Cluster tomatoes were bred by breeders for the food industry for planting on a large scale. Today, on store shelves, you can often find bright and flawless bunches, completely hung with small tomatoes. And now gardeners are increasingly growing these attractive disease-resistant varieties on their plots. This article provides a description, photo and reviews of brush tomatoes.

Description and features
Tomatoes located on the same brush, as a rule, have the same size. Externally attractive bunch of tomatoes makes these varieties competitive in sales. A feature of carpal tomatoes is that they all ripen almost at the same time. The brush can be left on the bush for about a month - it will not overripe.
Tomatoes are densely packed on a branch, so firmly fixed on it that even transportation will not cause damagestalks. These tomatoes are also sold on a branch in the store. They do not overripe, rarely crack, despite unsuitable growing weather and not very careful care.
Hybrid varieties, which are developed and constantly updated by breeders, are distinguished by a plentiful harvest, resistance to pests and major diseases. They ripen early and retain their attractive appearance for a long time. This allows you not to make frequent and regular collections, but to do it simultaneously with other branches.
As a rule, varieties of cluster tomatoes for greenhouses in the south of the country can be grown in the open field. But varieties that are bred for southern latitudes will not grow in northern cold conditions.
Benefits of planting in greenhouses
Growing indoors has many benefits. The main thing is that here you can not worry about the harvest due to the vagaries of the weather. Tomatoes are saved from spring night frosts, which occur in central Russia, the Urals and Siberia until the end of May.
Thanks to this cultivation method, two crops per year can be harvested. Tall carpal tomatoes are not very convenient to place on a garden bed in open ground. Here they will get dirty during watering and rain. In the greenhouse, lashes, securely tied to the ceiling, grow upward, bending around the rope. Tomatoes are always covered by the sun, ripen faster, do not get dirty from the ground during watering.
It is easier to take care of the plants in the greenhouse, here the fragile young stems of tomatoes are reliably protected from the wind. Growing indoors is perhaps the only wayharvesting tomatoes in the northern regions. Further about the most popular varieties of carpal tomatoes among gardeners with a photo and description.

Adam's apple
Tall, identical variety. It can be grown not only in a greenhouse, but also in open ground. The plant is formed into two stems, this increases the yield. The height of the bush can reach 180 cm, it must be tied up.
This is a mid-season tomato variety. Ripe tomatoes are painted in bright scarlet color, have a round shape and a shiny skin. Large fruits (up to 200 grams) are used for salads. Juicy pulp allows you to make excellent juices, ketchup, tomato paste from them.
Anna German
Mid-season, high-yielding, heat-loving variety. In central Russia, it is grown exclusively in greenhouses. The bushes grow strongly, the height can reach 200cm. It is necessary to form the plant - remove the lateral shoots, otherwise it will become impossible to pass between the rows in the greenhouse.
Mature fruits are similar in color and shape to a lemon. They are bright yellow in color, elongated with a pointed tip. Fruit weight up to 50 grams. Very tasty fresh. They are also used to preserve whole fruits.
Magic cascade
Early ripe, very productive hybrid. No more than 90 days pass from germination to the appearance of fruits. The bush is tall, more than two meters, it needs a garter to a support. The plant is formed in 1-2 leaves. The fruits are dense, round, juicy, sweet in taste. This cherry tomato variety is used forpreserving whole fruits and decorating dishes.
Undemanding and disease resistant variety. With proper agricultural technology, it gives high yields - up to 12 kg of fruit per square meter. Withstands long-term transportation with whole brushes.
Wrist Strike
Early ripe compact hybrid, matures in 90-105 days. The first inflorescences are laid over the 9-10th leaf, and then after three leaves. Fruits are rounded, deep red, weighing up to 150 grams.
The variety is suitable for any type of greenhouse. According to reviews of the brush stroke tomato from experienced gardeners, you can understand that these vegetables have a good taste and excellent transportability. Used for fresh food. Harvested with brushes, but it is permissible to remove individual fruits. Good palatability lasts up to a month after harvest.
Corleone F1
Mid-season, high-yielding hybrid, grown in a greenhouse. A powerful bush requires tying. It is recommended to leave one stem and remove all side shoots. The fruits are red, oval in shape, dense, not prone to cracking, well preserved.
The variety is resistant to temperature extremes, to tomato diseases: fusarium, cladosporiosis, viral mosaic. On the photo is a carpal tomato "Corleone".

Margol F1
Variety of carpal tomatoes of cocktail type. Powerful bushes are tied to a support, stepchildren. The fruits are located on a beautiful brush of 15-18 pieces. They are round, smooth, weighing up to 20 grams.
Seeds are planted on seedlings65 days prior to placement in a permanent place. In spring, ready seedlings are planted in a greenhouse at a sufficient distance from each other (for 1 m2 3-4 plants).

