According to an ancient legend, an unusually handsome young man, whose name was Narcissus, went to the stream and saw his reflection in it. He admired himself and could not take his eyes off the water. Narcissus sat by the stream for so long that he died of self-love there. Later, an elegant flower with a lowered head appeared at this place. People called him a daffodil.

For a long period, a haze of light sadness, lyrical loneliness and foggy dreams flew around the flower. That is why one of the first varieties of daffodils, which began to decorate gardens and parks, was called Poetic. Breeders continued to work to diversify such beautiful flowers as daffodils. New varieties of this plant - colorful and bright, strong and cheerful, sparkled in gardens and parks like spring sunbeams. Gradually, the color acquired a completely different symbolism. He began to bring joy and affirmation of life.
Daffodils are perennial bulbous plants. They belong to the Amaryllis family. Where did the narcissist come from? Species, varieties of this flower are mostly from the Mediterranean. Some of them are believed to be native to China and Central Asia.
For many millennia, the daffodil remains one of the most pleasing and exciting spring flowers for humans. In the East, it is even compared with the bottomless-beautiful gaze of a beloved. Each country has its own myths and legends about narcissus. This amazing flower is captured in the paintings of many artists. You can find it on other art objects.
Europeans have always considered the narcissus a talisman that can attract love. In Italy, the spring flower is a symbol of passion.

From ancient times, narcissus has been used to create perfumes. It also found application in medicine. The essential oils of this plant and the alkaloid substance narcissin contained in the flower bulbs were considered medicinal.
The useful qualities of the flower are not forgotten even today. For example, it is massively grown in China and other countries of the East. It is necessary to obtain natural essential oil. Without fragrant narcissus, it is impossible to imagine the New Year in China. The inhabitants of this country decorate their homes with bright flowers.
The British also love daffodils. The varieties and various types of this bright plant, in their popularity, even managed to push the recognized queen of the garden - the rose.
Today, gardeners know more than sixty names of natural species, as well as hundreds of names of hybridsand daffodil varieties. How not to get confused in this numerous list? To do this, experts have developed the International classification of daffodils. A huge number of forms of this flower were divided into 13 groups.
Varieties of daffodils, photos and names, which can be found in this article, give a vivid idea of the available forms of these amazing flowers.
According to the International Classifier, each group has its own numerical designation. When daffodils are described, varieties have a specific code. It starts with a group number. Further through the dash follows the color combination that the crowns and perianth lobes have. Also in the code, the initial letters of English words are used, which indicate the color of the daffodil. For example, if it is white, then the letter is w, if yellow is y, pink is p, orange is o, red is r, green is g.
Tubular varieties. Group 1
It includes daffodils - tubular varieties. Their structure is characterized by the presence of one flower on the stem. In this case, the length of the tube is either equal to the length of the petals, or exceeds it.
In the group of tubular daffodils, flowers with yellow and white colors predominate. However, there may be varieties with a different tone of the perianth and tube.

You can recognize this variety by the bulb. It is large in tubular daffodils and reaches a diameter of more than five centimeters. Varieties generally reproduce well. That is why they are widely used for garden decoration, forcing and cutting.
There are three types of flowers thatadditionally, tubular daffodils are broken. Yellow varieties belong to the first of them. Of particular interest is Narcissus Maximus. It enjoys well-deserved popularity among gardeners and has been cultivated for quite a long period. Maximus is distinguished by large, brightly colored yellow flowers that adorn long (more than 75 cm) stems.
These are the best varieties of daffodils that attract attention even when planted near larger species. At its base, the flower tube is dark green. Rising to the base of the perianth segments, the color gradually turns into bright green. For normal growth, this variety requires permeable, loose, nutritious soil. At the same time, the tubers need deep planting.
Obvallyaris belongs to the same type of tubular. These are early varieties of daffodils with a characteristic undersized shape. A distinctive feature of Obvallaris is its flat, wide perianth segments and a significantly open tube. The color of such flowers stands out for its bright yellowness.
Other representatives of the same type of tubular - Henry Irving, King Alfred. Includes Golden Spar.
The second type of tubular - white. The most famous varieties of such daffodils are Haight Knight, Mistress Criledge and Madame de Graf. There are other varieties of daffodils in the second type (see photos and names below). So, among the bushes and on the lawns they often land:
1. Milner. The flowers of this variety are not strictly white, but slightly creamy in color.
2. Peter Barr. These are daffodils with white and very large flowers.
3. Birshiba. This variety is easily recognizable by its very large flowers with brilliant whiteness, which sometimes reach 13 cm in diameter.4. Kantara. This variety has even larger flowers than Birshiba, but at the same time they have a surprisingly beautiful shape.

