In order to get a warm floor indoors, it is not at all necessary to purchase complex and expensive materials and heating systems. Among the range of warm coatings, more affordable ones can be distinguished. Insulated linoleum occupies a special place in this category.
Why choose an insulated coating

Popularity among consumers and the first position in the market of this flooring are provided by performance, ease of installation and general availability. As a rule, the question of using this type of flooring arises when there is a need to insulate the floors with high quality, quickly and not so expensively. This material can be laid on any concrete or wood surface, but it is recommended to follow certain requirements for the base.
Warm linoleum is divided into two types, one of them is made on a warm basis, and the other is made as an insulated coating. There are very important differences between them, not only in the structure of the canvas, but also in quality characteristics.
Description of the main types of insulated linoleum: foam-based material

Insulated linoleum can be made on a foam base. It is used when there is a need to insulate floors without additional costs. Especially often such a coating is used if necessary to cover the concrete base, and in fact it is quite cold. Such linoleum is also used for a wooden surface.
These types of linoleum have a significant thickness, so their use is justified in the case when the rough surface is not perfectly even, has height differences and cracks, and there is absolutely no time to eliminate them. Insulated foam-based linoleum has a rather complex structure. For example, the top layer is a decorative surface that can be any color. On sale you can find a similar material that will have a special pattern and texture, it can be traditional and avant-garde options. The pattern is formed throughout the thickness of the layer, which ensures the preservation of an attractive appearance for a long time.
The next layer below is foam rubber. It has excellent sound-absorbing and heat-insulating properties. The thickness of this layer is not so great: from 1.5 to 3 mm. However, this does not at all indicate that the efficiency will not be the same as we would like. In some cases, for additional rigidity, another layer is added, which is made of fiberglass.
Applied on topwear-resistant transparent film, which is designed to protect linoleum from mechanical damage, among other things, it prevents the penetration of contaminants into the structure. This flooring is not only practical, but also easy to care for, easy to clean and durable.
Description of warm base linoleum

If you are interested in insulated linoleum, then you should pay attention to the material, which is made on a warm basis. It is a film that is glued to a base of felt or jute during the production process. Such a coating is soft and elastic, it is pleasant to walk on it. Laying this coating is quite simple, since it does not imply the need for time-consuming gluing on a rough base. However, there are also disadvantages, which are expressed in the fact that the top layer does not differ in impressive strength. Therefore, the material can be easily damaged, and in the process of operation it requires careful treatment.
In places where there is high traffic, such a coating can quickly lose its attractiveness. Among other things, insulated linoleum cannot be used in rooms with high humidity, because under the influence of water the base can simply collapse, which is especially true for natural materials. But in a children's room or bedroom, such a coating would be appropriate.
Reviews on the choice of insulated linoleum

If you decide to purchase linoleum on an insulated basis, then consumers recommend adhering to general recommendations that apply to this type of flooring. Thus, for rooms whose conditions are characterized by high humidity, jute or felt-based linoleum is not suitable. But in those places where a high load on the floor surface is possible, foam-based linoleum will feel better.
When choosing material for different rooms, you should pay attention to the patterns and colors that should be combined. Consumers are advised to prefer that covering material, the width of which will allow it to be laid with fewer joints. Before purchasing, it is important to pay attention to the wear resistance class, on which the durability of the product will depend.
Felt-based linoleum reviews

Thick insulated linoleum can be made on a felt base. According to the manufacturers, it consists of two layers, the lower of which is made of an antiseptic pad. The top layer is made on the basis of a polyvinyl chloride film. In order to lay such material, it is recommended to clean the base from debris and dust. The rough surface must be solid and even.
Specialists say that it is important to prevent the absorption of moisture by the fibrous part of the material. To do this, it is important to make sure that the moisture content of the base does not exceed 5%. To do this, it is recommended to use a small piece of glass, which is laid on the surface and remains for 2 days. If after this time you notice traces of moisture on the inner surface of the glass, then the base is not suitable for laying a felt base, since such linoleum may simply begin to rot after a while. If the surface is not dried properly, it will cause additional costs in the future. In this case, it is necessary to treat the surface with special solutions that prevent the spread of mold.
Linoleum from different manufacturers: Tarkett brand material

If you are interested in the described material, then you can pay attention to the insulated Tarkett linoleum, which has been manufactured for over 120 years. During this time, the company has established itself as a manufacturer of durable and safe flooring solutions. Today Tarkett is the number one brand in Russia, a title that distinguishes it from analogue flooring manufacturers. This linoleum is insulated, the price of which starts from 196 rubles. per square meter, ready to last more than 10 years with proper installation. It belongs to the KM5 fire safety class.
Comitex Lin Parma Linoleum

You can insulate the floor with linoleum using material from the manufacturer Komiteks Lin Parma, which offers its products from 181 rubles. per square meter. This material has a protective layer, the thickness of which is 0.15 mm. The coating belongs to class G4 in terms of flammability.
Used as a protective layerfiberglass, and the abrasion is 35g/m2. According to tests, the change in linear dimensions can be 0.2%. The manufacturer indicates that the service life of the material reaches 20 years. This insulated linoleum, the price of which is acceptable for the average consumer, has the quality of moisture resistance and can be used for underfloor heating.
Laying thermal insulation under linoleum
Quite often, home craftsmen wonder how to insulate the floor under linoleum. In order to exclude the absorption of moisture by the material, it is necessary to lay a waterproofing film on the concrete coating, simple polyethylene is suitable for this. Linoleum is laid on top of the film, and the joints are glued with construction tape. If you want to additionally insulate the concrete surface, then you must first apply heat-insulating paint to the base, it will act as liquid thermal insulation. After applying it, you must wait until it dries completely, and lay plywood on top of it, on which linoleum will be spread.
For effective floor insulation, you can use one of the above types of linoleum. It will achieve high aesthetic properties of the coating and the practicality of the surface.