Today, different paints are used to decorate walls and ceilings. They differ in composition, features of application. One of the spectacular types of finishes is textured paint. The features of this composition, its varieties and method of application should be considered before starting repairs.
General characteristics
With the usual technology of puttying the walls, they are plastered with further finishing work. This can be painting, cladding with decorative panels, ceramic tiles, as well as wallpapering. Today, the market represents a huge range of building materials, which, thanks to innovative production technologies, have made it possible to simplify the work process and make the result as high quality and original as possible.

One of these repair materials is textured paint, which, due to its characteristics, is gaining popularity among decorative finishes. This product also has such names as texture, embossed paint, and sometimes it is also calledstructural material.
Consistency is a thick, water-based pasty mixture. In general, structural paint includes two elements - decorative plaster and a finishing protective coating. The product is an environmentally friendly and safe material, as it does not contain harmful and organic substances.
Key Features
Textured paint has several features. The structural composition resembles a translucent consistency. After hardening, the layer has significant strength. Its drying time is quite short, about 2 hours.
As a rule, decorative relief paint is produced in white. It lends itself easily to both manual and automatic tinting. The solvent for structural paint is ordinary warm water, due to which the material is brought to the desired working viscosity. After using the composition from the painted area, water evaporates. This forms a relief coating.
Special advantages of this paint are its UV resistance. This is a big plus, since the color gamut practically does not change during use. Finishing is not affected by climatic and mechanical factors, water. Therefore, the product can be used for both indoor and outdoor applications.

The composition is characterized by minimal susceptibility to the appearance of fungus or mold on the surface, and also forms a breathable coating. The paint is absolutely safe forhuman he alth. Convenience and ease of operation are also its advantage. There are no restrictions when carrying out wet cleaning, when choosing detergents.
Applies to virtually any surface: masonry, wood base, plaster. Textured ceiling paint is also great.
Relief paint is an economical material. When it is used, labor costs and work time are minimized, since both plastering and painting of the room or facade take place at the same time. This also affects the budget savings.
Due to its viscous composition, the finish does not get dirty and does not particularly accumulate dust. It is also worth noting that the paint does not absorb foreign odors that may appear in the room. It comes in a wide range of colors and textures. It is very convenient for custom designs.
Consumption when painting with textured paint depends on the type of base material and the desired pattern. According to the technical data, the structural paint has a consumption of 500 to 1500 g/m² with a layer of 10 mm. At the same time, this finish does not in any way affect the regulation of humidity in the room.
Today, the building materials market has a huge selection of manufacturers of such finishes. Structural paint can be purchased at any construction pavilions, stores and hypermarkets, as well as get detailed advice from the seller on its operation and proper preparation. But before using, you should read the instructions on the back of the can.
Varieties of texture
Texturedpaints after application may appear differently. It depends on the quality of the composition, the method of application and the type of product itself. Varieties of structural paint can be as follows:
- Mizuri. This is a decorative mass, which is based on modified acrylic type starch. When working with it, even and textured layers are created.
- Marseille wax. A durable base that is suitable for various types of rooms. It can also be used as a protective coating for walls against moisture and various fumes.
- Paint with quartz chips. The composition includes aluminum particles and other natural fillers. Thanks to them, various textures are obtained, which are easily formed with a spatula.
- Atacama. This is based on quartz sand, which contributes to the formation of the relief of the base. Also included in the composition of the metal filler, which is responsible for the appearance of a reflective effect. Thanks to this, the surface of the wall appears velvet.

