Dwarf palm tree: description, reproduction, care and beneficial properties

Dwarf palm tree: description, reproduction, care and beneficial properties
Dwarf palm tree: description, reproduction, care and beneficial properties

The black berries of the dwarf palm were the first to be eaten by the Indians of South America. In European countries, the healing properties of these fruits were learned only in the 26th century. This happened after the colonization of the territory. The medicinal plant is still popular today. Dried and fresh fruits are used to prepare nutritional supplements and medicines.

Plant spread

Dwarf Creeping Saw Palmetto (lat. Serenoa) - a plant from the Palm family, growing in the southeastern United States (Arkansas, Florida, Texas). Prefers pine forests or coasts, less common on the islands of the Caribbean, as well as on the Yucatan Peninsula. The genus was named after the botanist Sereno Watson (USA).


Description of the Saw Palmetto

This is a small, slow growing plant, not exceeding 4 meters in height. The trunk is herbaceous without cambium. The leaves are compound, 50 to 100 cm long. The flowers, which have a pleasant aroma, are painted in yellowish-white tones, no more than 5 mm in diameter. They are going todense panicles up to 60 cm long.

The fruit is a reddish-black oval-shaped drupe, 3 cm long.

Composition of fruits

Dwarf palm berries contain polysaccharides and rare organic acids (lauric, myristic, oleic). Other beneficial compounds found in drupes:

  • carotene;
  • plant sterols;
  • essential oils;
  • flavonoids;
  • enzymes;
  • tannin compounds.

The berries contain vitamins and trace elements, steroid components, tannins and resins. But the main value of dwarf palm berries lies in the presence of phytosterols in their composition: fagasterol, beta-sitosterol, glycoside, campesterol, stigmasterol, and also cycloartan.

Serenoa fruits
Serenoa fruits

Useful properties

Most of the medicinal properties of the fruits of this palm tree today have not yet been confirmed by clinical trials. The pulp of the berries has an antiandrogenic effect, and therefore medicines made on its basis are used to combat androgenetic alopecia (baldness) and skin problems: acne, seborrhea. Other useful properties of fruits include:

  • strengthening the body after illness;
  • stimulation of the synthesis of sex (male) hormones;
  • restoration of prostate functions;
  • preservation of reproductive properties;
  • easier urination;
  • normalization of hormonal levels.

Dwarf palm fruits are used as an aid in the treatment of autoimmune disorders,respiratory diseases, rheumatism. Extract from berries is recognized as an effective tool with a powerful sunscreen effect.

Saw palmetto leaves
Saw palmetto leaves

Maintaining Serenoia at home

Lighting plays an important role in the maintenance of this type of palm tree. It is recommended to grow Serenoia on the south side, providing the plant with access to fresh air. In the autumn-winter period, the dwarf palm tree feels quite comfortable even in slight shading. In summer, the plant should be taken out to fresh air.


When keeping Serenoi in winter, the temperature should not exceed +16 °C. For wintering, the optimum temperature is 6-8 ° C. In spring and summer, the plant feels comfortable at +23-26 °C.

Serenoia at home
Serenoia at home


Spring and summer palm trees need abundant watering. Its frequency depends on the state of the topsoil. When it dries up, the plant is watered with soft settled water. In autumn, watering is reduced to a minimum, and in winter it should be replaced with moderate spraying.


For a palm tree, a soil mixture consisting of humus, earth, turf, sand and compost in equal parts is suitable. An adult plant is transplanted into soil with a small amount of sand and the addition of soddy clay soil.


As a rule, dwarf palm is propagated by seeds. They are placed in the ground to a depth of 1-2 cm. Then the container is covered with moistened moss and kept at a temperature of about +30 ° C. After 2-3 months, the first shoots appear. Serenoia givesmany lateral shoots, but they are not suitable for breeding.

Benefits for men

Almost 50% of men over 45 years of age show symptoms of an acute inflammatory process or prostate adenoma. By the age of 60, this figure increases to almost 70%. Slow down or prevent the development of the disease will help dwarf palm extract. Its action is based on a decrease in the level of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) in the prostate gland, and the level of its total content in the body does not change.

Reducing the concentration of DHT slows down tumor growth, relieves inflammation, and restores urogenital functions.

Saw Berries
Saw Berries

Benefits of Saw Palmetto for Women

A woman's appearance largely depends on her hormonal background, and if it is disturbed, then the most modern procedures of cosmetologists, expensive creams will not help to look attractive. Elevated DHT creates a lot of problems: leads to hair loss, acne, oily skin, menstrual irregularities, a boyish figure.

Saw palm fruit extract is a strong antiandrogen. It improves the functioning of the endocrine system without disturbing the concentration of follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones. Due to these properties, palm fruits are used for the following diseases:

  • hirsutism;
  • polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • stretch marks;
  • androgenetic alopecia.

Solgar dwarf palm berries

Extremely important for mensexual we alth. Adverse factors often provoke the development of prostate adenoma in the representatives of the stronger sex. This is fraught with a decrease in potency, painful sensations.

Solgar offered a way out of the situation. Solgar's unique dietary supplement, Dwarf Palm Berries, helps with healing and can be taken as a preventive measure. It is produced in the USA. This brand has been successfully operating on the market since 1947.

Positive reviews about the quality of its products give hope that the drug is really effective. Solgar's nutritional supplement comes in 100 capsules per pack, each weighing 520 mg and containing 220 mg of fruit powder and 300 mg of fruit extract. Oval-shaped capsules are light colored.

Serenoia Capsules
Serenoia Capsules

Dietary supplement allows you to achieve the following results:

  • support the immune system;
  • prevent prostate inflammation;
  • normalize the production of the hormone digitrotestosterone;
  • restore reproductive function;
  • stop baldness.

With increased production of the hormone DHT in men, prostatic hyperplasia is possible. Urination becomes painful and difficult, constantly disturbed by false urges. This disease may accompany a decrease in potency.

Useful properties for women

Solgar capsules are not just for men. Sometimes their reception is shown to women. Most often, dietary supplements are used to normalize the production of hormones. In the women'sThe body has five male hormones. One of them is digitrotestosterone, which is responsible for the manifestation of secondary sexual characteristics. Its excess for women is fraught with the following consequences:

  • clitoris enlargement;
  • appearance of hair on the chin, as well as a mustache;
  • overweight;
  • baldness;
  • problem skin and excess sebum;
  • impossibility of pregnancy.

The dwarf palm fruit extract contained in the capsules helps to normalize the level of the male hormone. Before starting a course of treatment, both men and women should consult with a specialist.

Dosage and method of administration

BAA "Solgar" is taken with meals. You need to drink 1 to 3 capsules per day. For preventive purposes, a minimum dose is sufficient. If it is necessary to suppress the production of the hormone, the amount of the drug is increased. When taking one capsule, it is best to take it in the morning. If more capsules are needed, take them with food.

Instructions are included with each package. From it you can learn about contraindications:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation.

The use of capsules should be stopped in case of individual intolerance to any of the components.

Using dwarf palm fruits: reviews

Reviews on preparations based on saw palmetto leave both men and women. In most cases they are positive. Men note an improvement in the condition of prostate adenoma, an increase in potency. Women often write about the positive result of using dietary supplements from Solgar for hair loss. After a week of taking this product, there is almost no hair left on the comb.

Medics also give this product high marks. Supplements are often recommended by urologists if a course of maintenance therapy is required in the treatment of potency disorders.
