Control and measuring instruments and devices: types and principle of operation

Control and measuring instruments and devices: types and principle of operation
Control and measuring instruments and devices: types and principle of operation

Any production involves the use of instrumentation. They are also necessary in everyday life: you see, it is difficult to do during repairs without the simplest measuring instruments, such as a ruler, tape measure, caliper, etc. Let's talk about what measuring tools and instruments exist, what are their fundamental differences and where certain types are used.

measuring instruments and devices
measuring instruments and devices

General information and terms

Measuring device is a device that helps to obtain the value of a physical quantity in a given range, determined by the scale of the device. In addition, such a tool allows you to translate values, making them more understandable to the operator.

The control device is used to control the process. For example, it can be any sensor installed in a heating furnace,air conditioner, heating equipment and so on. Such a tool often determines the quality of products and properties. Currently, a wide variety of measuring instruments and devices are produced, among which there are both simple and complex ones. Some have found their application in one industry, while others are used everywhere. To deal with this issue in more detail, it is necessary to classify this tool.

Analogue and digital

Instruments and instruments are divided into analog and digital. The second type is more popular, since various values, for example, current or voltage, are converted into numbers and displayed on the screen. This is very convenient and the only way to achieve high accuracy of readings. However, it must be understood that any digital instrument includes an analog converter. The latter is a sensor that takes readings and sends data to be converted into a digital code.

instrumentation and instruments
instrumentation and instruments

Analogue measuring and control instruments are simpler and more reliable, but at the same time less accurate. Moreover, they are mechanical and electronic. The latter differ in that they incorporate amplifiers and transducers. They are preferred for a variety of reasons.

Classification according to different criteria

Measuring tools and devices are usually divided into groups depending on the method of providing information. So, there are registering andshowing tools. The former are characterized by the fact that they are able to record readings in memory. Often, self-recording devices are used that independently print out data. The second group is intended exclusively for real-time monitoring, that is, while taking readings, the operator must be near the device. Also, the control and measuring tool is classified according to the measurement method:

  • direct action – one or more values are converted without comparison with the same name;
  • comparative - a measuring tool designed to compare the measured value with the already known.
precision measuring tools
precision measuring tools

What are the devices in the form of presentation of indications (analogue and digital), we have already figured out. Measuring instruments and devices are also classified according to other parameters. For example, there are summing and integrating, stationary and switchboard, standardized and non-standardized devices.

Measuring locksmith tools

We meet such devices most often. The accuracy of the work is important here, and since a mechanical tool is used (for the most part), it is possible to achieve an error from 0.1 to 0.005 mm. Any unacceptable error leads to the need for regrinding or even replacement of a part or a whole assembly. That is why, when fitting the shaft to the bushing, the mechanic does not use rulers, but more precise tools.

measuring locksmith tools
measuring locksmith tools

Most popular plumbingmeasuring equipment - caliper. But even such a relatively accurate device does not guarantee a 100% result. That is why experienced locksmiths always take a large number of measurements, after which the average value is selected. If you want to get more accurate readings, then use a micrometer. It allows measurements down to hundredths of a millimeter. However, many people think that this instrument is capable of measuring down to microns, which is not entirely true. And it is unlikely that such accuracy will be required when carrying out simple plumbing work at home.

About goniometers and probes

It is impossible not to talk about such a popular and effective tool as a goniometer. From the name you can understand that it is used if you want to accurately measure the corners of parts. The device consists of a half-disk with a marked scale. It has a ruler with a movable sector, on which the vernier scale is applied. To fix the movable sector of the ruler on the half-disk, a locking screw is used. The measurement process itself is quite simple. First you need to attach the measured part with one face to the ruler. In this case, the ruler is shifted so that a uniform gap is formed between the faces of the part and the rulers. After that, the sector is fixed with a locking screw. First of all, readings are taken from the main ruler, and then from the vernier.

measuring tools manual
measuring tools manual

Often a feeler gauge is used to measure the clearance. It is an elementary set of plates fixed at one point. Each plate has its own thickness, which we know. Installingmore or less plates, you can measure the gap quite accurately. In principle, all these measuring instruments are manual, but they are quite effective and it is hardly possible to replace them. Now let's move on.

A bit of history

It should be noted, considering measuring instruments: their types are very diverse. We have already studied the main devices, but now I would like to talk about a little about other tools. For example, an acetometer is used to measure the strength of acetic acid. This instrument is capable of determining the amount of free acetic acids in solution, and was invented by Otto and used throughout the 19th and 20th centuries. The acetometer itself is similar to a thermometer and consists of a 30x15cm glass tube. There is also a special scale, which allows you to determine the required parameter. However, today there are more advanced and accurate methods for determining the chemical composition of a liquid.

measuring instruments kinds
measuring instruments kinds

Barometers and ammeters

But almost every one of us is familiar with these tools from school, technical school or university. For example, a barometer is used to measure atmospheric pressure. Today, liquid and mechanical barometers are used. The first can be called professional, since their design is somewhat more complicated, and the readings are more accurate. Mercury barometers are used at weather stations because they are the most accurate and reliable. Mechanical options are good for their simplicity and reliability, but they are gradually being replaced by digital devices.

Suchtools and instruments for measurements, like ammeters, are also familiar to everyone. They are needed to measure the current strength in amperes. The scale of modern devices is graduated in different ways: microamps, kiloamps, milliamps, etc. Ammeters always try to connect in series: this is necessary to lower the resistance, which will increase the accuracy of the readings taken.

measuring instruments and devices
measuring instruments and devices


So we talked with you about what control and measuring tools are. As you can see, all are different from each other and have a completely different scope. Some are used in meteorology, others in mechanical engineering, and still others in the chemical industry. Nevertheless, they have one goal - to measure the readings, record them and control the quality. To do this, it is advisable to use accurate measuring instruments. But this parameter also contributes to the fact that the device becomes more complex, and the measurement process depends on more factors.
