Sometimes it becomes necessary to obtain such values as the area and volume of a room, which are used in the design of communication systems, ventilation shafts, and the purchase of building materials. Sometimes there is a need to calculate the area of \u200b\u200bthe walls. All these data are easy to obtain, just by working with a tape measure, namely by measuring the required dimensions. How to calculate the area of a room and walls, find the volume of a room, read on.
What will be required for the work
The work is not difficult, all that is required is to remember some school formulas and substitute the available values. Prepare:
- tape measure with lock, but you can also use a regular one;
- a few sheets of paper;
- pen or pencil;
- calculator, although you can count either on paper in a column, or in your mind.
With this simple set of tools, without which no household can do (everything you need will definitely be found in the house), you will definitelyachieve your goals. To take measurements, you can ask a friend for help or do it yourself.
In the course of calculations, it is required to measure the length of the planes. This is done along the walls. If the room is furnished, and you do not plan to take it out, move to the middle of the room, just keep an eye on the level and in no case measure obliquely. This will help avoid measurement errors.
About the details of applying formulas and how to calculate the area of a room, read further in the article.

An example of calculating the area of a rectangular room
In a room with such a shape and without protruding parts, measurements are easiest to carry out calculations. To do this, you need to write down on the sheet the length and width of each of the walls. It is better to mark indicators in meters, highlighting centimeters after the decimal point and rounding to tens.
L - 4.5 m (450 cm);
B - 2, 25 m (250 cm).
Multiply these numbers to get S rooms measured in m2. Based on the indicators given in the example, it turns out that S=4, 5x2, 25=10, 125 m2. In such values, as a rule, leave two digits after the decimal point. Total: rounding the calculated quadrature, we get a number equal to 10, 12 m2 area.
Example of calculations in rooms with a non-standard shape
This room will be conditionally divided into several regular shapes: squares, rectangles, triangles. After that, after completing all the operations, perform the calculation usingknown formulas.
Before you calculate the total area, take measurements. When working with non-standard premises, the number of figures obtained is doubled, the length and width of the protrusion are added to the standard two indicators. The dimensions of each of the conditional shares are considered separately, and as a result are summed up.
Example: if you want to calculate the area of the formed two rectangles resulting from the layout of the room, the area is calculated using the same formula, only the figure found is either subtracted (if it is a window in the ceiling), or added to the size of the room, which depends on configuration.

How to calculate the area of a room in square meters with a ledge, let's look at an example:
- Squaring without protrusion: 3, 78, 7=32, 9 m2.
- Protruding ceiling or wall dimensions: 4.250.75=3.2m2.
- Total area: 32, 9+3, 2=36, 1 m2.
From non-standard layouts, there is also a category of rooms with sloping walls. In this case, the area is divided into several rectangles and a triangular section. For this scheme, five stages of calculations will be required. The breakdown can be carried out according to your plan - as it is more convenient for you. This is not so important, a set of shapes is required, and any method of selecting them can be taken. The main thing is to calculate correctly.
How to calculate the area of the walls in this case:
- First measure the large rectangular part: 6.91.7=11.7m2.
- Calculate a small triangle with parameters 2,31, 4=3, 3m2.
- Calculate the area of a right triangle equal to half the area of a triangle with the same parameters (2, 31, 4)/2=1.65 m2.
- Add all the numbers you get to get the final value: 11, 7+3, 3+1, 65=16, 65 m2.
Layouts are very diverse, but the general principle of finding what you are looking for is clear: we subdivide everything complex into simple, measure all the required parameters of the figures, calculate the quadrature of each fragment, combine everything into one number.
Pay attention to an important note: the area of the room, floor and ceiling surfaces are the same values. There are differences if the project contains semi-columns that do not reach the ceiling - then this indicator is subtracted from the total amount, as a result, the floor area is obtained. When working, do not forget to calculate the area in meters and make sure that all indicators are written in the same value (meters, centimeters, millimeters), depending on the need.
Features of calculating the squaring of walls
This need most often arises when there is a need to purchase building material and finishing for repairs. Here it is important to know how to calculate the area of \u200b\u200bthe house. The calculation of indicators in this case requires additional measurements, including:
- room height;
- area of door and window structures.

All these data, like the squaring of the walls, are recorded in meters.
Rectangular walls are calculated usingthe formula of the same name, according to which the length is multiplied by the width. The same method calculates the dimensions of door and window openings, subtracting them from the total.
How to find the surface area of walls
Take a conditional value and, according to these parameters, calculate:
wall with door:
2, 34, 2=9, 66 m2 – total area of the larger wall;
2, 00, 75=1.5 m2 – doorway area;
9, 66-1, 5=8, 16 m2 – wall surface excluding doorway dimensions;
wall with window:
1, 753, 45=6 m2 – squaring the smaller wall;
1, 51, 7=2, 55 m2 – window area;
6-2, 55=3, 45 m2 - wall surface without taking into account the dimensions of the window structure.
Based on this, the total area of the walls adds up to one: 9, 66+8, 16+6+3, 45=27, 27 m2.
Now you know how to calculate the area of walls and what formulas to use for this.
Room size
Some calculations require the use of this indicator as well. In this case, three values \u200b\u200bare multiplied: width, length, height of the room. The measurement value is cubic meters (cubic capacity). For example, let's take conditional values:
- length - 4.6 m;
- width - 3.7 m;
- height - 2.6 m.
As a result of multiplication, we get 4, 63, 72, 6=44, 25 m3 – the volume of the room.

