range of 6-15 millimeters.

carbon electrode
carbon electrode

In this case, the arc is ignited very simply and has sufficient stability. However, if reverse polarity occurs, the arc will lose stability, and the electrode will burn and evaporate.

Produced when welding materials with carbon electrodesthe arc is highly sensitive to weather conditions (rain, magnetic blast, gas flows). In addition, when performing welding operations where carbon electrodes are used, a lower arc efficiency is obtained compared to the use of conventional metal rods. However, the value of carbon rods cannot be underestimated. They allow welding non-ferrous metal, thin-sheet materials, surfacing of electric tacks and hard alloys at a current strength of 1 kA.