Minusinsk gobies
Mid-season, high-yielding variety, bred by breeders from Minusinsk. The bushes are tall but thin. Tying should be done carefully. Form a plant in 1-2 stems.
Mature fruits are pink, elongated, fleshy and sweet. In central Russia, they often do not ripen completely, but they ripen well.
Seeds are sown 65 days before permanent placement in the ground. The fleshy fruits are good for canning and juicing for the winter.
Very unpretentious, mid-early, productive variety from Altai breeders. The bush is low (up to 60 cm). This variety is grown without garter and pinching.
Cylindrical bright red fruits weighing up to 100 grams. The plant very amicably gives fruits that are ideal for canning as a whole. Sweet and sour, tasty tomatoes are good fresh. 6–8 seedlings are placed on 1 square meter.
Purple Candle
Early ripe, productive tomatoes are recommended to be grown indoors. The bush is low, the foliage is medium. On the brush is located from 8 to 12 fruits. The plant is formed into two stems.
The fruits are long with a "nose", cylindrical shape. Raspberry in mature stage, not prone to cracking. Pale pink tomatoes can be picked from the bush, they ripen well.
On 1m2 you can plant up to 4 plants. Subject to the rules of agricultural technology, 8.5–10 kg of fruit can be obtained from 1 square meter.
Sweet cherry F1
Ultra-early hybrid. The time from seed germination to fruit ripening is 80 days. A tall bush up to two meters requires tying. Formed into two stems, the remaining shoots are removed.
Fruits are even, round, bright red at full maturity. They are preserved whole or decorated with ready-made dishes with these small tomatoes. The advantages of the variety include early ripening, long-term fruiting and a high decorative appearance of the fruit. Seedlings dive at the stage of the second leaf, four specimens per square meter are placed in a permanent place.

Tomatoberry Strawberry F1
Tall, mid-season variety. The brush is original, all hung with tomatoes in the form of strawberries. The fruits are small, juicy and very sweet, weighing up to 30 grams. Like all hybrids, the variety is resistant to late blight and other diseases.
According to reviews, the carpal tomato of this species retains its varietal characteristics when re-planting seeds from fruits of full maturity. This rare property is not at all characteristic of hybrid varieties of any plant.

Queen of the North
Early ripe variety recommended for planting in open ground or under temporary film cover. The bushes are tall, to get a good harvest it is recommended to stepson to the first brush.
Mature fruits are rich red in color, round shape, good taste. The variety sets fruits well in all weather conditions, resistant to diseases. Tomatoes do not crack even with excessive soil moisture.
Chocolate Bunny
High-yielding variety of cherry tomatoes. The bush is tall and spreading. Pinching is necessary, otherwise it grows into an impenetrable "jungle" in the greenhouse.
Fruits are small, plum-shaped, red-brown in color, sour in taste. Fruiting is extended, tomatoes can be harvested early and ripened.
Planting and growing
Planting cluster tomatoes for greenhouses should be early. Seeds must be spread on the surface of the soil, which must first be moistened. This is very important, because the drying of the soil leads to the death of the plant. Next, everything needs to be sprinkled with sand and covered with a film to maintain optimal humidity. During the growth of tomatoes, it is important to provide them with the right temperature regime, minimizing temperature fluctuations day and night.

To grow cluster tomatoes, it is important to follow the correct planting and watering algorithm. The first shoots usually appear after five to seven days. Then you will need to remove the film. It is important to constantly maintain soil moisture. After another seven days, the first leaf should appear at the seedling, after which it will be necessary to dive the seedlings in cups.
Landing in the ground should be carried out in warm weather in order to avoid hypothermia. The lowest temperature should not be below ten degrees. It is important to constantly monitor this. But not so dangerous for cluster tomatoeslow temperature, as its sharp and large drops.
Water and fertilize
20 days after planting, it will be necessary to make the first top dressing with fertilizer. It is necessary to choose complex compositions. Today, a fairly wide range of high-quality fertilizers for growing tomatoes is on sale.
When preparing the soil in a greenhouse, it is important not to overdo it with fertilizers, especially those containing nitrogen. This can affect the rapid growth of greens, to the detriment of the appearance of fruits.
Watering tomatoes should be timely and moderate. In no case should the soil be allowed to dry out. Top dressing should be at least 4 times a season. It is worth giving preference to top dressing with a potassium content. This is very important, because cluster tomatoes need the right fertilizer.
In addition to frequent watering, the soil must be well loosened. You need to do this as often as possible. The soil must always be loose. Thus, the necessary humidity is ensured. In addition, the soil can be sprinkled with sawdust, this will prevent the earth from drying out. The greenhouse after watering must be ventilated. This will prevent the growth of the fungus that destroys the plant.
Pest and disease control
Like all crops, cluster tomatoes are prone to various diseases and pests. One of the main and dangerous fungal diseases for tomatoes is late blight. Features of plant damage - brown spots on the leaves. The disease is dangerous because it spreads very quickly and completely destroys the plant.
To avoid such diseases,like cladosporiosis, fusarium wilt, top or root rot, it is worth choosing first-generation hybrids for planting in a greenhouse. But regardless of the chosen variety of tomatoes, top dressing and fertilizer are mandatory conditions. So, the basic rules that must be observed when growing cluster tomatoes:
- abundant and frequent watering;
- regular ventilation of greenhouses;
- frequent loosening of the earth;
- timely feeding.
Growing the best cluster tomatoes is not difficult in the climate of our country. It is important to just follow simple guidelines. Today there are quite a few varieties of this crop. Each species has its own characteristics and strengths. Therefore, before planting, you should familiarize yourself with all the advantages of the plant, its features and tips for growing it. Delicious and beautiful tomatoes are the result of the work of a gardener who does everything right.