Installation of deck boards. Material characteristics

Installation of deck boards. Material characteristics
Installation of deck boards. Material characteristics

Terrace board is in demand in the building materials market. It is of two types: deck (smooth) and embossed. The rough surface has become more common, as it prevents slipping.

Installation of the deck board begins with the preparation of the base, which is done with a slight slope from the building. First, they dig the top layer of earth (20 cm), cover it with rubble, creating a slope from the house. Top leveled with a layer of gravel. If the surface is fairly flat - for example, slabs, or a concrete base, then the logs are laid directly on them.

Terrace board installation
Terrace board installation


Professionals say that, before starting the installation of a terrace board, the products must be kept in the place where they will be placed. It is not recommended to carry out work at low temperatures. The material must be laid on the logs, but not on the ground or foundation. A prerequisite for good styling is the presence of a gap so that there is ventilation. Without an expansion gap, deformation of the products may occur. Stretching and contraction of profiles is possible due to temperature fluctuations, so this fact must be foreseen in advance.

Terrace board installation price
Terrace board installation price

Installation of deck boards begins with the preparation of the necessary equipment. To assemble the terrace, you will need the following tool:

  • pencil;
  • ruler;
  • drill;
  • saw;
  • circular saw;
  • crosses for gaps;
  • gloves and goggles.

Which material is best suited for terraces? Experts say that this is larch. Installation of a terrace board from a larch demands constant preventive maintenance. In autumn and spring, the terrace is treated with special substances so that the wood does not rot. Professionals say that if the products are treated with a wax emulsion, they will be durable and strong.

Larch decking is used to decorate the area near the pond. Paths, moorings, ladders, floorings and pools are widely used in landscape design. Wood requires constant care; dirt is washed off with water and detergents. Particularly dirty areas are rubbed with a brush, but do not use solvents.

Installation of a terrace board from a larch
Installation of a terrace board from a larch

Larch characteristics:

  • hardwood;
  • beautiful appearance;
  • good density;
  • rich colors;
  • high rot resistance;
  • resistance to insect attack.

Installation of a terrace board, the price of material and work as a result are considerable. For example, if the board costs 285 rubles. per running meter, then its installation will cost another 500 rubles. per square meter. If you want to use a cheaper similar wood, you can purchase a deck board.

Products are divided into the following categories: extra, prima, A, B. Boards of the highest category - extra class - have no damage; they have no cracks and knots. Variety "prima" has several he althy knots and cracks, as well as resinous formations. Products belonging to category A have he althy and dark knots, as well as cracks. In addition to all the listed properties, wood of category B can have shells on the front side. Installation of a terrace board is carried out by open and hidden masonry methods.

WPC (Wood-Polymer Composites) terrace material has collected all the best properties. Wood and plastic have an ideal appearance. It is their unequal ratio that is so successfully used by various manufacturers.