The third type of tubular daffodils is bicolor. In this group, Pseudonarcissus stands out. In the wild, it is found throughout Europe, as well as in the territory of Eastern Transcaucasia. The flower is so undemanding that it is gladly planted in unshaded areas of park plantings and lawns, which makes them more natural. Pseudonarcissus can reproduce by self-seeding. It is characterized by slender stems and a pale yellow color of the perianth, turning into a darker tone at the crown (tube).
One of the best varieties for pot culture is Spring Glory. It deserves attention with its fragrant vanilla smell. Such well-known varieties of bicolor daffodils as Imperor and Impress are also very popular.
Large-crowned. Group 2
It includes large-crowned daffodils. Varieties of this group have a single flower of white or yellow color on the stem. Its diameter reaches 10 centimeters. The large-crowned daffodil inflorescence has six equal lobes and a corrugated tubular elongated bright orange crown. It is located on a stem having a length of 30-50 cm. How do such daffodils differ? Varieties of large-crowned plants have a smaller bulb than in the first group. Its diameter is approximately 3see
The most popular varieties of large crown daffodils are:
1. Velasquez. It is distinguished by a large corrugated crown and contrasting colors. So, the crown of this daffodil has a bright orange color, and the petals are pale cream.
2. Carlton. This daffodil produces a bright yellow inflorescence with a tubular wavy yellow crown.
3. China maid. This daffodil has a delicate white crown and petals. But the variety also has a bright spot. This is the yellow wavy border of the crown.
4. Professor Einstein. This is a snow-white daffodil with a fiery red crown.5. Debutant. This variety is distinguished by a combination of snow-white petals with a rich pink crown.
Other popular varieties of large crowned daffodils are Konfuoco and Flower Record, Paola Verones and Rosy Sunrise, Kispruf and others.
Small crowned representatives. Group 3
It includes daffodils, varieties of which belong to the small-crowned type. They are single flowers on a stem with a crown length not exceeding one third of the length of the petals. This group is dominated by varieties that have a white-cream color. These plants tend to be medium in size and have delicately scented flowers.
Most popular varieties:
1. Amor. This is a huge white daffodil with a large crown dominated by orange and red tones.
2. Audubon. This flower has white petals and a creamy pink crown.3. Edward Buchton. The daffodils of this variety have a greenish-yellow funnel-shaped crown with orange-and-orange wavy edges.yellow.
All of these varieties are intended for garden decoration, as well as forcing and cutting. Under the code 3-o-d is a flower called Sabine Hay. These fabulously beautiful daffodils are late varieties. They have a deep red crown and an orange perianth.
Amazing "terry" representatives. Group 4
It includes terry daffodils, varieties of which have extraordinary beauty. The stem of such a plant adorns one or several flowers at once. The crown of such daffodils is terry. The whole flower can have the same feature. The daffodils included in the fourth group are outwardly different from each other, having a different shape and size. Their color is yellow, white, pinkish, orange or yellow-red. There are varieties and combined according to the color of the petals.

For the first time received terry daffodils spontaneously. It was the result of unforeseen selection. But the unusual shape and beauty of the flower prompted gardeners to further develop such varieties. And if at the beginning of the 19th century. the list of species of terry daffodils was quite small, today more than 1000 of them have already been registered. The most popular of them are:
1. Acropolis. This is a white daffodil with a residual red crown.
2. Outer Space. The variety has white petals and a pink crown.
3. Chirfupness. Fully doubled white narcissus.
4. Flower Drift. White flower with orange crown.
5. Golden Dukat. Huge bright yellow double daffodil.
6. Texas. Yellow double flower.
7. Tahiti. Yellow double daffodil with a red crown. Terry daffodils are very beautiful. Varieties of this group are used for garden decoration, forcing and cutting.
Group 5
It includes varieties of triandrus. These are low plants, the stem of which reaches 25 cm. Such a daffodil adorns 2-3 flowers with a small crown. A characteristic feature of this group is the shape of the petals. They are slightly bent back. In addition, triandrus daffodils have a long and very narrow tube. Of the most common varieties can be distinguished:
1. Haver. In this daffodil, the crown and perianth have a light yellow-lemon color. The perianth segments are oval in shape. The crown is cup-shaped. This variety is late.
2. Liberty Belle. It is a daffodil with a bright greenish-yellow perianth. His crown is somewhat darker. Petals are narrowly elliptical.3. Tresemble. On the peduncle of this daffodil there are three flowers. Moreover, the upper ones have a horizontal arrangement, while the lower ones have a drooping one. The crown is cup-shaped. Its color at the very beginning of flowering becomes light lemon-yellow, and then brightens a little.
All these varieties are used to decorate gardens.
Cyclamen-like plants. Group 6
This includes cyclamenoid daffodils. They usually have a single drooping flower on the stem. The varieties of this group were obtained by crossing the species cyclamen-like narcissus and cultural forms of the plant. As a result, plants have been created with a thin crown, which sometimes exceeds the length of the perianth.

