White-veined spurge: photo, care and reproduction at home

White-veined spurge: photo, care and reproduction at home
White-veined spurge: photo, care and reproduction at home

White-veined spurge is a bright representative of the succulent family, which is increasingly grown by domestic flower growers. And this is not surprising, because this attractive plant looks like a palm tree. In addition, he has an unpretentious character, so even a novice grower can handle growing an exotic flower.

Euphorbia grows quickly with proper care
Euphorbia grows quickly with proper care

Description of the plant

White-veined spurge refers to succulents, in its natural environment it can be found in the subtropics of Africa and America. But Madagascar is considered the birthplace of the flower.

In appearance, the culture resembles a miniature palm tree. It has a dense, fleshy stem that thickens towards the top. The flower reaches a height of 1.5 meters, but there are also two-meter specimens.

There are scaly ribs on the trunk, because of which the plant is often confused with a cactus. The top of the stem is sometimes branched.

Large, shiny leaves of the culture are painted in richemerald color. They are collected in a rosette located at the top of the trunk. As it grows, the lower plates fall off, which enhances the similarity of the culture with a palm tree. Whitish marks remain in place of fallen leaves.

During flowering
During flowering

The flowering period of milkweed begins with the advent of spring and ends in mid-August. At this time, white, small buds appear in the axils of the leaves. The flowers of milkweed white-veined do not give decorativeness to the plant. But after them, a box with seeds is formed on the culture, which bursts when ripe. And milkweed grains fly out with such force that they fall into neighboring pots.

Planting a plant

For white-veined milkweed, choose wide flat pots, because the roots of the plant grow quickly. As for the soil, store-bought soil for succulents or cacti is suitable. But you can prepare the substrate yourself. To do this, mix in equal parts:

  • river sand;
  • leaf ground;
  • peat.

In addition, it is advisable to add a pinch of charcoal to the soil, which will nourish the young plant.

Don't forget to decontaminate the substrate before planting. To do this, fill the soil with a small amount of boiling water and place the mass in a 5 cm layer on a baking sheet. Ignite the soil for 30 minutes at a temperature of 70-90 ° C. You can also disinfect the substrate in a steam bath.

The plant does not tolerate stagnant moisture at the roots. Therefore, it is worth taking care of good drainage. For these purposes, lay a layer of expanded clay or broken bricks on the bottom of the pot.

Euphorbia white-veined on the windowsill
Euphorbia white-veined on the windowsill

Growing Rules

A novice florist can also provide good care for white-veined milkweed at home. This plant has an unpretentious nature, and caring for it consists of the following procedures:

  • watering;
  • feeding;
  • cropping;
  • transplantation.

In addition to the plant taking root, provide it with a comfortable temperature regime and proper lighting. But while caring for the culture, remember that spurge is extremely poisonous, and its juice causes severe burns and irritation. Therefore, work with the culture with gloves. Also, keep the plant away from pets and children.


Proper water regime is the basic principle of care. At home, white-veined spurge (photo of the flower is provided in the article) is unpretentious. But when watering, keep in mind that the plant is a succulent. And this means that the flower is able to retain moisture in the stem and leaves. And he does not tolerate excess watering. After all, excess moisture leads to rotting of the roots.

Water the soil twice a week during the summer. On hot days, it is allowed to moisten the soil after 2-3 days. But in winter, the flower should be watered rarely. Moisten the soil once a month to make the flower feel great.


This plant tolerates proximity to heaters or central heating batteries. But still, do not place the flower pot close to heat sources. Otherwise, the soil will dry out.

Euphorbia seeds give quicklysprouts
Euphorbia seeds give quicklysprouts

In the spring it is recommended to arrange "air" procedures for the flower. To do this, take the pot to the balcony for 1-2 hours. Due to the influx of air, the sap of the plant will disperse throughout the stem, which will positively affect the growth of the crop.


White-veined spurge is a light-loving plant. And for him, the east or west window will be an ideal place, because the succulent "adores" partial shade. But putting the plant in direct sunlight is not recommended. Otherwise, burns will appear on the tender leaves.

If you keep the pot near the south window, then cover it from the scorching rays at noon. Then the plant will not "wither away" from a lack of ultraviolet radiation.

In addition, it is recommended to constantly turn the pot in different directions towards the light source. Then the succulent will develop evenly.


White-veined spurge, the photo of which is presented below, responds well to special fertilizers for cacti. Feed the flower from March. At this time, fertilizers should be applied in small doses, but 2-3 times a month.

From April to September, feed the flower every 30 days. During the dormant period, the succulent does not need fertilizer.

Euphorbia reproduces by self-seeding
Euphorbia reproduces by self-seeding


If proper care is provided for white-veined milkweed, the photo of which is presented above, then the culture will grow rapidly, and under the weight of heavy leaves, the weak stem may break off. To make itto prevent, annual pruning is recommended. To do this, shorten the shoots by 14-15 cm after the plant has faded and hibernated.

Besides, if the top is too branched, then it should be truncated. For the procedure, use a sharply sharpened knife or secateurs, because scissors are unlikely to cope with the task. Cut off the top by 3-4 cm and do not forget to treat the cut points with crushed activated charcoal. Do not throw away the resulting cuttings, because new plants will grow from them. See the next section for instructions on how to do this.

