What is a mortar unit is known to every specialist in the field of construction. For consumers, it is an opportunity to obtain fresh mortar near the building site. For entrepreneurs, this is a profitable business, where demand is quite high.
Description of different types of mortar nodes

Today, two types of solution nodes are known:
- stationary;
- mobile.
The first is the technological chain, which is organized in close proximity to large-scale production of reinforced concrete products. They are focused on the production of certain brands of mixtures.
As for mobile options, they are used at the construction site, they can be rented. There are also semi-stationary nodes that can be partially disassembled and moved within the site.
Description of mortar units based on the principle of operation

The solution node can be classifiedalso on the features of the technology of preparation of the mixture. According to her, such mini-factories are divided into cyclic installations and those that provide continuous operation. In the first case, we are talking about units that prepare concrete in separate portions. This indicates that components can be reloaded after the mixer is released.
Installations of continuous action allow you to get a larger volume of solution in a certain time. This is due to the fact that the supply, subsequent mixing and unloading of the solution are carried out in parallel. The disadvantage of such installations is the inability to quickly switch the device to the production of mixtures of different grades. In addition, the output solution is not always stable.
The solution node can also be classified according to the seasonality of use. Some mini-factories can be operated only in the summer, others - all year round. For year-round production of the solution, winter modifications are used. They are insulated and have heating systems. However, even such designs are characterized by a decrease in productivity in cold weather by almost half, this is due to the fact that a huge amount of time is spent on heating the components of the mixture.

The solution assembly consists of several modules, among them:
- mixer hopper;
- tanks with strain gauges and dispensers;
- tank with filtration system and water;
- blockcontrols.
To ensure full operation, the node must have transport modules, namely:
- grab lifts;
- conveyors;
- skip hoists.
Without tanks for loading and storing dry components, as well as a vibrating machine, auxiliary mechanisms and services, the mortar unit remains a conventional concrete mixing plant. When choosing a mortar-concrete unit, it is necessary to pay attention to the main technical characteristics, including power and productivity.
Mini-plants are capable of producing approximately 10-25m3 of concrete per hour. If we are talking about standard installations, then they will give out 400 m3/h. The characteristics of work items may be different, so when ordering, it is important to pay attention to the following parameters:
- number of containers;
- volume of tanks;
- availability of dosing units;
- mixing hopper type.
As for the number of containers, they will contain aggregates of different fractions.
Description of the solution-s alt unit

The solution-s alt unit is intended for the preparation of solutions with different specific gravity. The composition must be free from insoluble particulate matter that would be detrimental to the oil reservoir. Such installations are used to obtain fluids that are used when killing wells.
Nodes operate in semi-automatic mode, and operability is ensured by the presenceservice personnel. The equipment is equipped with flow meters and instrumentation that allow you to control the cooking process visually and remotely.
Preparation of solutions

Preparation of solutions on concrete-mortar units is carried out according to a certain technology. It may involve the use of a continuous or volumetric dosing principle. The dosing accuracy for cement is 2%, for water - 1%, for milk of lime - 0.5%. As for sand, the accuracy in this case may vary depending on its moisture content in the range from 1 to 3.5%.
A belt dispenser is used for dosing sand, a screw dispenser for cement. The liquid is supplied under constant pressure, which is provided by the tank. The horizontal mortar mixer guarantees the mixing of the components. The finished solution passes through a vibrating sieve and is fed to the place of consumption using a mortar pump. Mortar units are economical, and their use can reduce the cost of preparing the mixture in the range from 30 to 50%.
Greenhouse equipment
Greenhouse Solution Units are used to prepare nutrient solution, conduct and schedule drip irrigation in greenhouse production. Such devices allow you to organize the supply of solution for individual zones according to the time of irrigation and the consumption of the solution.
Using a specific program, you can plan watering throughout the day. Depending on the capabilities of the system, the programallows you to start watering, taking into account several types of influences. Among them it is worth highlighting:
- time;
- amount of solar radiation;
- substrate moisture level;
- temperature.
A mixing hopper must be present in the mortar units. It may include a spare drum operating at low energy costs. The preparation of hard mixtures is impossible, because the gravity tank will not cope with plastic solutions.
Special movable container is used for forced mixing where the paddles are involved. At the same time, the wear of working elements is carried out faster, and energy consumption increases.