The choice of cherry varieties grown in Russia is huge. It is represented by varieties bred by breeders and amateurs, as well as brought from Western Europe. On non-chernozem lands, "Lyubskaya" and "Vladimir" cherries are grown. These varieties account for almost seventy percent. The remaining thirty are represented by "vole", "fur coat", "flask" and "Zhukovskaya".
Korostynskaya, Amorel and Ruby are planted in the North-West region. In industrial gardens, cherry varieties are productive and transportable species. On personal plots, the choice of trees is wider and depends on the seasonality of fruiting. The characteristics of plants differ and depend on the climatic conditions of the zone in which they grow.
Amorel Nikiforova

This variety was created by breeders from cherries grown in the gardens of the Nizhny Novgorod region. The trunks of the "Amorel" trees are not wide and low. They are covered with dense and spreading branches, which are convenient for picking berries. The fruiting period is sixteen years. The trees are frost resistant.
The first harvest is taken three years after planting the seedling. The flowering process begins in the second half of May. The berries ripen in July. This cherry variety is distinguished by large fruits, the weight of which reaches 3 g. One tree can yield up to 16 kg. The shape of the berries is round, slightly flattened. The taste of the fruit has a pronounced sourness, mostly sweet. The stone separates well from the pulp.

This variety of cherry is the result of crossing "fur coat" and "Vladimir". The crown of trees resembles a ball. The tree is squat, resembles a bush. The berries ripen early, so the "crimson" is considered an early-growing species. A mature tree produces up to 7 kg of fruit.
Full removal of berries is carried out at the end of July. The fruits are bright red. Their taste is sweet and sour. Judging by the extended description of the "crimson" cherry variety, the berries are not only on sale, but also subject to canning.

The variety was bred in the course of folk selection. It has become widespread not only in the Black Earth region, but also in the lands of the North-Western region. The weight of one berry reaches 4 g. The peel of the fruit is dense, bright red. Initially, the berries are light, but at the moment of final maturity they become almost black. This is clearly visible in the photo of the cherry variety.
Berries survive transportation well. They are processed, frozen, sold fresh.

This species was bred in the Vladimir region. Trees bloom in spring. Covered in Maywide crown. The size of the leaves is small. The flesh of the fruit is light, pink. The bone separates easily. The leg is thin. In the description of the cherry variety, it appears that the tree is characterized by increased resistance to low temperatures. The kidneys do not freeze.
Yield exceeds 20 kg. The variety needs cross-pollination. The berries finally ripen after the removal of the fruits of the "Vladimir".
Moscow Griot

