How to calculate the lighting in the room? What lighting should be in the room

How to calculate the lighting in the room? What lighting should be in the room
How to calculate the lighting in the room? What lighting should be in the room

What does the right lighting in the room mean, what is it and why is it needed? If the required number of lighting items is installed in the room and in the right places, then this not only affects the interior of the apartment, but also on a comfortable stay in it. And also a low-quality light source can adversely affect the he alth of the body of all people in the room. That is why this issue cannot be ignored.

Lighting can be bright or soft. There are norms that must be observed when designing an electrical network.


First of all, before you calculate the lighting in the room, you need to make a clear plan. It should contain the design of the entire room, namely the location of furniture and interior items, areas that need additional lighting, and other nuances. All these details in the plan play an important role in proper lighting, so the drawing up of the scheme must be taken as responsibly as possible.

how to calculate lighting
how to calculate lighting

Light fixture power

Lightingdepends directly on the lighting fixtures and the power of the lamps. In order to correctly determine what power should be and the required number of fixtures, one of the proposed calculation methods can be applied. The first method is point, it allows you to calculate the required lighting power at a certain place at a certain point. The second is the utilization factor method. It is used to calculate the light in the entire room.

These methods contain many indicators and parameters needed in the calculation, which are too complicated for ordinary people. And how to calculate the lighting in a room without special education? There is also a simple way, although not as accurate as the methods listed, but still true and quite easy.

First you need to decide on the power of the lamps and choose their number. To calculate and understand the parameters that the lamps must meet, you need to know the area of \u200b\u200bthe entire room and what the illumination should be in each room separately. You can see the area in the technical passport of the room or measure it yourself.

Lighting standards in a residential area are indicated in the table.

Type of room Lighting norm according to the SNiP document, lx
Living room, kitchen 150
Children's room 200
Bath, bathroom, corridor, hall 50
Dressing room 75
Study, library 300
Sauna, pool 100
Stairs 20

Norms of artificial lighting

Illumination in the room is regulated by the document "Building norms and rules (SNiP) 2-4-79". According to established standards, the luminous flux in the living room should be at least 150 lux. In corridors, latrines and in the bathroom, the standard is at least 50 lux.

But also in this document it is said that in a room where there are children and the elderly, it is necessary to increase the power of the luminous flux. It is recommended to increase the values of the standards by 20-30% in reserve, in case of dirty lighting fixtures or any other changes in conditions.

types of lamps
types of lamps

Types of brightness

Conventionally, the brightness of light can be divided into three types:

  • Soft light is up to 150 lux,
  • Bright light within 150-300 lux,
  • Anything above 500 lux refers to very bright light.

To find out the required rate and determine what kind of lighting should be in the room, you need to know the size of the room, as well as understand the desired level of light brightness. It remains to multiply these two indicators.


Task: to determine how the lighting should be in a small room of 14 m22, with a light level of 300 lux.

14 m2300 lx=4200 lm - the necessary lighting in the room.

lighting inroom options
lighting inroom options

Calculation of the required number of lamps

After we figured out the required illumination in the room, you need to calculate how many lamps in the room and what wattage you need to install.

Lamps, depending on the power consumption (W) and the type of execution, have their own luminous flux value. If we take a standard electric incandescent lamp with a power of 100 W, then its luminous flux in lumens is 1350. So, in order to illuminate a room of 14 m2 with bright light 2, you will need 3-4 lamps of 100 Tue.

Note: An energy-saving lamp has a 5:1 power ratio to a conventional lamp. That is, an energy-saving lamp with a power of 20 W=100 W of a conventional incandescent lamp (LON). And the ratio of LED to LON is like 10:1. So, for example, diode 10 W=100 W LON.

It should be recalled that the calculation by this method is not entirely accurate, but it is quite suitable for household solutions to the issue of illumination.

chandeliers in the room
chandeliers in the room

Installation of fixtures

The next step in a lighting network design is to create a plan. Lighting design options are possible:

  • Lighting with a chandelier. One chandelier per room of a small size and square type is fine. In a long room with a large area, it is better to use several chandeliers.
  • Use of spotlights. This option is optimal for creating uniform general lighting. Lamps illuminate all areas of the interior and its details. Light rightscattered throughout the room.
  • Indirect lighting. This is when the light of the bulbs in the lamps is directed upwards and reflected from the ceiling. Thus, the light is evenly scattered throughout the room. Lighting with this design option is as close to natural as possible. Typically, such lamps are more expensive than others, and it is better to take lamps with more power in order to maintain the necessary luminous flux.
  • Wall lighting. This option is applicable for low ceilings in the room. It should be remembered that with side lighting, shadow zones will be created. Therefore, it is better to increase the number of such lamps, and the power can be reduced.
  • Outdoor lighting. This method of lighting involves recessed luminaires in the floor or at floor level, the light of which is directed to the ceiling and is reflected evenly throughout the room. For this lighting option, you need to carefully consider the project.
  • lighting in a small room
    lighting in a small room

