Formula: room area and dimensions

Formula: room area and dimensions
Formula: room area and dimensions

If you plan to make repairs yourself, then you will need to make an estimate for building and finishing materials. To do this, you will need to calculate the area of \u200b\u200bthe room in which you plan to carry out repairs. The main assistant in this is a specially designed formula. The area of the premises, namely its calculation, will allow you to save a lot of money on building materials and direct the released financial resources in a better direction.

room area formula
room area formula

Geometric shape of the room

The formula for calculating the area of a room directly depends on its shape. The most typical for domestic structures are rectangular and square rooms. However, during redevelopment, the standard form may be distorted. Rooms are:

  • Rectangular.
  • Square.
  • Complex configuration (for example, round).
  • With niches and ledges.

Each of them has its own calculation features, but, as a rule, the same formula is used. The area of a room of any shape and size, one way or another, can be calculated.

room area formula
room area formula

A rectangular or square room

To calculate the area of a rectangular or square room, just remember school geometry lessons. Therefore, it should not be difficult for you to determine the area of \u200b\u200bthe room. The calculation formula looks like:

S rooms=AB where

A is the length of the room.

B is the width of the room.

To measure these values, you will need a regular tape measure. To get the most accurate calculations, it is worth measuring the wall on both sides. If the values do not converge, take the average of the resulting data as a basis. But remember that any calculations have their own errors, so the material should be purchased with a margin.

room area formula
room area formula

A room with a complex configuration

If your room does not fall under the definition of "typical", i.e. has the shape of a circle, triangle, polygon, then you may need a different formula for calculations. You can try to conditionally divide the area of \u200b\u200bthe room with such a characteristic into rectangular elements and make calculations in the standard way. If you do not have such an opportunity, then use the following methods:

The formula for finding the area of a circle:

Sroom=πR2, where

π=3, 14;

R – room radius.

The formula for finding the area of a triangle:

S room=√ (P(P - A) x (P - B) x (P - C)), where

P is the half-perimeter of the triangle.

A, B, C are the lengths of its sides.

Hence R=A+B+C/2

If you have any difficulties during the calculation, it is better not to torture yourself and turn to professionals.

formula for calculating the area of a room
formula for calculating the area of a room

The area of the room with ledges and niches

Often the walls are decorated with decorative elements in the form of various niches or ledges. Also, their presence may be due to the need to hide some unaesthetic elements of your room. The presence of ledges or niches on your wall means that the calculation should be carried out in stages. Those. first, the area of a flat section of the wall is found, and then the area of \u200b\u200ba niche or ledge is added to it.

The area of the wall is found by the formula:

S walls=P x C, where

P - perimeter

С - height

You also need to consider the presence of windows and doors. Their area must be subtracted from the resulting value.

formula for floor space
formula for floor space

Room with tiered ceiling

Multi-level ceiling does not complicate the calculations as much as it seems at first glance. If it has a simple design, then calculations can be made on the principle of finding the area of \u200b\u200bwalls complicated by niches and ledges.

However, if your ceiling design has arcuate and wavy elements, thenit is more expedient to determine its area using the floor area. For this you need:

  1. Find the dimensions of all straight wall sections.
  2. Find the floor area.
  3. Multiply the length and height of the vertical sections.
  4. Add the resulting value to the floor area.
find the area of a room formula
find the area of a room formula

Step-by-step instructions for determining the total

room space

In order to correctly calculate the area of your room, you will need not only a certain formula. The area of the room is measured in stages within a strict sequence, which includes the following items:

  1. Free the room from unnecessary things. In the process of measuring, you will need free access to all areas of your room, so you need to get rid of anything that can interfere with this.
  2. Visually divide the room into sections of regular and irregular shapes. If your room is strictly square or rectangular, you can skip this step.
  3. Make an arbitrary layout of the room. This drawing is needed so that all the data is always at your fingertips. Also, it will not give you the opportunity to get confused in numerous measurements.
  4. Measurements must be made several times. This is an important rule to avoid errors in calculations. Also, if you are using a laser tape measure, make sure the beam lies flat on the wall surface.
  5. Find the total area of the room. The formula for the total area of a room is to find the sum of all the areas of individualareas of the room. Those. S total=S walls+S floors+S ceilings