Trees of this species have a crown forming a ball. Flowering occurs in the second half of May. Harvest begins in late July. One plant can give up to 15 kg. Frost resistance is average. Parts of the vegetative system freeze through during freezing winters.
If you look at the photo of the Griot Moscow cherry variety, you can see that it resembles the Griot Ostheim. The Moscow variant was bred on the basis of European breeding material.
This species was obtained in the laboratory of Ivan Vladimirovich Michurin. Tree trunks vary in height. They reach four meters. The crown has the shape of a cone. The leaves are dark green in color. They are dense and fleshy. The shade of the bark is dark brown, green on young shoots. Berries after ripening acquire a pronounced red tint. Their flesh is juicy, the juice is sweet.
The bone is small. It separates easily. One berry weighs four grams. Trees are moderately hardy. The fruits ripen almost simultaneously, do not crumble. To be transported. Sold fresh, canned andfrozen form. "Zhukovskaya" is included in the list of the best varieties of cherries.
This cherry was grown by breeders in the Novgorod region. It tolerates frost very well. It has an abundant yield. The fruits are harvested at the end of July. The height of the trees reaches 5 meters. The number of trunks is 4. The foliage almost completely covers the branches that form an elongated cone.
Yearly produces young shoots that breeders use for reproduction. Fruiting occurs in the fifth year. Up to eight kilograms of berries are harvested from one tree. Numerous reviews with photos and a description of the cherry variety confirm that "Korostynskaya" is an excellent choice not only for gardeners in the North-West region, but also in the Chernozem region.
The tree is characterized by increased resistance to garden pests and fruit diseases. The harvest begins in August. The berries are small, weighing only 2 g. Their shape is round, slightly flattened. Juice and pulp are acidic. The color of the fruit is dark red. The stone is easily removed from a ripe berry. After ripening, the fruits keep well on a short stem. The conical shape of the crown facilitates harvesting. "Korostynskaya" refers to late technical varieties.
This cherry was bred in the Vladimir region. The berries are medium, dense, covered with thick skin. Their taste is with pronounced bitterness, sour. The juice has a bright red color. The trees bear fruit on their own, but their yield increases with additional pollination.
The first berries are harvested five years after planting. Usually in one seasonget nine kilograms. Jams and marmalade are made from cherries. It is frozen and used in cooking. Berries do not crumble. They hold well on the stalk, which is long and strong.
In their reviews with photos, gardeners classify Levinka cherries as technical.
This species is considered folk. It has been cultivated for centuries on the lands of central Russia, therefore it tolerates frosts well. The variety is known not only in the northern and central regions, but also in the south of the country. Ripens relatively late. Harvested at the end of summer.
The weight of one berry can reach 5 g. The shape of the fruit is round, narrowed at the base, to which the stalk is attached. The berries are sour, with a dense glossy skin. The fruits do not crumple during transportation, which allows the delivery of cherries to remote regions. To increase the weight of the harvested berries, gardeners use pollination.
Morel Lot
In the reviews and description of the cherry variety, this species is compared with "lyubskaya". In this case, the tree is considered self-fertile and does not need cross-pollination. Berries ripen closer to autumn. They do not crumble and hold well on a thick stem. The juice is sour, dark red in color. The fetus weighs four grams.
Early Oryol
This variety was grown in the gardens of the Oryol region. The height of cherry trunks reaches three meters. The weight of one berry is approximately 3 g. One tree produces up to 7 kg of fruit. The harvest begins in mid-July. The resistance of the variety to the winter cold of the middle lane is considered acceptable, but sometimes fruitkidneys still freeze. Other parts of the vegetative system also suffer.
Cherry has a high degree of fruiting. The berries are large, their weight reaches four grams. The skin of the fruit is thin and shiny. The pulp is juicy and sweet, easily separated from the oblong stone. In reviews of the “domestic” cherry variety, it is said that this is an excellent choice for gardens in the Vladimir, Moscow, Pskov, and Nizhny Novgorod regions. One bush gives up to seven kilograms of fruit.
Natural Michurina

Cherry provides a harvest three years after planting. The first harvest begins in early July, but full ripening may be delayed. The taste of berries has a pronounced sourness. Due to the large bone, the weight of the fetus exceeds five grams. Under the glossy skin, bright red flesh with an abundance of juice. The liquid is bright pink. The berries are held firmly on the stalk, which allows you to harvest at a later date.
Judging by the photo and description of the cherry variety, the fruits are round with a hollow in the center. One tree allows you to collect up to two tens of kilograms of berries per year. The maximum yield of one bush is 50 kg.
Shows excellent resistance to garden pests and diseases. It gives a good harvest even in conditions of mixed vegetation. Refers to self-fertile varieties of cherries.
Is a relative of the "ideal". It is a low spreading shrub. The height of the trunk reaches two meters. Branches and shoots are covered with green thin bark. They are flexible and hangabove the ground. They give a bountiful harvest. Up to eighteen kilograms of berries are harvested from one tree. The fruits finally ripen in early August. Harvesting begins at the end of July.
"Vole" - a variety of cherries for the Moscow region. He is not afraid of cold winters. Frosts do not adversely affect the vegetative system.
It is a bush. Its height rarely exceeds three meters. Spreading branches form a cone-shaped, wide crown. The leaves are dense, dark green, glossy. Harvest can be harvested three years after planting seedlings. No more than six kilograms of berries are harvested from one tree.
The color of the pulp is light, with a yellowish tint. The juice has a sweet taste. One fruit can weigh 4 g. Winter hardiness of trees is considered average. During frosts, the vegetative system of cherries suffers.
This variety was created by breeders from the Northwest region. Therefore, it has high resistance to low temperatures. Trees easily survive not only the winter cold, but also night frosts that occur in St. Petersburg in early spring.
Compact bushy plants have a wide and sprawling crown. To increase fruiting, gardeners regularly prune branches. The first berries ripen in June. One cherry bush is capable of producing forty kilograms of fruit. The berries are round in shape, slightly flattened on the sides. They are covered with a dense skin, dyed dark red.
The main disadvantage of the variety is uneven maturation. If you pick berries at the end of July, thensome of the fruit will still be unripe. If you wait until August, then the cherry that has ripened earlier will already fall off. Fruiting begins five years after planting the seedling. Trees need pollination.
Morel Bryansk

