Fly control: ways to kill insects

Fly control: ways to kill insects
Fly control: ways to kill insects

The fly is a dangerous enemy of man. It acts as a distributor of many contagious diseases, E. coli and worms. Filth, which contains worm eggs and microbes, sticks to the legs of flies covered with thick hairs.

fly control
fly control

The fight against flies should be carried out at their first appearance. They crawl through latrines, dustbins, feed on garbage and sewage. In this case, microbes enter the intestines of insects. On the body of one individual, more than five million microorganisms can be located, and up to 30 million enter the intestines. Sitting on food, flies pollute them with microbes of dysentery, typhoid fever, tuberculosis and other diseases. In addition, insects breed very quickly. Each female lays over 100 eggs at a time. Most often they do this in manure, dustbins, yard latrines, food waste.

The fight against flies in the apartment should be carried out withinall year round. It should be remembered that the most effective way to get rid of insects is the timely removal of waste and keeping the premises clean. All drawers, cupboards must be tightly closed with lids, and special garbage pails, which are opened with a foot pedal, must be cleaned several times a day. They should be disinfected daily after washing with bleach solution.

To destroy larvae and eggs of flies, manure and sewage must be treated with hexachlorane or a solution of 10% bleach.

Lavatories are equipped with tightly closing windows and doors sealed with metal mesh or gauze with small cells to prevent insects from accessing sewage. The fight against flies includes sprinkling cesspools with bleach at the rate of one kilogram per 1 sq. surface meter.

fly control
fly control

In addition to preventive measures, means for the destruction of carriers of infection should also be widely used. To do this, use glass flytraps, chemicals, sticky paper.

The glass fly trap is an expanded vessel with a funnel-shaped bottom pressed inward, in which there is a hole. The flycatcher is located on three legs, the height of which is 2 cm. The fly crawls into the gap between the surface on which the trap stands and the hole in the bottom. A slightly alkaline solution of ash or soapy water is poured into the trap, and the hole is closed from above with a cork. Under the flycatcher, a bait is placed on a saucer in the form of fermented molasses, bran, sour milk with crumbsbread, etc. Flies fly to the smell and fall under the flycatcher, after which they rise to the light and fly into the trap, where they die. The flycatcher is cleaned through the upper hole, the liquid with dead insects is drained daily and the bait is changed.

fly trap
fly trap

Combating flies with chemicals involves the use of flicid, pyrethrum, fly agaric paper, formalin solution with added sugar. At the very beginning of the spring period, it is useful to treat walls, window frames, ceilings, doors with an aqueous emulsion of the DDT chemical. To do this, they conclude contracts with a sanitation station, whose specialists perform this work. During summer time, DDT treatment should be repeated every month.

Fly agaric paper or sheets impregnated with arsenic are laid out on plates and poured with warm water, adding half a teaspoon of sugar. When the solution evaporates, the paper is re-mixed with sweet water. The bait can be used no more than 3 times, after which it is burned along with insects. Fly control using poisonous agents can only be carried out after all food and utensils are well covered. After processing, all poisonous must be removed and the room ventilated.

Proper fight against flies leads to their complete destruction.