The petals of these varieties are bent back, and the flowers are shaped like cyclamen. The most common group 6 daffodils are:
1. Jetfire. The flower of this narcissus has a diameter of 7.5 cm. The lobes of its perianth are bright yellow and rounded. The petals are slightly bent back. The flower tube is bright orange with a dark corrugated edge. This variety belongs to the early ones.2. Baby Dol. This variety of daffodils has a bright yellow perianth. The tube is slightly ribbed cylindrical. Its edge is pleated and the color is orange-yellow.
The result of the work of breeders. Group 7
It includes Jonquillia daffodils. This variety was bred by breeders. To obtain it, experts took narcissus jonquil or titnik. All varieties of this group delight with their flowering in late spring. Like the original form, they are sensitive to late frosts. In this regard, in regions where the cold climate prevails, they are cultivated only in protected places.
What are the main differences between these daffodils? The varieties included in the seventh group have from 2 to 6 flowers on their peduncle, which are distinguished by a short crown and a strong aroma. Their color can be white, yellow or two-tone. The most common types are:
1. Cheri. The perianth segments of this variety of daffodils are white with a hint of cream. The crown is sometimes light lemon, and sometimes creamy white. The flower itself is quite delicate, fragile and elegant. The variety is late.
2. Step Forward. There are two or three flowers on its peduncle. Proportion colorperianth - yellow. The crown changes color. At the beginning of flowering, it is yellow, in the middle - light yellow, at the end - greenish-white. In terms of flowering, the variety belongs to the average.3. Susie. On the peduncle of this narcissus there are two or three flowers arranged horizontally. The perianth is painted in a bright yellow tone. The crown of such a narcissus is cup-shaped and reaches a height of 0.8-1 cm. Its diameter is 2.5 cm. The inner part of the crown has an orange color. Such a daffodil blooms late.
Group 8
It includes multi-flowered or taceto-like daffodils. These are very original plants with winter hardiness. On the pedicel, 2-8, and sometimes all 20 pieces of fragrant flowers, which are collected in a racemose inflorescence, can form. These varieties are distinguished by rounded lobes, a small crown and dark green leaves.
The most ideal plant for natural plantings and flower beds is jonquilla daffodil multiflora. The varieties most popular with gardeners are:
1. Geranium. On the peduncle of this narcissus there are from 2 to 4 flowers, the first of which is the largest (up to 5.5 cm), and the subsequent ones are smaller. The perianth segments are smooth and white in color. The crown is bright orange cup-shaped. Its diameter is 1.5 cm and its height is 0.7 cm. The variety is used, as a rule, for distillation.2. Papyraceus grandiflorus. This is the largest variety in this group. It is an old garden plant whose bulbs are used for forcing. The variety is so early that it can bloom in December, and come immediately to replacechrysanthemums. The outline of the flower of this daffodil is star-shaped. The segments of the perianth are somewhat longer than the crown (if we compare this variety with other multicolor ones). The petals of the flower are white and loose in structure. Narcissus has a pleasant aroma, which, unfortunately, lacks lemon tones.
The best varieties of multicolor are the following: Minnow and Medusa, Scarlet Jam and Laurent Coster, Elvira and Silver Chimes.
Poetic daffodils. Group 9
It includes daffodils called Poetic. They are single flowers with a bright small crown, the length of which does not exceed one third of the perianth. Petals of poetic daffodils have a milky white color. Plants are winter-hardy. They grow well in the shade. The bulb of poetic daffodils is small. The most popular variety is Actea. The perianth segments of this daffodil are snow-white and reach a length of 3 cm. The base of the crown is greenish-yellow, while the rest of it is bright yellow with bright orange edges.
New representatives. Group 10
This is a bulbocodium hybrid with small flowers resembling bells in its shape. This is a new group of daffodils, many varieties of which are still at the breeding stage.
Sharp-crowned flowers. Group 11
These are cut-toothed daffodils. It seems that their crown with fringed edges seems to be torn to one third of the length. A very beautiful and rare daffodil belonging to this group is the Trilune variety. Its bright yellow crown is divided into three parts like a shamrock.
Whatconcerns group 12, it includes those daffodils that are not listed above.
The thirteenth group includes natural types of spring flowers, as well as their hybrids.
Pink daffodils
These are amazing flowers, the magical beauty of which can amaze anyone. For the first time, a daffodil with a pink crown was bred in 1921 by an Englishwoman, Mrs. Beckhouse. And even then it became a sensation. The first pink daffodil was the ancestor of various varieties and hybrids.

And today they continue to be called "pink daffodils", varieties of which belong to different groups according to the International Classifier. Such exquisite flowers are available in groups of terry and tubular, jonquil and cyclamen-shaped, as well as split-crown. These are varieties of Pita, Sheri, Audubon and many others.