Combined lighting

So, the choice of fixtures has been made and their location has been determined. But the calculation was initially carried out with the condition that the room is completely dark. Usually the rooms have windows and there is natural daylight. True, this lighting may not be enough. Then the lighting option in the room can be combined with artificial artificial.

The SNiP document also sets standards for natural lighting in a residential area - the coefficient of natural light (KEO).

The 0b5 KEO norm applies in all regions of Russia. This isthe ratio of natural light in a specific area of the room to natural light outside the room in the absence of shade.

There is a formula for how to calculate the lighting in a room, KEO:

e=Em / En100%, where:

  • e – daylight factor;
  • Em - natural light at a specific point indoors;
  • En - outdoor natural light on a horizontal surface.

This means that the natural light in the room will be approximately 50% of the light outside. Now you need to determine where the place of calculation is located.

The calculation point according to regulatory documents should be located on the opposite wall from the window with an indent of one meter.

artificial lighting standards
artificial lighting standards


In order not to carry out calculations and find this point correctly, you can use a special device - a light meter.

In order to increase the natural light in the room, you need to increase the windows or put additional if possible, and you can also use artificial lighting.

It is not necessary to create an additional new lighting network. It is enough just to set up the lamps in the existing one so that they turn on separately from each other.

What else to consider when calculating light

Factors that play an important role in lighting design:

  • Uniform illumination. The ratio between a more illuminated area and less should be 1 to 40, no more. Concerningfixtures should be evenly spaced around the perimeter of the room. For general lighting fixtures, it is better to use diffusers.
  • Color rendition. This is an equally important factor, without which it is impossible to correctly and accurately design the lighting in the apartment. Especially important in places such as the kitchen, living room, workplace, desk, dressing table or mirror. There it is better to give preference to ordinary incandescent lamps or good LED ones than fluorescent ones.
  • Temperature of light. Distinguish on this basis warm light with yellow close to natural light, cold light with a bluish tinge and white - neutral light. This factor helps to beat various design ideas in the interior. For example, warm light is suitable in the kitchen, and cold light can be left in the bedroom. And also, depending on the decor of the walls, whether it is wallpaper, paint or a fresco image, mosaic, you can choose the shade of light that most favorably emphasizes the color.
  • Ripple factor. This option has a negative effect on vision. In low-quality energy-saving lamps, flickering is visible to the naked eye - a pulsation. LED lamps also emit it, and it is often impossible to see it just like that, but by pointing the video camera of any gadget at the lamp, you can see running stripes - this is the pulsation. Manufacturers are required to indicate these parameters in the instructions or on the packaging. KP rate - 15-20%.
  • what lighting should be in the room
    what lighting should be in the room

Installation rules

The article details how to calculate the lighting in a room, andwritten formula. Now the final stage of the lighting project is installation. Network building and management principles:

  • The location of the switches. The best place for the general light switch is the place closest to the door handle. It should be located immediately at the entrance to the room.
  • For a local light switch, the best location would be directly next to or on the light fixture itself. If we talk about a separately illuminated area, then it should be turned on at the entrance. If the interior involves several entrances to the zone, then from each side.
  • Cross and through switches. Today, manufacturers of electrical installation products offer the ability to control the light from different places with special switches or an impulse relay.
  • You can also control not only turning the network on and off, but also influence the level of lighting brightness using a simple device - a dimmer. True, it should be noted that such a dimmer is not suitable for all types of lamps. So, for example, only standard incandescent and halogen lamps are compatible with the dimmer. Other types of lamps can only be regulated if the manufacturer specifies.
  • Some dimmers cause strong interference to TV and radio. You need to remember this and study the instructions.
  • The rated current of the circuit breaker must match the network load. Most household switches on the market with current up to 6A - 1300W or 10A - 2000W.
  • The wire must be three-core with a cross section of at least 1.5 mm2. In residential buildingsor apartments use copper cable.
  • On one switch you can connect 25 lamps, no more. This is about chandeliers in the room, and the number of lamps depends on the lamp itself.

Following the above tips and tricks, you can properly design and implement high-quality lighting in a residential area. Then it will provide maximum comfort.
