What are the names of the little roses native to China? They are called border, dwarf, miniature, Chinese, mini-roses, multi-flowered. Due to their small size, they are widely used for hedges and rock gardens, as well as in pot culture, when decorating balconies, verandas.
The origin story of the miniature rose
At the beginning of the nineteenth century, a Bengal rose of a dwarf form was brought from China for the first time to Europe. In 1918, Dr. Roulette brought her to Bulgaria from Switzerland and gave her the name, consonant with her own name - Rosa Rouletti. It is she who is the first of this group of roses. In the future, thanks to the work of breeders from different countries, the number of species has constantly increased. New varieties of small roses, which began to be bred indoors, were bred in the late seventies. Some types of these flowers can be grown at home.
General information
Small spray roses are not inferior in beauty to other species. Their distinguishing feature is the evergreenbush about forty centimeters high. However, there are also lower plants - up to 25 cm. Small dark green leaves are shiny or matte and cover the entire stem. Miniature terry or ordinary flowers of various shades are collected in inflorescences or single.

In some varieties, the diameter of the flower reaches five centimeters. Many have a pleasant aroma. These beautiful plants are able to delight with flowers until the frost. However, there are varieties that bloom once every two months. All plants are resistant to pests and are not afraid of cold weather.
Little roses. Variety names
These flowers are popular with gardeners, indoor plant enthusiasts, and landscape designers. For open ground it is preferable to use the following varieties:
- Baby Baccarat - have the perfect shape of a velvety red and black flower.
- Hummingbird is a profusely flowering plant with slightly double, splayed, like hedgehog spines, orange-yellow petals, leathery and shiny leaves.
- Lavender Jewel - have a beautiful lavender color with purple and lilac hues. Initially, the flowers have the shape of a tea rose, and when blossoming, they become like a small floribunda.
- Clementine - has a diameter of flowers up to 5 cm, the shades of which vary from pink to apricot-orange. The bush grows up to 60 cm, resistant to disease.

Miniature varieties of roses forgrowing in flower pots:
- Little Lamming Min - yellow double flowers are collected in inflorescences, pointed buds. Dark green leaves are leathery.
- Daniela - bush about 15 cm high, blooms all year round, disease resistant.
- Green Ice Min - slightly spreading bushes, abundant flowering. Fragrant flowers from white to pale green in color are collected in small inflorescences. Propagated by cuttings.
- Orange Jewel is a compact, fast-growing bush no more than 30 cm high, has very beautiful dense double large flowers of orange-salmon color.
Macarena variety
Rosa Macarena is a small and rather dense bush with dark green leaves. This plant is particularly resistant to high temperatures, which distinguishes it from other varieties. There are up to ten fragrant flowers on each stem, reaching a diameter of 5 cm. Initially, the petals are rich yellow or pastel pink, and then the color becomes paler.
Lydia Rose Spray
Rose Lydia belongs to the group of spray roses, unpretentious. Grows on its own roots, easily cuttings. This is a small bush up to 70 cm high and about 45 cm wide - during the period of abundant flowering it hides behind small flowers with the following color palette:
- creamy pink;
- raspberry;
- deep pink.

The buds are very beautiful and consist of about forty petals. In the inflorescence, which is called splashes, there are about fifteen flowers. Rose Lydiarefers to frost-resistant varieties. It looks very impressive in the garden in groups of up to five bushes.
How to care for a rose in September?
In the autumn, the development of buds, stems and metabolic processes in the plant slows down. However, this is not enough, and the flowers must be helped to survive the cold winter. Rose care in September involves the following activities:
- mandatory weeding;
- stop loosening between bushes and cut flowers;
- shoots that continue to grow are pinched;
- watering is reduced;
- remove lower leaves, withered flowers and unopened buds, i.e. prune;
- spud bush;
- paint the trunk using garden paint;
- dry the ground under the bushes if it is too wet;
- fertilize the soil with potash and phosphate fertilizers.
Little roses: how to care at home?
For growing flowers at home, varieties of own-rooted roses are most suitable, the height of which is about 25 cm.

These plants at home require careful care, it involves the following activities:
- Position the flower on the south or east side, providing fresh and humid air. For short sunny days, use fluorescent lamps. Dry air provokes the appearance of spider mites.
- Plant the plant in a large container, at the bottom of which put drainage. So that the root system does not overheat, it is preferable to use a containerlight colors.
- You can prepare the soil yourself by taking the ingredients - clay, sand and peat in a ratio of 2:1:2 or buy ready-made for roses.
- Do not destroy the earth ball when transplanting.
- Water with plenty of settled water as the soil dries.
- Spray twice a day with a spray bottle.
- Every fourteen days the plant should be fed. And during the period of the appearance of buds - once every seven days.
- Wilted flowers are cut along with the stem by 3–5 cm.
- For the winter, the flower pot is taken out to a cool place where the temperature is not more than 12 degrees. Watering and fertilizing during this period is not carried out.
How to care for small roses in the garden?
Care involves the following manipulations:
- Landing. Roses prefer elevated areas with slightly acidic loamy soil. Spring is the best time to plant flowers. The distance between the bushes is at least 20 cm.
- Watering is carried out with warm settled water under the root of the plant in the evening or morning once a day, while the rose takes root. Further - as the earthen clod dries.
- Feeding. Use special fertilizers designed for mini-roses containing various minerals. Water the plant before feeding. Fertilizers are not applied in winter.
- Cropping. The first is done after removing the covering material, during which damaged shoots are removed. Next, formative pruning is carried out and three buds are left on the stem. In the summer months, wilted flowers are removed, while capturing partstem, about 4 cm, pluck yellow leaves and dried branches. In autumn, diseased ones are removed and he althy shoots are shortened.
- Diseases and pests. The mini-rose is affected by aphids, spider mites and thrips. To combat them, insecticidal agents, solutions of copper sulfate and laundry soap are used. Among the diseases are rust and black spot. Damaged shoots are burned, the bush is treated with a fungicide. As a preventive measure, treatment of the bush with a solution of copper sulphate at a concentration of no more than 3 percent in late autumn and early spring is shown.
- Wintering. Preliminary preparation for this period is necessary. Rose care in September is primarily based on the inhibition of the vegetation process. In addition, fertilizing containing nitrogen is excluded, preference is given to potassium-phosphorus fertilizers, and watering is stopped. After the first frost, weak stems are removed, the bushes are spudded. At an air temperature of minus seven degrees, they cover with spruce branches or special material, having previously placed arcs.

Virtues of miniature flowers
What are the little roses called? Spray is a self-sustaining group of roses that currently has over five thousand varieties. Benefits include:
- Dense crown of shiny little leaves.
- Compact inflorescences with three to fifteen flowers.
- Delicate aroma, abundant flowering and a variety of shades - white, purple, red, orange, green andothers.
- In some varieties, the color changes as the flower blooms.
- Many flowers with double petals.
- Resistant to fungal diseases and pests.
- Easy to propagate from cuttings.
Differences from other species
What are the little roses called? They are called a reduced copy of full-sized plants. And since they were bred by crossing with ordinary flowers, they have features inherent in all groups of roses.

The main difference is the miniature of flowers. In this regard, the possibility of growing them at home increases, despite the fact that the rose is not a houseplant.
In the article we looked at the names of small roses. Gardeners call them a real treasure, thanks to their beauty and grace. They can rightfully be called leaders among fresh flowers used in decor. Among them there are plants that have an amazing shade of flowers - green, blue. And spray roses combine all the best qualities of a florinbund with the charm of miniature - endurance, unpretentiousness, long and abundant flowering.