Mallow flowers - an ornamental plant in your country house

Mallow flowers - an ornamental plant in your country house
Mallow flowers - an ornamental plant in your country house

Mallow (mallow) is a valuable ornamental plant with huge rounded leaves and large velvet flowers. Beautiful mallow flowers live for about two years, grow up to two meters and have very long roots. An incredible combination of various shades allows them to admire only until the end of August, after which the flowering stops. The mallow family is quite large, for example, the marshmallow plant belongs to it.


  • Sudanese mallow is a member of the hibiscus family.
  • Musk, or as it is also called - nutmeg - is a wonderful ornamental plant that grows up to about one meter in height. The mallow flower is very beautiful, it can be white, pink. In loose form, the diameter can reach five centimeters. These flowers look very gentle and quite impressive. They were named so because of the fact that the smell of musk is felt. Flowering occurs, like all representatives of this family, from mid-June to late August. This species includes a low plant with white flowers - "White Tower". Its peculiarity is thatflowering occurs for a long time, until the first frosts.
  • The forest mallow differs from its relatives in that it can reach a height of 120 centimeters.
  • mallow flower
    mallow flower

    Most often such an ornamental plant lives for about a year, but many believe that this species is able to exist twice as long. Mallow flowers are very beautiful, have a pinkish hue with purple accents. There are several varieties of this species. For example, the Zebrina variety has large spreading flowers of pale pink color with red veins. Also included is the gloomy but rather elegant Black Pearl.

  • Another representative is stock pink mallow. It grows only 90 centimeters in height. It pleases with its splendor for a rather short time, abundant flowering occurs a little later than the rest - from July to August.


Mallow forest
Mallow forest

In order for a plant to live as long as possible, it needs to be taken care of. To do this, you need to plant seedlings in well-fertilized soil. Also, mallow flowers need a lot of water and an abundance of sunlight. They do not tolerate natural phenomena such as wind, so it is preferable to protect them from it. Although the plant is moisture-loving, watering should be rational, as stagnant water will only harm it.


Mallow flowers are widely used to create large bouquets. In the composition, nearby plants come to life. It is also very bright, noticeable from afar, it servesbeautiful flower bed decoration.

mallow flowers
mallow flowers

Seeds are not the cheapest, but the variety of colors and amazing aroma allow you to enjoy and admire the flowers all summer long. In addition, it is used to prepare tinctures that can be used both externally and internally. The decoction is good for coughs and sore throats. Mallow root is an ancient remedy still used today.


Like most flowers, mallow is propagated by seeds and cuttings. They are planted in the soil from May to June. Growing this plant is quite simple, for which most gardeners love it. Slugs are a great danger to them, after the invasion of which they can die. Also, do not plant this delicate flower near metal fences, as the plant can become rusty.
