What kind of longan fruit is it, where is it grown, how is it eaten and why is it useful

What kind of longan fruit is it, where is it grown, how is it eaten and why is it useful
What kind of longan fruit is it, where is it grown, how is it eaten and why is it useful

Having a rest in Thailand, China or on one of the Indonesian islands, tourists must try the longan fruit. First, it tastes good. Secondly, it is affordable, because you can buy it on every corner, and it costs (like most fruits in the region) literally a penny. But it turns out that, in addition to the excellent sweet taste that its pulp has, it contains a lot of vitamins and other substances that the body needs.

Longan looks like

"Dragon Eye" (as this fruit is called in Thailand and China) grows in clusters on fairly tall trees. Almost like grapes. It also vaguely resembles it in taste. But its sweet and rather juicy flesh is in a dense peel. It can be yellow, reddish or brown, depending on the variety. The taste of longan is usually sweet (if the fruit is ripe), but can be sour (if it is not ripe).

The skin comes off effortlessly when lightly pressed with two fingers. Under it is a white juicy pulp, reminiscent of peeled grapes. When consuming longan fruit, one must not forget about the bone inside. It is hard and not good for food. When serving longan in a cafe orrestaurants usually clean it and take out the bones. If the fruits were bought at the market, you will have to do it yourself.

longan fruit
longan fruit

About the benefits of Dragon Eyes

Thai longan fruit contains a large amount of vitamin C, as well as almost the entire group B. In addition, it is rich in carbohydrates (about 14%), phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, zinc, iron, copper, calcium. At the same time, its pulp is 82% water, due to which there are only 60 kcal in its 100 grams.

Longan fruit is known for its tonic properties, so it is recommended to use it when tired. At the same time, it improves sleep and acts as a sedative for disorders of the nervous system (thanks to magnesium). Also known and widely used in Chinese medicine are the properties of "Dragon's Eye" to reduce body temperature during a cold or infection. The use of pulp helps to improve vision and normalize the heartbeat with tachycardia. Longan also has a beneficial effect on the digestive organs, which is very important for Europeans who are faced with the need to adapt to Thai cuisine.

longan fruit photo
longan fruit photo

How to choose a delicious longan

Experts recommend first of all to pay attention to the condition of his skin. Longan fruit, the photo of which can be seen below, without cracks and damage. That's exactly how he should be. Its color does not depend on maturity, but solely on the variety, so you should not focus on it. The most delicious is considered the "Dragon's Eye", which has lain down for several days afterhow it was broken. But, unfortunately, it is very difficult to determine this by external signs. So the only sure way to buy a ripe fruit is just to taste it.


Due to the excellent taste and affordable price, tourists quite often try to bring longan home from a long trip. Fruit at home can be stored for only 2-3 days, but this is enough to treat friends or relatives with overseas yummy.

Besides, the fruits perfectly tolerate the road and, thanks to a rather dense peel, do not wrinkle very much. For transportation, it is recommended to buy a slightly unripe longan (it is slightly sour), since it will just ripen in 2-3 days. When stored in the refrigerator (this is allowed, the fruits will not be affected), it will be quite suitable for food even after a week.

thai longan fruit
thai longan fruit

How to eat it

Mostly just fresh alone or with other fruits. Sometimes it is added to salads, desserts or used as a decoration for a cake. Admirers of exotic dishes, while in Thailand, can try the local cuisine, in which the "Dragon's Eye" has become more widely used. In particular, sauces for fish and other seafood are prepared on its basis, it is added to soups and spicy meat dishes. Adherents of traditional European cuisine can safely use the fruit as a filling for sweet pastries. Tourists like a drink made from dried fruits, which are brewed like rose hips or other berries and consumed with sugar. It turns outvery tasty and he althy.

How the Dragon Eye grows

Despite the fact that Sri Lanka and East India are considered its homeland, it is currently produced in the USA and China, in Thailand and even Australia. Longan has become so widespread. The fruit, the cultivation of which has become fundamental for the economy of many Asian countries, is also supplied to the European market. So, if you wish, you can buy it in a regular supermarket.

longan fruit cultivation
longan fruit cultivation

It grows on fairly tall evergreen trees with a fragile trunk and dense crown. The flowers are small, brownish-yellow, form large brushes. The plant bears fruit very abundantly. The crop is harvested mainly by hand, cutting off the whole clusters. In trees that are too tall, sometimes the top of the head is even cut off for this. On an industrial scale, only fruits are used. Although wood is sometimes used to make furniture.

longan fruit at home
longan fruit at home

At home, longan can be grown from seed. To do this, it is taken from a ripe fruit, dried a little for 2-3 days, and then planted in the soil. The tree grows quite rapidly, needs light and frequent watering, but most likely will not bear fruit at home. First, it requires vaccination. And secondly, it is unlikely that the dimensions of an apartment or even a house will allow him to grow to the right size.

Longan fruit is a very tasty and he althy subtropical delicacy. Therefore, when traveling in the places where it is grown, you needdefinitely try it.
