Such a concept as a budget apartment renovation, for many it sounds like something abstract. But it turns out that proper knowledge and doing it yourself can significantly limit your costs and save time.

If you decide on a budget apartment renovation, then, of course, you will need a good plan and interesting ideas for its implementation. Accurate work planning will help avoid chaos, costly mistakes and stress.
So, in order to make a budget apartment renovation with your own hands, you must first calculate the cost. Such repairs include cheap building materials and wisely selected furniture. Many will say that you can’t save on this, because it is necessary that such purchases serve for many years. However, it is quite possible to look for cheaper analogues of expensive materials that do not differ much from the original.

Where to start
Basic low cost apartment upgrade plan includes:
- wall painting;
- laying tilesor ceramic tiles;
- replacement of ceramics in the bathroom or self-leveling floor equipment.
First, you should start with a good analysis of what your apartment really needs. It is better to write everything down accurately, analyze it in relation to the price: what needs to be changed, and what just needs to be updated. In order to reduce repair time, it is worth considering the order of changes that you are going to make. The priority should be the more laborious work that takes the most time, such as leveling the walls.
Next you can move on to painting. Leave minor possible corrections for the final stage. Proper time management will help you avoid stress, pressure and constant unexpected expenses.
Building materials
If you have a strictly defined plan, then you can freely go to work. You should write down all the accessories and materials needed for a budget apartment renovation. This will ensure more precise execution without unnecessary worries associated, for example, with the absence of a roll of wallpaper or a can of paint. It is especially important to have more in stock, such as putty or tiles. After all, this can be extremely necessary in case of possible “accidents at work” in the form of broken elements.
A similar principle also applies to panels and finishing materials. Here it is worth buying them for 15 percent more. If you do not use the backup pack of panels, then, as a rule, having a receipt in hand, you can return it back to the store within the specified period. Also, do not forget about the protection of furniture, floors (it will come in handy here).film, masking tape and duct tape).
If you don't want things to get out of control and want to know exactly how much it will cost to renovate your apartment, then you need an estimate. The allocation and distribution of financial resources is a key element, because the whole complex of works depends on it. If you do not belong to people who know how to save and save, then there is credit. However, when deciding on its size, it is imperative to evaluate the cost of materials and labor. Studying the offers of banks, pay attention not only to the interest rate, but also to the commission and credit insurance. After receiving the money, you can already freely implement the planned changes related to the budgetary renovation of the apartment.
Laying the flooring
Carpeting is still the latest trend in interior design. Many consider it old-fashioned and ugly, but today it again beckons with amazing patterns and all sorts of colors. In addition, it gives the interior a unique charm. Carpeting will be indispensable if you want to imitate green grass in the bedroom or a race track in the child's room. This is especially easy to implement with a budget renovation of an apartment in a new building, since here you will do everything almost from scratch, that is, you can use your imagination with might and main.

The method of laying carpet depends largely on the size of the floor surface. If the area does not exceed 20 m², then the coating can lie freely. Otherwisecase, you will have to fix it to the base.
Using laminate flooring
This is a modern and versatile alternative to carpeting, with this solution, the cost of repairing an apartment will pleasantly please you. Before laying the laminate, remember that the panels cannot be used immediately after purchase. It is important that there is time for them to adapt to the temperature of the apartment. Then the laminate must be laid on a flat and dry surface. To protect the panels from the penetration of moisture from the concrete base, you need to place a special substrate and film on it.
There must be a gap between the floor and the wall. The panels should not fit snugly against the walls, they should also be laid in accordance with the direction of incidence of sunlight, that is, perpendicular to the window. Thanks to this, their joining points will become less pronounced.

Performing an inexpensive apartment renovation is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. Just remember to stick to the plan and stay within your budget throughout the process.