Cockroaches, insects: reproduction, causes and ways to deal with them

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Cockroaches, insects: reproduction, causes and ways to deal with them
Cockroaches, insects: reproduction, causes and ways to deal with them

Video: Cockroaches, insects: reproduction, causes and ways to deal with them

Video: Cockroaches, insects: reproduction, causes and ways to deal with them
Video: Why are cockroaches so hard to kill? - Ameya Gondhalekar 2024, July

Every person wants to live in a beautiful and comfortable house, because cockroaches are not the kind of neighbors that people are ready to put up with. From these insects not only inconvenience, but also harm. Therefore, cockroaches must be disposed of as soon as they appear.

What cockroaches look like

cockroaches insects
cockroaches insects

Cockroaches are insects that sometimes reach a length of 7-10 cm. The largest cockroaches that can be seen at home are Prussians. But scientists who study them argue that the Prussians are not the worst enemies of apartment owners. Some scientists believe that we are the last generation to see the Prussians live. Very soon these insects will become extinct. And the reason for this will be precisely their size. The Prussians are very clumsy and cannot quickly run away when they realize that people have seen them. That's why it's so easy to kill him. In addition, due to their size, they cannot take a small safe gap in which to hide from people. They are constantly in sight.

Cockroaches, which are found in apartments, more oftenall red color. But in some parts of the country you can also find black cockroaches.

The mustache was and remains the most important for this insect. This is the organ that helps him survive, find food. Cockroaches take great care of their whiskers. If he lost his sense of smell, he would soon die.

To the dismay of many impressionable people, some cockroaches can fly. For example, the same Prussians can boast of such a skill. But only they fly very rarely.

Why are cockroaches dangerous

Cockroaches are inhabitants of darkness. They leave their shelters and go in search of food as soon as people turn off the light. Some especially emotional people are horrified by cockroaches. They start screaming and repeating that cockroaches are insanely nasty. But the danger of insects is not only that they scare households and guests. These little pests can cause a lot of diseases.

Cockroaches insects fight
Cockroaches insects fight

Very often, cockroaches find food among the waste. They dig through the trash and then leave the bin to go looking elsewhere. And this place is the dining table, at which the whole family will have breakfast the next morning. Cockroaches can get into the breadbasket, ruin stocks. On their limbs, they bring eggs of worms, which are found in sufficient quantities in the trash can.

Worms are parasitic worms that settle in the human body. They can not only cause inconvenience, but also cause illness and exhaustion of the body. Especiallychildren are susceptible to this disease.

Cockroaches can spoil not only products. They sometimes destroy the pages of books, spoil the covers. Often they spoil clothes and leather goods. For example, gloves and belts suffer from pests.

Cockroaches bring illness to a person and spoil things. Therefore, you need to start fighting them when they appeared in the apartment. This should be done as early as possible, because these insects reproduce very quickly.

Why cockroaches appeared in the house

Cockroaches insects black
Cockroaches insects black

Very often cockroaches start up in houses. Insects cause a lot of inconvenience, and everyone who has got these inhabitants is wondering why this happened. There could be many reasons.

More often cockroaches appear in apartments than in private homes. The reason for this is the remoteness of one frequent house from another. The apartments are located closer, and therefore cockroaches can easily migrate from one to another. Insects, which are difficult to control, multiply very quickly.

One of the reasons why unexpected guests could appear at home could be their migration in a person's bag from another building. Maybe the cockroaches wound up at work and arrived at the apartment on clothes or in a person’s bag. They can even be brought from another city or from a friend's apartment.

In big cities, cockroaches can start up easily. For example, they may appear due to sewers. Cockroaches are not afraid of water. Insects can also move from nearby tower blocks.

Maybe an order was placed forhouse from a shop or restaurant. Some establishments are not famous for cleanliness, and therefore cockroaches enjoy complete permissiveness there.

Unpleasant guests come to some tenants from neighboring apartments. Maybe unscrupulous citizens settled in the neighborhood who are too lazy to clean the apartment or take out the trash. Or they also accidentally acquired cockroaches somewhere and now they cannot overcome them.

