Fireplace in the apartment: types and description

Fireplace in the apartment: types and description
Fireplace in the apartment: types and description

You can look at the fire for hours. This is just the right time to relax, unwind and think. This can be translated into reality not only by the fire on a warm summer evening, but also at home. How? The fireplace will help you with this.

Modern technologies make it possible to place a fireplace not only in a country house, but also in an apartment. In specialized stores, you can choose the type of device that suits you.

fireplace in the apartment
fireplace in the apartment

There is an opinion that the fireplace in the apartment is dangerous. But this is far from true. The main thing here is to make the right choice and, accordingly, install it correctly.

Difficulties associated with installing a fireplace in an apartment

Undoubtedly, installing an ordinary fireplace in a private house is much easier than doing it in apartment buildings. First you need to take permission for its operation and installation in the right authorities, re-plan your housing, invite the fire safety commission to view the premises, and so on. In addition, do not forget about the considerable material costs that will need to be spent not only on the purchase and installation of the fireplace itself, but also on obtainingreferences.

If you neglect all of the above, then there is a high probability of facing danger.

Firstly, the fireplace in the apartment can become a source of ignition. And everything happens because of the incorrectly protected zone of the firebox.

fireplaces in the apartment photo
fireplaces in the apartment photo

Second, an improperly designed chimney can release carbon dioxide, large amounts of which can kill an entire family.

Which apartments allow fireplaces?

Installing a fireplace in a solid fuel apartment is not recommended and is not allowed. But still there is one exception (it applies to both single-level and multi-level apartments): your apartment must be located on the top floor of the house.

In this case, the room must have a properly equipped chimney that goes up to the street. In addition, it is worth considering that the chimney will pass through the ceiling, attic and roof beams.

fireplace in the apartment with their own hands
fireplace in the apartment with their own hands

Types of fireplaces for an apartment

Many fireplaces in the apartment, photos of which we see on the covers of magazines, may differ not only in their location, but also in the type of firebox.

So, the fireplace in the apartment can be attached in the corner or on the outer wall. The first option is suitable for modern interiors. In such a place they look more elegant and rich. Often in this case, a special island is allocated for such a “source of heat and light.”

Built-in fireplaces are a rarity in state-owned houses. To a greater extent, theircan be found in expensive elite modern buildings. As a rule, their placement is already planned at the planning stage of the house. Indeed, in this case, a chimney is needed, which will pull all the smoke out into the street through the roof. In addition, the area of \u200b\u200bthe room is also taken into account. It must be over 20 square meters.

The most common types of fireplaces for apartments are electric and biofireplaces.

Electric fireplaces

Electric fireplaces in an apartment are considered the easiest to use. Their photo shows us a small glass-wood structure, where a bright flame of fire is hidden behind thick transparent glass. It is a great alternative to a wood burning fireplace. However, it does not need to build a special chimney, there is no need to supply gas or stock up on firewood before installing it, and it is also easy to maintain.

electric fireplace in the apartment
electric fireplace in the apartment

Such a decorative fireplace in the apartment is able to give light, warmth and comfort to any type of room. Its cost is relatively low. In addition, it is safe for he alth and does not require special launch skills. To do this, you just need to plug the plug into the outlet and enjoy the romance.

The electric fireplace in the apartment can be used in both cold and warm seasons, as it is equipped with a power regulator.


Biofireplace is one of the newest types of fireplaces. His work is based on biological fuel: compressed peat, solid alcohol, special sawdust or bark. All of this biofuel is in the form of pellets.different colors.

Biofireplaces are ideal for apartments. When switched on, they do not emit large amounts of carbon dioxide. Thus, a chimney or other special ventilation is not needed to install a particular model.

During the use of this device, the same amount of soot is emitted in the room as can be observed during the burning of several dozen candles.

The big advantage of using biofireplaces in an apartment is that very little ash remains as a result of burning biomaterials.

decorative fireplace in the apartment
decorative fireplace in the apartment

Many say that to save money, everyone has the opportunity to build such a fireplace in the apartment with their own hands. In fact, that's the way it is. To do this, you just need to study the sequence of work, purchase the necessary material and perform all the stages of constructing a biofireplace in sequence.

Which fireplace for an apartment to choose?

Before you dwell on one or another version of the fireplace, think about what role it will play in your interior. If you want to use it as a heater, give your preference to an electric fireplace. If you want to decorate the interior and use the fireplace for aesthetic purposes, then you cannot do without a biofireplace. Since this particular type of fireplaces can be made not only in different sizes, but also in shapes.