Cherry berries are large. They have a smooth, glossy skin that protects the pulp during transport. The color of the fruit is red, almost black. The juice is sweet and dark. Trees of this variety are self-fertile and require pollinators.
Trees of this species have spreading branches. There are few leaves on them. The shape of the crown resembles a cone, which makes harvesting easier. The variety was bred in the south of the Voronezh region. According to the description and numerous reviews of gardeners, the taste of berries is sweet. It does not have a characteristic sourness. The pulp is juicy and not bitter. The pit is small and easy to remove.
Advantages of "Rossoshskaya":
- even ripening;
- possibility of long-term transportation;
- good taste;
- temperature resistant down to -35 °C;
- The first harvest is taken three years after planting.
- The tree reaches its fruitful maximum at the age of eleven.
Weaknesses of the variety:
- relatively low yield;
- low resistance to garden pests and diseases;
- susceptibility to coccomycosis and bacterial burn;
- need to regularly remove young growth.
Chocolate Girl
This is a new type of cherry that has been bredRussian breeders. The fruits of this variety are characterized by a sweet, sometimes cloying taste. The color of the pulp and juice is almost black, has a characteristic brown tint. One tree can produce fifteen kilograms of cherries.
The bush is compact. It barely reaches three meters in height. In a cold year, the taste of berries can take on sour notes.
The strengths of cherries are early yields and self-pollination. The first harvest is obtained four years after planting the seedling in open ground. Cherry variety "youth" allows you to collect up to twelve kilograms of berries from one tree. Final ripening occurs in August. The size of the cherry bush is small. The height of the trunk barely reaches 3 m. It does not differ in particular resistance to frost, but it tolerates frosts that occur in the central part of Russia.
The weight of one berry does not exceed five grams. The fruits have a rich dark red color and a sweet aroma. The juice is sour. "Youth" tolerates transportation well. Therefore, it is sold fresh, sent for processing, frozen. Jams are made from the berries of this variety. They are added to baked goods, confectionery and dairy products.
Fruits are rich in salicylic, malic, succinic, quinic and citric acids, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium and calcium. The berries hold well on the stalk, which is attached to flexible and thin branches. Cherry bushes are compact, cone-shaped. The branches are covered with small dark green leaves that have a glossy sheen.
The benefits of "youth":
- self-fertile;
- small bush sizes;
- boosting yields;
- early ripening;
- resistance to fungal diseases;
- presence of immunity to moniliosis and coccomycosis;
- resistance to high humidity;
- large berries;
- great taste;
- good cold tolerance.
One of the weaknesses of the variety is the exactingness of planting conditions. Cherry does not like open flat spaces. It is sensitive to the content of potassium in the soil. With a deficiency of phosphorus, the yield is sharply reduced. Lack of nitrogen leads to a decrease in the size of the fruit. Bushes require regular pruning. Overgrowth of the crown leads to the wildness of the tree and the loss of its technical characteristics.
"Youth" is recommended to be planted in open ground in early spring. If this procedure is performed in winter, then the probability of freezing of the vegetative system increases. If you follow the recommendations and choose the right planting site, the tree is able to produce a full harvest for fifteen years.
Experienced gardeners choose land on the slopes. Trees love plenty of sun and relatively dry soil. In the presence of surface water in the ground, the fruiting of trees will never reach its maximum. "Youth" is favorable to slightly alkaline soils. Neutral soil will also work. The distance between seedlings should be at least two meters. At the time of planting, organic fertilizers are placed in the hole.
Beauty of the North
The breeder who bred this variety is Ivan Vladimirovich himselfMichurin. To create it, the scientist used the "Vladimir" cherry and the "Winkler" cherry. The leaves of the trees are large, and the trunks are massive. Fruiting begins in the third year after planting. Harvesting is possible for twenty years. The weight of fruits taken from one tree is twelve kilograms.