Life of cockroaches

cockroaches insects breeding
cockroaches insects breeding

In order to get a huge "army" of domestic cockroaches, it is enough to purchase only one or two. Cockroaches will quickly show themselves. Insects that reproduce very quickly will come out for food as soon as the lights are out.

The breeding speed of cockroaches depends on what conditions they are given. If there is a lot of food, then the "army" will be larger. Cockroaches breed well where it is easy to get to the trash can. They will be especially good if the bin is not closed with a lid. Insects will happily live where there are a lot of dirty dishes, and there is a greasy coating in the sink. They love to have crumbs on the table after eating. In addition, cockroaches will gladly settle in places where food is not stored in sealed conditions. But this does not mean that cockroaches will not settle in the owners of clean and comfortable apartments. Insects black and red will live with them, but they will only multiply not so quickly.

What do cockroaches eat

Very tenacious cockroaches. Insects easily find their food. In order to provide yourselfcomfortable life, they most often settle in the kitchen. There they can create an entire colony.

cockroach insect species
cockroach insect species

Cockroaches can eat both sugar and fruits. They do not disdain even meat. Insects are very fond of bread and rolls, so crumbs on the table or an open bread box will become paradise for them. But cockroaches do not feed on humans. Therefore, one should not be afraid that a large "army" will attack a person one night and eat him. But this does not mean at all that the pest cannot bite. He may want to try something that smells so seductive, or just protect himself.

How hard is it to get rid of cockroaches

Cockroaches show a huge desire for life. Insects, the species of which are numerous, are very difficult to breed. To do this, you will even have to change your life in some way, because it will be necessary to give up some habits.

In order to remove cockroaches, you will need to be patient. They are so tenacious that they can even do without a head. A cockroach that has lost the main part of its body can live 10 days and not even understand that something is wrong. In addition, cockroaches can survive a wide variety of chemicals. They can even survive a burst of radiation.

cockroach insects how to get rid of
cockroach insects how to get rid of

Insects can live very long without food. Some are able to survive for 40 days. Every day they will become more and more hungry. And if after this period of days he does not find food, he will become dangerous to humans. After all, then cockroaches can bite. As it was saidhigher, they won't be able to eat anyone, but their bites are very painful.

Cockroaches can tolerate even poisons. They fall into a state that is like a trance. People who see a cockroach in this state may think that he has died. But don't be fooled. The owners of apartments throw cockroaches into the bins, and then wonder why their number does not decrease, but, on the contrary, grows. After a few days in the bin, the cockroaches come to their senses and continue their normal lives.

How to remove cockroaches

Insect cockroaches are very annoying to people. How to get rid of them, every apartment owner wants to know. But this is not easy to do, because over time, insects become immune to various poisons.

cockroaches insects photo
cockroaches insects photo

In order to remove cockroaches, you need to use the most modern means. It is necessary to process all those places where pests can live: these are all the cracks and corners where they find shelter during the day. It is worth showing maximum attention.

After all the cracks have been processed, they will need to be repaired. We need to take away the opportunity for cockroaches to find a new home.

Corpses of insects should be burned or flushed down the toilet. Maybe they are not as dead as they seem, so you can't leave them in the trash.

Help from experts

Get rid of cockroaches is very difficult. This is especially difficult in cases where a person knows almost nothing about them and has no idea where they can live and how to get them out. Experts come to the aid of people who will conductdisinfection. After that, it will be possible not only to get rid of pests, but also to protect yourself from the fact that they return after a while. The services of a specialist are inexpensive, but they bring great benefits.

Final advice

Cockroaches cause a lot of inconvenience. Insects, photos of which can be seen in the article, are very tenacious, but you can remove them. You need to protect yourself from cockroaches starting to multiply at a high speed. It is necessary to carefully monitor that the apartment is clean, and then the insects will not be able to find food for themselves and their offspring. In this case, they will look for a more favorable place to live.
