Why do fleas bite a person and how to deal with them?

Why do fleas bite a person and how to deal with them?
Why do fleas bite a person and how to deal with them?

"Flea" we are used to calling cats or dogs, but the language does not turn to call a person that. However, sometimes we get no less from fleas than our pets. Although, of course, these small insects live on the human body extremely rarely. Why do fleas bite people? Most likely, the victim simply passed by the parasite and became a carrier quite by accident. Most often, people are infected with insects by their pets.

fleas bite a person
fleas bite a person

Bite us can be both human fleas and insects that accidentally jumped from a dog or cat. But the hot climate can also "please" the sandy representatives of this class. What to do if fleas bite a person?

Features of the species

Pulex irritans - Latin for "human flea". However, this species lives just as well in the fur of animals. Human bloodsuckers are small in size - up to 4 mm. All species of fleas have a flat body, a small head with antennae and a sucking mouth, six legs with claws.

Human fleas reproduce very quickly,one female is capable of laying up to 500 eggs. These insects prefer to live in the cracks of the floor, in the garbage, in the villi of carpets, where they lay their eggs. Up to three weeks pass, small hungry individuals are born from the laid eggs.

Where do fleas come from?

If fleas bite a person, the first thing that comes to mind is where they came from, and the second is how to get rid of them.

why do fleas bite people
why do fleas bite people

Fleas lead a parasitic lifestyle, moving from one host to another. They live in the fur of domestic animals: cats, dogs and even horses. Some species of wild animals can infect, they have adapted to live on humans. The insect easily stays on the "owner" while walking or running, and if it feels danger, it can jump a long distance.

If a flea has to starve, it can live without food for a very long time without damage to he alth, but under favorable conditions, the insect eats twice a day.

What is the danger?

If fleas bite a person, it is not only painful and unpleasant, but also fraught with various diseases. Moving from one carrier to another, fleas can infect with plague, pulicosis, pseudotuberculosis, pseudotyphoid, tularemia and other diseases. But sand fleas are able to penetrate under the skin of a person and multiply there, as a result of which purulent abscesses form in the infected. But even if the fleas turned out to be non-infectious, their bites can carry a severe allergic reaction, combing with secondary infection. If fleas bite a person, in order to avoid serious consequencesurgent action is required.

How to get rid of fleas?

dog fleas bite people
dog fleas bite people

First you need to decide where exactly they live in your apartment. Dog fleas bite people, so you should start to destroy the parasite by cleaning the hair of pets. They need to be washed with a special flea shampoo. Wash your pet's bedding thoroughly.

Now you need to do a general cleaning in the apartment. Insects can settle in all rooms at a height of up to one and a half meters above the floor. Therefore, this surface will have to be processed more carefully. Treat the bed, mattress, upholstered furniture, baseboards and floor crevices, soft toys.

Cleaning is done with a vacuum cleaner, it perfectly sucks insect eggs into itself. Don't forget to empty the trash bag afterwards. The apartment will have to be treated with a special flea remedy according to the instructions. Even "Dichlorvos" will do. Before this, remove all food, animals, aquarium fish. Two hours after treatment, ventilate the room, but do not clean for several days. Good luck!