You can diversify the color effect with varnish. A composition with various types of additions is added to it. This contributes to a change in the color and light perception of the surface (depending on the viewing angle, as well as daylight and additional lighting).
Varieties of the base
When choosing a paint, you should also pay attention to its base. It depends on what result you should expect. Embossed paint is divided into four types:
- The cheapest option is the mineral base, which containsincludes cement and limestone. Sold in powder form. It is rational to use it for outdoor work.
- The more common option is the silicone base, which is used both indoors and outdoors. The coating comes out vapor-permeable, resistant to moisture and climatic stress.
- A more expensive option, but quite practical, is a silicate base. With such a coating, atmospheric loads are not terrible. The surface is easy to care for.
- Acrylic textured paint is a convenient and rational option that is easily tinted. Desired fillers are also added to it.
The choice of composition depends on the surrounding conditions, as well as the financial capabilities of the buyer. Do not save on the quality of the composition.
Recommendations for selection
The basis of the paint product includes additives with particles ranging in size from fifty microns, so the base will be rough. It is also worth considering: the larger the particle size, the greater the layer thickness will be. This also increases the consumption of the mixture. Textured wall paint is not a cheap product. Its price primarily depends on the consumption, as well as on the composition and additives. Decorative product happens:
- for facade works;
- interior decoration;
- coarse;
- fine-grained.
Paint consumption also depends on the technology and method of application, and what tool the work will be done with. More often, the application of paint is carried out with a conventional or notched trowel, sponge. You can also use a roller fortextured paint.

The structural composition can be done independently. Mixed in the right proportions putty with paint for wallpaper. Optionally, filler is added in the form of crumbs or fine gravel.
Paint reviews
How to apply texture paint? There is nothing difficult in this. When working with the composition, no complex tool is also required. Finishing agent allows you to create your own texture and desired shade with the right additives. According to reviews of textured paint, it can be judged that the process is quick and simple.

Feature of the composition is its versatility and good consistency. It is focused on maintaining the quality of the surface and the paint itself. Due to its positive characteristics and high quality, structural paint is used more often than other finishing materials.
Preparation for application
Using a roller, paint brush or foam sponge to create a relief is not too difficult. No special surface preparation required - a huge plus.
Before applying paint, it is enough to simply tap the used section of the wall with a hammer to beat off areas of plaster that are crumbling. Also, if there are large cracks on the working surface, they should be repaired. It is necessary to treat the wall with a deep penetration acrylic primer. After that, the surface is ready. It can be applied with textured wall paint.
Paint preparation
Before you start working with the paint, you need to mix it thoroughly. It is better to do this with a drill with a mixer attachment. After adding a pigment or some kind of filler, mix the composition again. This should be done at a low speed so that the paint evenly mixes with the added elements.
There are also a few rules to keep in mind to get a good result. All tools for work should be prepared in a timely manner. After drying, the walls can be additionally painted with varnish or acrylics.
Applying technology
When applying structural paint, there is nothing complicated. It is worth following a few rules. During the work, be sure to use one technique for applying the composition. This is necessary in order for the relief of the pattern to be uniform throughout the room.

Textured paint is applied in a thick layer. In this case, you can get the intended relief. It is recommended to perform work immediately on the entire planned surface. During breaks in work, joints may appear, which will be evident when the finish is completed.
Dye should be applied from top to bottom to avoid streaks. They can spoil the appearance of the surface. The first layer is often applied with a roller. After it dries, it is worth painting the base. To do this, you can use a regular or curly roller. You can also use your palm for a special staining method. This will give the object an unusual effect.
It is recommended to start coloring from the cornerpremises. This is best done from poorly lit areas or at the place where the furniture will stand. This is necessary in order to fill your hand. In these places, possible defects will be invisible. It is also worth considering that the last layer of paint must be applied in the direction of the fall of the sun's rays.
The nuances of using paint
When working with textured facade paint, it is worth considering additional nuances that may arise during the work:
- some structural paints are not recommended for use at low or too high temperatures;
- humidity in the room must comply with the standards in the instructions;
- the thickness of the applied paint should be no more than 1.5 cm in one layer;
- the surface used must be flat and without sharp drops;
- finished paint must be used within the operational life, otherwise it will affect the quality of the work performed and reduce the durability of the finish;
- For a long service life, you should additionally use coatings such as acrylic or varnish.

In conclusion, the use of embossed paint will achieve good results, a beautiful surface, and create a unique, sophisticated and chic room design.