One of the great properties of wood is thermal insulation. Houses built of logs or timber are always warm and comfortable, despite the most severe climatic conditions. However, in such buildings, in addition to walls built of solid wood, there are many planar structures made of prefabricated materials.

The ceiling in a wooden house is such a surface. Usually it is based on special beams and ceilings from various lumber. But even with all diligence, it is not possible to avoid the formation of cracks and gaps between the boards. Therefore, wooden ceilings must be additionally insulated. And you need to take this seriously, and do the work carefully.
Ceiling insulation in a wooden house
When the main construction work on the construction of the building is completed, it's time to start insulating it. And first of all, you should insulate the walls and floor. This is usually done six months aftercompletion of construction. During this time, the log house will shrink, and all defects in the main structures will appear.
Detected gaps and distortions must be eliminated. Then the thermal insulation of wall structures and the floor is carried out. And only after that you can insulate the ceiling in a wooden house.

In the presence of an attic for high-quality thermal insulation of the floor of the first floor, sometimes one layer of insulation and waterproofing film is enough. Upper level ceiling requires additional materials and work.
And this work should begin with the insulation of the roof. Waterproofing and heat-insulating material is laid directly on the ceiling. A small gap must be left between the roof and the insulation layer. The resulting air cushion will not only retain heat, but also prevent condensation from forming.
The ceiling in a wooden house today is most often insulated with modern materials made on the basis of fiberglass. Such a heater is environmentally friendly and has a significant service life. Properly executed thermal insulation will allow you to get real pleasure from life in a cozy and comfortable home.
Finishing the ceiling in a wooden house
Currently, there are many ways to finish it. The most popular, and also quite beautiful finishing material is wood. Its use for finishing the ceiling in a wooden house looks quite natural. This will help create a unified style andunique atmosphere of harmony.
Use as finishing material:
- wooden lining;
- veneered panels;
- panels from array.

You can also finish the ceiling in a wooden house with exclusive hemmed embossed bars. With their help, a beautiful unique ornament is easily created. This finishing method has many advantages over the others, in particular, the speed of installation, because for this it is enough just to attach small bars to the ceiling.
Gypsum board is considered a good finishing material. Only it cannot be fixed directly to the draft ceiling - you must first mount a suspended structure, to which sheets of this modern material are later attached.