How to clean pots from burnt jam: recommendations, methods and reviews

How to clean pots from burnt jam: recommendations, methods and reviews
How to clean pots from burnt jam: recommendations, methods and reviews

Each housewife has her own proven methods on how to clean pots from burnt jam. Some are easy to do their job, others require careful preparation and time to clean. It is difficult to single out one way. After all, it is important not only to clean the dishes from burnt soot, but also not to damage its sensitive surface. To decide which one is the best, it is worth trying the tips and tricks in practice.

Before you clean the pan from burnt jam, you should determine what material the pan is made of. When getting rid of burnt food, it is important not to damage the surface, otherwise the dishes will be unsuitable for further use. For example, aluminum is not cleaned with vinegar or lemon juice. For the enameled surface, the composition of the detergent is prepared delicate.

Boiling pots to remove burnt jam

A common and very effective way to clean pots from burnt jam is consideredboiling. Fill a pot made of metal material with hot water and pour 20 grams of soda into it. Then she should stand for about an hour without attention. Then put on fire and after the start of boiling, boil for another 15 minutes. Remove from stove, leaving to cool completely. Drain the water and soda, and wash the dishes in the usual way, using a sponge. All burnt food will fall behind, and the pan will shine from cleanliness.

The way to clean an enamel pan from burnt jam is somewhat different. Soda can not be used, but ordinary s alt will cope with the dirt. Dissolve 6-7 tablespoons of this product in 1 liter of warm water. Pour the solution into a bowl and set to boil. After half an hour, it will be possible to clean the enamel pan without much effort.

How to clean the pans from burnt jam
How to clean the pans from burnt jam

Universal cleaning method

Pay attention to the universal method of how to clean pots from burnt jam. You need activated charcoal. What material the dishes are made of does not matter. This method is suitable for all types of pans: enameled, iron and aluminum. A pack of activated carbon is used to clean a 6 liter container. Turn the tablets into powder and cover the areas where the jam has burnt. How to clean an enameled pan or an iron pan next? After half an hour, pour a little cold water into it and leave it again for half an hour. When the specified time is up, it remains just to wash the dishes with any washing gel and sponge.

How to clean the pan from burnt jam
How to clean the pan from burnt jam

Quick pot cleaning with vinegar

Will add to the collection of effective ways how to clean an enamel pan from burnt jam, ordinary table vinegar. It is better to use 6%. It is necessary for them to fill in the burnt area and leave for 3-4 hours without attention. During this time, he will corrode the adhering dirt from the jam, and it will be possible to wash everything off without effort. Attention: the method is not suitable for aluminum pots. If there is no vinegar on the farm, it can be replaced with citric acid or a simple lemon. Cut the citrus fruit in half and put on a burnt place, and after 3 hours wash the dishes under running water. If it was not possible to wash the contaminated area the first time, the procedure should be repeated.

How to clean an enamel pan from burnt jam
How to clean an enamel pan from burnt jam

The most effective way to clean burnt jam from pots

A real housewife will not allow her pans to be stored in a cupboard dirty, with the remnants of burnt food. However, it happens that the adhering food is washed, but not scrupulously enough. Visually, the washing defect is not visible. But it is worth cooking ordinary jam in such a saucepan during the season, as sugar with berry mass begins to stick to the bottom and quickly burn even during continuous stirring. The reason is the poorly washed bottom of the dishes.

Cleaning old dirt is difficult enough. How to clean the pan from burnt jam to restore the shine and tidy look to the dishes? The most effective cleaning method is reserved for this case. Worth a try on enamel pots.

Beforeto clean the dishes from burnt jam, you should prepare all the necessary components of an effective detergent. To do this, for one serving, you need to take 50 grams of soda and the same amount of citric acid, combine with 100 ml of "Whiteness", and after mixing, add one and a half glasses of ordinary warm water. Pour the resulting solution into the dirty area and put on fire to boil. After 15 minutes, remove the dishes from the stove and leave to cool. After 20 minutes, without any sponges and rags, rinse the pan under running water. The vigilant eye will not see traces of burnt jam and old soot stains, and the enamel coating will become snow-white again.

Burnt jam how to clean an enamel pan
Burnt jam how to clean an enamel pan

Coffee washing pans with burnt jam

Experienced housewives recommend an effective and easy way, if jam is burnt, how to clean a stainless steel pan. The mass remaining after brewing natural coffee will help. Used crushed grains should generously lubricate the burnt place, and rub a little after 20 minutes. Leave after a couple of hours without any attention. They say that after such a coffee scrub, all the dirt will peel off and be easily washed off.

Soda cleaning

And this method, how to clean pots from burnt jam, will come to the aid of those who do not have coffee beans in the household. Regular soda will help. It is important to wash immediately after cooking the jam, and not wait until the pan cools down. Any carbonated drink is poured into a container to be cleaned and left for half an hour. After you needtry with a sponge whether the burnt jam lags behind. If it is still difficult to clean it, then you should put the dishes with soda on the fire and bring to a boil.

Burnt jam how to clean a stainless steel pan
Burnt jam how to clean a stainless steel pan

There are a lot of ways to clean the pan from burnt jam. To determine which of them is the most effective, it is worth trying each in practice. It is important to remember that some solutions are harmful to enamel, and products containing acid are not used for aluminum cookware. Of course, you do not need to use coarse iron washcloths when cleaning. They will only scratch the inside and bottom of the pot. If the result is unsatisfactory after the first cleaning, it is worth trying to remove the dirt again or resort to another method.