Poppy flower: plant description

Poppy flower: plant description
Poppy flower: plant description

Poppies - although simple, but magical-looking flowers, like red lights that grow in the fields. The poppy flower is silky to the touch, has double petals, and the color of the plant is very different: white, pink, red and even black.

Unfortunately, he does not live long, only two or three days, and then the petals begin to fall off. Then the seed box begins to ripen. But even in this form, the poppy flower is beautiful, it can be used as an addition to bouquets. By the way, if you plant these flowers in large quantities, their short life will not be so noticeable, because one poppy will already fade, and the second will only begin to show its barely blossoming buds to the sun.

This plant has about seventy varieties, including annual, biennial and perennial species. By the way, I would like to note that the most beautiful wild flowers are poppies. The flowering period of these amazing flowers lasts from May to June. For example, the self-seed poppy grows almost everywhere: in fields, meadows, roadsides. If you have at least one red poppy plant in your yard, then next year there may be more of them, because the flower spreads quickly and is easy to care for.

flower poppy
flower poppy

Origin of red poppy

People believe thatPoppy is one of the most ancient plants, archeologists have found its seeds in Neolithic buildings. This flower was a symbol of sleep, there was even such a belief that when night fell, Morpheus came to earth, holding several poppy flowers in his hands. And, by the way, not in vain, because there is a sleeping pill - opium.

flowers red poppy
flowers red poppy

Red poppy and magic

By the way, about magic: as part of a love potion, sorceresses used to use different herbs, flowers, including red poppy. This flower was considered a powerful tool, especially in love affairs. It is desirable that the girl herself collect poppy seeds with the growing moon with her right hand, and then carry these seeds with her - then love will definitely come. Previously, it was used as protection against evil spirits. People believed: if you scatter it on the floor, then the demon will begin to count poppy seeds, and at this time will not harm civilians.

wild flowers poppies
wild flowers poppies

Use of poppy in medicine

Since the poppy flower has an ancient origin, people have learned to use it in folk medicine. All parts of it have medicinal properties. For example, the juice from the seeds of this flower is used as a strong pain reliever, and a decoction of the roots is used as a remedy for headaches. With the help of the same decoction, inflammation of the sciatic nerve can be cured. But taking medicinal decoctions of poppy should be very careful, because any medicine can become poison if it is used incorrectly or the body does not perceive it. You should first consult with your doctor and be observed byhim during treatment. People who suffer from bronchial asthma, alcoholism, frequent nausea, vomiting or heart failure should not be treated with poppy potion. Summing up, we can say that the poppy has an ancient origin, about seventy species of the flower are known. It is used both in cooking and in medicine, it is a versatile flower. Poppy will help a girl win the heart of a young guy, protect from evil spirits.
