How to choose a pumping station for your home? Connection of a pumping station

How to choose a pumping station for your home? Connection of a pumping station
How to choose a pumping station for your home? Connection of a pumping station

Water is the basis of everything that surrounds us. The potential opportunity to always have at hand the necessary supply of life-giving moisture worried the minds of mankind at all times. Dwellings and settlements were located near water sources, on the banks of rivers, streams and lakes. The increase in population, the growth of the size of settlements and various other historical factors gave impetus to the creation of an extensive network of water pipes, and subsequently pumps that increase pressure within the system.

pumping station for a summer residence
pumping station for a summer residence

Uninterrupted water supply

Residents of large cities do not need to find out where water comes from in their apartments, what devices and mechanisms support the functionality of water supply systems. But those who build their own house or cottage should initially resolve the issue of supplying enough water to the dwelling for drinking and domestic needs.

For the individual supply of private housing with water, there are pumps that differ in the type of water intake, design and performance. How to choose a pumping station for your home, where to start?

how to choose a pumping station for your home
how to choose a pumping station for your home

Choice of National Assembly

Firstturn it is necessary to determine the volume of liquid for daily consumption. If there is a need for local watering of a small area, then ordinary pumps can easily cope with this task. If it is necessary to supply water to larger buildings with several points of use, a pumping station is indispensable. In addition to the pump itself, it includes: an engine, a hydraulic accumulator, a pressure switch, connecting hoses, pipelines, automatic control and process control. A non-return valve and an inlet filter are also required. The non-return valve greatly increases the life of the pump by preventing the harmful "dry running" condition, allowing the HC system to be constantly filled and ready for operation. An inlet filter in contact with the water surface protects the entire system from foreign objects, dirt, small animals and insects entering the working area.

Hydraulic accumulators

A tank for storing water, or a tank equipped with a valve and connected to a water supply and a pump, is called a hydraulic accumulator. In it, the water stored in the reserve and constantly replenished when consumed is under air pressure. This is done in order to continue the operation of the system for a certain time even if the power supply to the pump motor is unexpectedly turned off.

pumping station for a summer residence
pumping station for a summer residence

Storage tanks are made of various materials: ordinary, galvanized and stainless steel. Also, NS manufacturers offer the following volumes of hydraulic accumulators: 24 l, 50 l, 100 l, andlarge capacities (by individual orders). The larger the volume, the smoother the pressure adjustment in the system will be and the less often the motor on / off cycle will be performed. The service life is increased. When choosing a tank capacity, you need to be guided by the number of permanent residents in the house: if a 24-liter capacity is enough for one, then 100 liters may not be enough for a large family.

Types of pumping stations

  • Vortex.
  • Self-priming - built-in ejector.
  • Self-priming with remote ejectors.
  • Multi-stage.
pumping station connection
pumping station connection

HC parameters

Vortex pumps have gained popularity due to their ability to create a large pressure of injected water. In addition, this is a pumping station for the home, the price of which is more than affordable (about $70 on average). The disadvantages include low productivity and the possibility of taking liquid from depths of no more than 7 m.

Self-priming HP with built-in ejectors have the average value of pressure and volume of pumped water. The maximum depth from which water can be drawn is 9 m, they do not require careful filling of the entire system before starting, they can function even if a small amount of air enters the pipes.

Self-priming NS with remote ejectors are indispensable when groundwater occurs at depths of up to 45 m. Accordingly, their installation, maintenance, start-up becomes more complicated, and the cost of the entire system increases. They are used for poor watersoil layer when the use of a deep pump is not possible. Often this is the only possible pumping station for a summer residence, a personal plot, located in dry areas with no natural water bodies near.

Multi-stage HC, although they work from depths of no more than 7 m, are characterized by excellent performance and high water supply pressure. At the same time, they are very unpretentious in maintenance, the connection of the pumping station is simple, and the units are low-speed, which attracts consumers by the absence of extraneous noise during periodic switching on. In addition, there is no need to go around many outlets in search of the right type of unit such as a pumping station. The instructions for each model include all the necessary parameter data, you can familiarize yourself with it in advance, say, in the same online store.

grundfos pumping station
grundfos pumping station

HC Characteristics

The Grundfos MQ pumping station is taken as an example. Package Included:

  • Self-priming pump.
  • Membrane pressure tank
  • Electric motor.
  • Pressure and flow sensor.
  • Relay passage and flow.
  • Control system (with dry running protection).
  • Return valve.

The pumping station is fully automated. Convenient and simple survey control panel of management; thanks to the built-in pressure tank, the number of repeated cycles of switching on the system is reduced, which significantly extends the service life. Differs in small dimensions, simple connection, low-speed. All details,under high loads, are made of chromium-nickel steel alloys. If you want to choose a pumping station for your summer cottage, the HC Grundfos MQ is the perfect option!

grundfos pumping station
grundfos pumping station

Calculation of parameters

horizontal line from the well (well) to the accumulator, divided by 10. The resulting value will be decisive. The pumping station corresponding to these parameters for a summer residence, a country house was chosen correctly.

Important note

Passport data of the documents attached to the National Assembly - instructions, technical description - indicate performance parameters under laboratory conditions, "0" water level and rated voltage of power networks. Real conditions rarely correspond to such values, so you should choose an NS with a twofold excess of all values over the calculated ones.

The principle of functioning of the National Assembly

choose a pumping station for a summer residence
choose a pumping station for a summer residence

At the beginning of work, the accumulator is filled and the necessary pressure is created in it. As the liquid is consumed, the pressure in the tank drops, the automation turns on the HC, the pump begins to pump water until the optimal system parameters are restored. The water used for household needs, flowing through the internal channels of the National Assembly, coolsmechanisms from overheating. To control the temperature mode of operation, an additional backup automatic station shutdown system was installed.

Modern pumping stations completely exclude human participation in pressure regulation, water intake procedure and operate completely autonomously. Gone are the days of such bulky structures as water towers. The memory of them was preserved only in the common name of the National Assembly - "turretless". The following recommendations will tell you how to choose a pumping station for a house, cottage, country villa.

In addition to calculating the minimum water consumption, an important aspect of preparing for the selection of a pumping station (hereinafter - PS) is to determine the presence and depth of underground sources of moisture, as well as ways to access them. Depending on the depth of the "first mirror", i.e., the level of availability of subsoil moisture, the NS is selected. Conventional stations ensure uninterrupted operation at moisture depths - up to 8 m. If the water is deeper, borehole pumps equipped with appropriate fittings are introduced into the structure of the NS.

If the well was drilled by representatives of specialized organizations, information on how to choose a pumping station for the home can be obtained from them, with calculations of its performance and professional recommendations. In the case of self-installation of the HC, it is necessary to check the productivity of the well using pumps with adjustable characteristics. The process consists in the selection of water of a certain volume and in the calculation of a certain time during which nothere is a visible decrease in the level of liquid in the well or well. It should be remembered that all calculations must be made according to the maximum values \u200b\u200bof the required amount of water and the points of its use.

The above recommendations will help you clarify for yourself how to choose the right pumping station for your home or other housing facility.
