There is no limit to perfection. It is easy to see this when looking at the new magnificent varieties of roses, striking in their splendor or, on the contrary, modest exquisite beauty.

No matter how many new beautiful flowers appear in our gardens, the rose always remains the queen among them. Recently introduced spray roses have earned their place in the sun and in the hearts of fans of these magnificent flowers.
Spray - spray buds
Spray is a new group of roses, in many respects similar to the floribunda group. Small, ideally shaped flowers, collected in large inflorescences, are very suitable for a figurative name, which means "splashes" in English. Each branch, strewn with numerous charming flowers, resembles a miniature bouquet. Tenderness, sophistication and at the same time solemnity characterize flower arrangements in which spray roses are present. A photo, even the most skillful, cannot convey the beauty of these flowers.
Spray group roses are thick butlow shrubs, ideal for growing in containers and in small beds. Plant height reaches 60-80 cm. Spray roses bloom all summer until frost.
Spray Rose Care
Constantly and profusely blooming roses of this group are an excellent choice for both cutting and decorating patios, balconies, flower beds. They are considered unpretentious, not requiring special care.
For cuttings, thin lower shoots with 3-4 leaves are selected, cut off obliquely, leaving two lower buds and one leaf. This procedure is best done in the summer, from May to August. Cuttings are planted in a mixture of peat and sand in a ratio of 3: 1 or in a special soil for roses. From above they are covered with transparent bags or glass jars. After two months, a young rooted bush is formed.

Spray roses need exactly the same care as all other representatives of the Rosaceae family, they also need top dressing, loosening, watering, pruning, removing wilted flowers. Plants should not be watered too often, only as the top layer of soil dries. Mulching helps to retain moisture longer, so you should not neglect it.
Spray roses spend a lot of energy on flowering, they cannot do without top dressing. Mineral fertilizers, especially of prolonged action, should be applied in the spring, during the formation of shoots. A second top dressing will be required after the first wave of flowering.
To rejuvenate the bushes, it is necessary to prune several times duringseason. First of all, damaged and dry branches should be removed and only strong shoots should be left. Without pruning, roses lose their decorative effect, and flowering worsens. Many people think that roses are capricious and difficult to grow. In fact, these are easily cultivated flowers and the most unpretentious among them are spray roses.
Varieties of miniature roses

The group includes many exclusively decorative varieties with distinctive features in color, size and shape of flowers and leaves. Here are some of them:
- Arrow Folies rose has purple-red flowers with white strokes, glossy dark green foliage and strong stems with large spikes. These beautiful roses bloom profusely and practically do not get sick, the buds are not damaged by rain. Suitable for mass landings.
- Abundantly and long-blooming Raymond priva roses have a rare lilac, with a purple tint, color. The bright yellow eye of the middle of the bud very nicely complements the rare beauty of the flower. The bushes are low, up to 30 cm. The plant tolerates heat well. Used for groups and borders.
- One of the most popular varieties is Allegria. Differs in original terry flowers of an openwork form and rich orange-salmon or coral color. Roses have almost no fragrance. Bushes erect, up to 70 cm tall. Twigs are a whole bunch of 25-30 buds. Blooms throughout the season.
- Lydia variety is considered by many to be the epitome of spray rose. A small bush is completely hidden during floweringunder pretty bouquets of small, perfectly shaped flowers. Plays of color from creamy pink to almost raspberry look very impressive. Lydia blooms continuously and profusely, tolerates cold weather well, gets sick a little. Grow it for cutting or to decorate the garden in the foreground of mixborders and flower beds.
There is no limit to perfection. And classically luxurious roses on long stems, and tiny roses collected in inflorescences always remain the queens of flowers. Vivat, queen!