Filling the floor in the apartment

Filling the floor in the apartment
Filling the floor in the apartment

Repair of an apartment or a separate room in it should begin with leveling the floor. After all, not only the interior of the room, but also the durability of the flooring depends on its quality. Moreover, filling the floor with the use of special construction mixtures is not difficult.

pouring the floor
pouring the floor

Types of building mixes for pouring the floor

There are two main types of self-leveling floors from different manufacturers on the building materials market. It is a fast setting screed and a self leveling finish.

Filling the floor with a quick-acting screed is designed to level the surface horizontally. This type of building mixtures is used to create only a draft version. In practice, the resulting base is not suitable for flooring, as it is not even enough and can lead to deformation and destruction of coatings, especially linoleum and parquet.

The purpose of the finishing mix is to give the final floor a perfectly flat surface. The result of finishing with a finishing mixture is perfect for all types of flooring, as it has no flaws in itsstructure.

Floor pouring technology

flooring technology
flooring technology

In order for the floor to be filled with high quality, it is necessary to initially prepare the work surface. The old base must be cleaned, rinsed and dried. After that, a primer should be applied to it. Priming the surface will ensure better adhesion between the layers of the new and old floor, as well as eliminate dust residues.

The next step in the floor arrangement is the installation of labels. This operation is performed using the building level. It is at this stage that the horizontal is displayed. If the area of \u200b\u200bthe room is small, then you can mark the fill level on the walls of the room. If the area of the room is large, then in order to improve the quality of work, it is recommended to install beacon profiles, according to which it will be possible to adjust the horizontal plane of future floors throughout the entire space of the room.

Almost everything is ready for the floors to be filled with a quick-hardening screed. But before doing this work, you should decide on the need for reinforcement. If the floors in the room are not subjected to heavy loads, and the thickness of the quick-hardening screed layer does not exceed 5 cm, then there is no urgent need for reinforcement. Otherwise, reinforcement should be performed to avoid various deformations during operation.

Dry quick-hardening mixture is diluted with water in a prepared container, and then mixed until smooth. Filling the floor fast-hardeningscreed is carried out between beacon profiles. Since the resulting mixture is quite thick, it is necessary to use a T-shaped tool for horizontal alignment.

floor pouring
floor pouring

The final leveling of the new floor is carried out with a finishing mixture. The dry composition is mixed with water until a homogeneous mass. Filling the self-leveling floor is very simple and does not require additional tools, since such mixtures contain special additives in their composition, which allow them to spread evenly throughout the space. The thickness of the leveling layer is at least 3 mm.

When the floor is finished, it is given a few days to dry. If the room temperature is high, then the drying solution must be moistened and covered with a film, otherwise cracks may appear due to uneven evaporation of moisture.