Features of measuring floor area
This process consists offew steps. After studying it, you will know how to calculate the area. It looks like this:
- First, the area of the room is freed as much as possible: if not completely taking out the furniture, then at least moving it away from the walls. Although the first option will be more convenient. Experts recommend determining the dimensions of the premises immediately after moving into a new home, when it is not yet cluttered with all sorts of objects and appliances, household rubbish. It seems that measuring the two sides would be enough, but this is only the first impression and you should not exaggerate. Multiplying the resulting numbers is not enough, and to get the exact size of the room, measure each side. In addition, it may be necessary to break down a space with a complex layout into simpler ones, which often happens in modern new buildings with original non-standard layouts. More on that.
- The conditional breakdown of the room suggests the presence of a room layout, which is the second step that brings the owner closer to even more important measurements. Rectangular lobes must be marked on the drawing. If you don't have a piece of paper handy, you can mark these areas with tape or other similar material. With this separation, you save yourself from possible confusion in the course of calculations.
- Next, we have to move to the third step of measuring each of the vertical planes - walls and zones conditionally divided into rectangles. It is recommended to repeat the work carried out for the purpose of self-control and detailing of the data, because the specificity of the figures obtained is important.
- So howcalculate area? Calculate the S of each measured area, the entire wall, or a fraction. Take into account that this value is not always determined by the formula of a square or rectangle, but it can also take on a different shape: round, triangular, or another variation. Please note that the accuracy to the centimeter is not so important in this case. It is enough to round the values to tens of centimeters.
- At the last step, add the resulting values to get one final figure - the whole floor area.

Some features of calculating floor area
Non-standard layouts provide for the presence of various kinds of protrusions or recesses in the walls. Their accounting is determined by the specific purposes of measuring the area. Depending on the type of repair, various nuances come to the fore. For example, when laying a warm floor, the area occupied by heavy and bulky furniture is excluded, since such pieces of furniture are unlikely to move. Another detail lies behind the part of the floor that is hidden behind the baseboards, although it does not take up much space, this is extremely important when determining the square. In this case, you can run a tape measure along each of the walls, but over the baseboard, to get the exact value.
Now, knowing how to calculate the floor area, you can solve a number of problems related to the repair work in a house or apartment, as well as find a way out of other situations where the use of area calculation is required.
Measuring window and door openings
To determine the area of the walls, not taking into account the size of windows and doors, it is necessary to correctly measure their width and height and carry out a certain mathematical operation. If it is related to wallpapering, how to calculate the area in this case? Windows are measured from the outside, and doors are measured from the outside edge of the frame.
Why such measurements are needed
One of the most common reasons is the ability to calculate the cost of future repairs based on these figures. These data help to preliminarily estimate the amount of work carried out, the prices of specialists, the amount of materials needed. In order to control the competence of the craftsmen and the correctness of payment for repair work, even if the company offers to take measurements, it is worth calculating the area according to the formula in advance to make sure the employees are honest. In some cases, this helps to avoid inflated prices, and as you know, some real estate transactions, where the area is not the last thing, are accompanied by high rates.
Carrying out appropriate measurements and the skill of reading diagrams will help to realistically assess the quality of living space at any stage of construction, and will also be useful in choosing the option of renting a room or buying and selling an object.
Another interesting application of room area values is lighting planning. A special grid of developed standards has been identified, for which the presence of the area of the illuminated room is of particular importance.
Having Sof the area, it is not difficult to calculate, if necessary, and its volume, based on which it is easythe need for heating, climatic, ventilation devices is calculated for the coordinated operation of systems.
How to calculate the area of the ceiling
At first glance, this work does not cause difficulties. It is enough to know the floor area, which is equal to the ceiling area, but this rule remains valid when the walls are placed strictly vertically and do not form hermetic figures of complex shape. In this case, the ceiling must be strictly horizontal. Sometimes things are different. For example, it is required to calculate the area of the ceiling of a room located in the attic, where the inclined parts of the surface are included. In this case, the desired value is calculated according to a special scheme, which we will study in more detail.
Features of calculating the area of an irregularly shaped ceiling
Calculations are carried out using the conventional designation of the sides in Latin letters: "a", "b", "c" (as the sides of the triangle). The length of the corresponding section of the wall in this case is the horizontal side of the triangle ("a"). The difference in height is the vertical edge of the triangle ("b"). The inclined face of a right triangle ("c"), which is found using the Pythagorean theorem, from which it emerges that c is equal to the square root of the sum of the squares of a and b. So you can measure all the parameters of the ceiling and, ultimately, calculate S.

How to calculate the area of ceilings with a complex configuration
In this case, to determine the total area, separately determine the value of the area of \u200b\u200bthe individual parts, and then summarizevalues that get the total.
As you can see, the measurement process is based on measuring areas with a simple geometric shape.
Shapes used to make measurements
It all depends on what kind of geometric figure in question. Check out the main options that are most common.
Sof a triangle – is equal to the product of the length of its sides.
Strapezoids – product of sum of bases and H perpendicular to them.
Scircle – the product of the number "Pi" by R2 circle.
Sof a right-angled triangle – the area is ½ the product of the lengths of its sides perpendicular to each other.
Now you know how to calculate the area of a room using math formulas.

Generalized recommendations
Despite the simplicity of measurements, as it may seem at first glance, this business requires special accuracy, accuracy, sequence of actions.
The length of the walls is measured strictly horizontally, and the height - vertically, without deviations from the level. In this case, it is advisable to use a plumb line on a thread or a building level.
Remember that the actual layout is somewhat different from the estimated figures, and the results of measurements prescribed in the documentation or from repairmen may not match the real values.
To make the task easier, use diagrams and drawings during the measurement process. This will help you more accurately understand how to calculate the area insquare meters.
After reading the details and practical examples of calculating the indicators described above, it will be easier for any self-taught master, repairman or simple owner of a house or apartment who plans to repair, to determine the scope of work.
Use the formulas above, use the recommendations, take into account the tips and as a result you will get exactly the parameters that you need.