Sticking a ceiling plinth is considered quite a difficult task. Fitting corners and joining them is the main problem. Below is a description of how to make the corner of the ceiling plinth.
Let's start with the tool we need for this. A miter box and a construction knife will be enough.

As a rule, you have to cut the baseboard for inside corners. At first glance it seems that everything is very easy, but when a brand new skirting board turns into unnecessary trimmings, you begin to understand that not everything is so simple. Let's see how it's done.
How to cut the corner of a ceiling plinth?
The easiest and quickest to remember option is that the baseboard is applied to the top corner so that it is to the left of it. We hold with our fingers the surface of the baguette, which we will glue to the ceiling. We put the plinth in the miter box. On its lower wall should be the surface of the bar, which you hold with your fingers. Cut off the corner with a knife, turning it 450 so that its end looks to the left. Left side skirting boardready. Now we will cut the right-hand side, i.e. the one to the right of the inner corner.
How to make the corner of the ceiling plinth in this case?
Applying a bar to the corner, we mark its surface, which will be glued to the ceiling part. We put the workpiece in the miter box, pressing the surface to its lower wall, which we will glue to the ceiling. Cut out the corner 450, with the tip of the knife pointing to the right. Having cut off both parts of the plinth, we apply them to the inner corner to check the correctness and accuracy of the cutting.

If the corner of the repaired room is even, then when the skirting boards are brought together, we will not see any gaps. If the wall has errors, the plinths are cut and then glued.
But there are also outside corners. How to make the corner of the ceiling plinth in this case? Let's look at this option as well. Although it is much less common to cut skirting boards for the outer corners of the premises than the inner ones, it still needs to be done correctly. It should be noted that if you have learned well how to join the corners of the ceiling plinth with the inner corner, you will not have problems with the outside. This method is the opposite of the previous one. We mark the beginning of the corner on the plinth. It is also important that at the time of the formation of the outer corner on the baguette, the inner corner should already be ready and adjusted. This is clear. Preparing for trimming the plinth left from the outer corner.

Applying it towall, mark the side glued to the ceiling. We put the plinth with this part in the miter box so that it lies on its lower part. And also pressed against the far wall of the device used. With a knife at an angle of 45 degrees, cut the bar. The tip of the knife should look to the right.
Glue this part of the corner. It is important that the short side of the product is not shorter than the corner of the wall. If it's a little longer, don't worry. Using the same method, we prepare the right side of the plinth of the outer corner. We control their docking and glue. Now that you know how to make the corner of the ceiling plinth with the inside and outside of it, consider another interesting option.
How to make rounded corners?
There are non-standard rooms with non-standard angles. Given the curvature of the corner, cut into small segments. We cut each of them on both sides with a miter box and at an angle. Glue them side by side. The initial segment of the rounding is glued to the straight plinth on one side, and the final segment to the straight plinth on the other.