Rope ladder is an alternative means of vertical movement. Simple is always more reliable. This statement fully applies to her.
There are different types of ladders: ladders, side ladders, garden ladders, etc. The choice depends on taste and practical purposes.

The rope ladder is one of the most needed human inventions, which has been used since time immemorial. The materials for its manufacture were the wool and skin of animals, plant fibers and even hair. The historical use of rope ladders has a wide range: when storming fortifications and cities, when saving people, in navigation, as a sports equipment. Nowadays, all ships are equipped with so-called storm ladders. These are rope ladders designed for boarding people in boats and disembarking them on board in critical situations. You can't do without them also at the moments of raid parking.
Rope ladder is an important element of medieval love adventures. Man has already paved the way into space, but the "forever young" rarity is not forgotten.
Stairs differ in length, material, method of fastening. In our age of development of synthetic materials, they are made from artificial fibers, among which the leadinglavsan, nylon and capron. They provide products with the necessary compactness. The rope ladder folds easily and does not take up much space.
It is an indispensable part of a child's sports corner, an excellent children's exercise machine, which is often adapted as a regular swing.

The compactness of the stairs allows you to fit it well into the interior of the apartment. It is absolutely invisible, does not take up space, so it allows you to use all the available space as efficiently as possible without blocking it, as is the case with other analogues of stairs.
It is also successfully used in the non-sports field. A rope ladder helps you move around in difficult environments, such as in caves and rescue people in any kind of emergency. For these purposes, in many countries, multi-storey buildings are equipped with such means of movement. It is clear that in this case the stairs must meet certain functional requirements regarding their length and strength. Their minimum length for rescue purposes is 6 meters. Typically, rope ladders are designed for a load corresponding to the weight of three people of average constitution. Extreme conditions impose additional requirements on their characteristics, given the high vital importance in operation.

Rope synthetics, for example, cannot withstand ultra-high and high temperatures. The upper part of the ladder for saving people in case of fire is equipped with steel chains, the steps are made of durable rockswood and covered with a special fire-retardant coating. Rescue kit includes hammer and carabiner.
Rope ladder is also used as an element of insurance when performing various high- altitude work. It is indispensable in construction, industrial work at height, on oil rigs.