Loch narrow-leaved and silvery

Loch narrow-leaved and silvery
Loch narrow-leaved and silvery

Angustifolia is a shrub that almost all people living in Russia are familiar with. But few people know its real name, as well as its significance for industry and economy. In everyday life, this deciduous tree is often called "olives" because of its peculiar fruits, which really resemble the fruits of an olive tree.

goof narrow-leaved
goof narrow-leaved

Shrub goof narrow-leaved

The plant reaches seven to ten meters in height. The leaves have a characteristic appearance, because of which it is easy to recognize - they are elongated, silvery in color, covered with characteristic scales (they also cover both the fruits and young shoots). The plant comes from Asia, but over the past hundred years it has become popular in Russia and Ukraine. It can be found everywhere in plantings, forest belts, gardens and parks. The shrub is widely used for landscaping, highways and railways are lined with it. Blooms goof narrow-leaved in June. Yellowish fruit with a reddish tinge, elliptical in shape

shrub goof silver
shrub goof silver

shape, edible. They contain tannins and organic acids. It is because of them that the goof tree is so useful. Fruits can be eaten not only as a treat, they are valuable as a folk remedy forintestinal disorders (of which jelly and porridge are boiled). On an industrial scale, alcohol is obtained from them. In Central Asia and Transcaucasia, the astringent properties of the fruits of sucker are used, preparing the Pshatin remedy from it, drying them and grinding them into flour. The wood of the shrub is used to make furniture as a material for turning and carpentry. The trunks also secrete gum, which is used to make dyes in the textile industry. The narrow-leaved sucker has nodules on the roots, in which nitrogenous compounds are formed that fertilize the soil. This plant is also useful as a source of essential oil (it is extracted from flowers) and as a honey plant. Loja flowers are used in folk medicine for edema, heart disease, colitis, as an anthelmintic. The leaves are used to heal wounds, relieve rheumatic pain, gout.

goof tree fruit
goof tree fruit

Shrub goof silver

This is a short tree with pointed leaves and dark shoots. Its flowering lasts longer than that of its closest relative, the narrow-leaved sucker, from May to July. This species is native to North America. Under natural conditions, it grows in swampy areas, along the banks of rivers. Its fruits are used in the same way as in the previous species. They ripen in August or September and taste slightly sweet. The silver goof grows slowly, often begins to bear fruit only ten years after planting. It is an excellent honey plant, like almost all species from the Lokhov genus. This flowering shrub is unpretentious, grows without problems in partial shade, soil fertility is nothas practically no value for him, as well as its humidity. Easily tolerates harsh winters and decorative pruning. The silver goof reproduces by basal shoots or by dividing the bush. It is good in mixed plantings, looks great next to red-leaved plants and conifers.