Spurge white-veined: propagation by cuttings

This method of growing new flowers gives excellent results. It is worth starting cuttings in late spring - early summer. During this period, intensive growth of lateral shoots occurs. And these twigs make viable cuttings.

How to propagate spurge white-veined shoots:

  1. Sharpen the knife and treat it with a disinfectant solution.
  2. Carefully cut side shoots as close to the trunk as possible.
  3. Put the resulting twigs in warm water for a day. During this time, milky juice will drain from them.
  4. Treat the cuts with activated charcoal powder, and leave the cuttings for 2 days to dry the cut.
  5. Mix equal parts peat and sand and plant cuttings in this mixture.
  6. Place the plant pot in a warm place.

The first month it is advisable not to disturb the plants. And only then provide the seedlings with the usual care.

Reproduction of white-veined milkweed

Easiestgrow a succulent in a seed way, and a novice florist will also cope with this procedure. Sowing should begin in early March, but first scarify the material, that is, break the integrity of the grain shell. To do this, grind the seeds with sand. Plant your plants this way:

  1. Loosen and lightly moisten the soil.
  2. Spread the seeds and cover with a 4-5 mm layer of earth.
  3. Cover the crops with foil and transfer the greenhouse to a cool place for 12-14 days. Do not forget to periodically spray the soil with a spray bottle to prevent the soil from drying out.
  4. After the due date, move the greenhouse to the windowsill.
  5. The first sprouts break through, as a rule, 3 weeks after planting. Ventilate the greenhouse periodically from now on.
  6. When the sprouts get stronger, dive them, and then plant them in separate pots.

White-veined spurge takes root perfectly, so experienced gardeners propagate it by self-seeding. When boxes appear on the succulent after flowering, place containers filled with soil mixture near them. Seeds that fall into the ground will give seedlings, which over time are transplanted into other pots.

Before planting, the seeds of white-veined milkweed should be scarified
Before planting, the seeds of white-veined milkweed should be scarified

The care of such seedlings is the same as with the sowing method. But for plants obtained by self-sowing, at first, provide gentle light and temperature conditions.


Spurge is fast growing, so it is recommended to transplant it into a larger pot. For young plants, carry out this procedure annually. Replant adult crops every three years. Please note that this event should begin in the spring. Then the plant will quickly take root in a new place.

How to Transplant:

  1. Put a small layer of drainage on the bottom of the pot.
  2. Mix equal parts of peat, sand and leaf soil, pour a little of this mixture on the drainage.
  3. Put the spurge on the ground and cover the roots with the remaining earth.
  4. Moisten and lightly compact the soil.
  5. If the stem is thick and unstable, support it with large pebbles.

The first 2-3 months it is advisable not to touch the succulent and let it adapt. In addition, it is recommended to protect the plant from drafts and bright sunlight. It is advisable to maintain the temperature in the room at 16–18 °C. Once the flower has adjusted, treat it as usual.


Espurge white-veined endowed with strong immunity. But improper care and other factors affect his he alth, and a pet can get sick. For example, if the soil is too moist or the pot is kept in a cold room, the risk of various rots increases. Most often, flower growers are faced with such diseases:

  • Grey rot. This disease can be recognized by a gray-olive coating that appears on the stem of the flower. If you notice such marks, then immediately begin treatment. First of all, remove the damaged areas. If this does not help, treat the plant with a fungicide, such as Fundazol.
  • Late blight. This disease affects the roots of the culture. For treatment, remove the damaged areas, and treat the remaining processes with fungicides such as "Ordan" or "Vitaros". In addition, it is recommended to treat the pot with alcohol and transplant the flower into new soil.
  • Spotting. This disease often occurs due to waterlogging of the soil. For treatment, spray the ground part of the culture with copper sulphate, Vectra or Alirin-B. But before that, do not forget to cut out the affected stems and leaves.

It is much easier to prevent diseases than to fight them. Therefore, periodically treat the culture with solutions for prevention. And also ensure proper care of white-veined milkweed at home. And then your pet is not afraid of any diseases.

Euphorbia white-veined resembles a palm tree
Euphorbia white-veined resembles a palm tree


Some insects are very fond of settling in the succulent leaves and roots of milkweed. And in a short time such parasites are able to destroy the culture. As a rule, flower growers are faced with such pests:

  • Spider mite. These insects are difficult to spot with the naked eye, but can be recognized by their fading foliage and yellow spots. At the first sign of damage, wash the plant under a warm shower with soapy water. After that, spray the flower with Fitoverm or Vertimek. Repeat this procedure three times with an interval of 10 days.
  • Mealybug. This pest leaves behind a white coating. To get rid of the parasite, treat the ground partculture swab dipped in alcohol. Next, replace the top layer of soil and spray the flower with Aktara or Intavir. Repeat these activities 4 times every 7-10 days.
  • Shield. You can recognize the pest by the brown "sticky" spots that the parasites leave behind. "Aktara" will help to remove insects. Moreover, it is recommended to process not only the “green mass” of the flower, but also the soil. In one procedure, getting rid of the shield will not work. Therefore, you will have to carry out 4 treatments at intervals of a week.

Now you know everything about how to provide good care at home for white-veined milkweed. And if you follow these tips, then your exotic "palm tree" will delight you with its attractive appearance for a long time.
