In the process of repair, it is important to take into account all the nuances regarding building materials. The main problem arises when determining the number of finishing wallpapers. To simplify the process of preparing for repairs, it is worth asking how to calculate the wallpaper for the room. There are several options for calculating the total length and number of rolls. Standard formulas or online calculators can be used to determine results.
Why is it necessary to calculate the number of wallpapers for pasting a room
Those who want to make repairs on their own, namely to paste wallpaper, do not always know and understand how to calculate the wallpaper for a room. But to be able to carry out such manipulations with calculations is simply necessary for several reasons:
- If you don't buy enough wallpaper initially, then it's hard to find the same picture.
- Due to the correct calculations, time is saved for searching and buying material.
- A huge amount of non-refundable leftovers can be avoided. This is a waste of money.
These are the main nuances that indicatethe need for quality estimates.
Standard roll parameters
To calculate how much wallpaper per room is needed in the process of finishing the walls, you should know the standard parameters of the rolls. You need to pay attention to the marking, which indicates the width, length of the canvas:
- Manufacturers provide wallpaper with the following widths: 0.52 m, 0.53 m, 0.7 m, 0.75 m, 0.9 m, 1 m, 1.02 m, 1.06 m.
- If the room will be decorated with photo wallpaper, then the width of the stylistic canvas can have any parameters.
- The standard length is 10.5 m. There are sheets with a length of 5, 5 and 25 m. They do not belong to the standard types of rolls.

Difficulties may arise when combining several wallpaper options with different widths and lengths of rolls.
What to consider when calculating diverse wallpapers
To understand how to calculate how much wallpaper you need per room, you need to take into account certain nuances:
- If there is a picture on the wallpaper, then you need to take into account the shift of the print report in each roll. This part is not suitable for wall papering.
- It is necessary to take into account the principle of joining lanes. There are several options. The most common are overlap and butt-to-butt.
- Some wallpapers may shrink slightly after drying, so you need to take into account this shrinkage.

Other features may be indicated on the manufacturer's label. There are also defective units, whichmay significantly affect further data processing.
Counting according to the parameters of the room in which there are openings
To determine the required number of wallpapers for pasting a particular room, it is worth initially measuring the parameters of the room. For this you need:
- Measure the height, width of the walls.
- Calculate the area of the walls of the room. First determine the area of each surface separately, and then add the results. You need to use the standard formula, where the length is multiplied by the height.
- Additionally, it is worth calculating the perimeter of each wall.
- Separately, entrance doors, windows and other recesses are measured. Determine the area of the elements by using the already known formula.
- From the surface area of the walls, subtract the parameter of the area of the notches.

Only after determining the parameters of the room, it becomes clear how to calculate the wallpaper for the room. The resulting figure must be rounded up to a larger value.
The principle of calculating the required number of strips for gluing a room
After the parameters of the room are determined, you can begin to determine the required number of wallpapers. A very simple algorithm is used. Here's how to calculate the wallpaper per room, knowing the parameters of the room:
- Add the length of the walls of the room to determine the perimeter.
- The resulting number is divided by the width of the wallpaper roll, which was selected for decoration. Through such manipulations,number of lanes.
- Then you can determine how many strips you get from 1 roll with the declared length. It is necessary to divide the length of the roll by the height of the wall.
- In order not to cut extra strips, and subsequently not to buy extra material, you need to do the same calculation for pieces above windows and doors.

You can use a calculator to perform arithmetic manipulations. Then the error in the calculations will be minimal. This option will be ideal for rooms with a complex shape, if there are niches or recesses in the walls.
Formula for calculating the number of rolls for any room
To determine the number of wallpaper strips for a room, a slightly different formula is needed. To carry out such mathematical operations, appropriate numerical data are needed. To decide how to count wallpaper rolls per room, you need to use the data already available:
- It is necessary to use data for calculations that determine the required number of rolls.
- It is necessary to divide the number of all strips by the number that is obtained from one roll.
- Then you need to calculate the strips that are not used for gluing doors and windows. Subtract this number from the total and make a “translation” into rolls. Minimum is 1 roll.

There are special tables that can be used to make the same calculations. This option will allow you to quickly cope with the task. the onlythe disadvantage is that there may be large errors in the calculations.
Determine the required number of wallpapers that have a symmetrical pattern
With wallpapers that have large or small patterns that need to be adjusted, the calculations become more complex. With standard parameters of the finishing material, when fitting, 1 extra strip is obtained. It can be used to cover areas above windows or doors.
How to calculate how much wallpaper you need per room if you want to fit the stripes according to the pattern:
- Need to lay out 3 strips from 1 roll side by side.
- Determine what shift occurs when matching a pattern.
- Use a measuring tape to determine the length of the shift. This is the report that will be repeated on each roll.
- If you multiply the length of the report by the number of rolls, it will become clear how much leftovers will be at the end of the repair.

Thanks to these indicators, it becomes easier to create a list of necessary materials for wall decoration. Sometimes the report may differ in some units of blanks. This results in an error. Therefore, it is worth buying a little more wallpaper than it turned out in the calculations.
Effective online services for working on numbers
In addition to mathematical calculations using a calculator and selected tables, there are special online services. Working with this type of program is very easy, but there are many services with an unfinished interface.
There are calculators that will help you understand how to calculate the number of wallpapers per room online, knowing the following parameters:
- length, height and width of the room, its perimeter;
- area of door and window openings;
- width and length of selected wallpapers;
- features of the report.
Well-designed services will help determine not only the amount of material needed by rolls, strips, but also the required volumes of glue. Sometimes there are additional functions to determine other parameters of the finishing material. Usually paid programs have a set of additional calculations in relation to pasting and wallpaper.