Veranda to the cottage: a traditional architectural element

Veranda to the cottage: a traditional architectural element
Veranda to the cottage: a traditional architectural element

Traditional Russian house is hard to imagine without a veranda. However, modern projects offer innovative solutions, so the veranda to the cottage is being built less and less, and instead terraces are being created, which often remain open. However, do not be upset, because you can give comfort to a country house with your own hands.

veranda to the cottage
veranda to the cottage

Why do we need a veranda at the cottage? This is a great place to spend time in the warm summer. Moreover, you can build it yourself, this will not require any specific skills or rare tools or materials. Everything is extremely simple. But first you need to decide:

  • firstly, which side will the extension be located on;
  • secondly, what type will it be;
  • thirdly, what size is the veranda planned for;
  • fourth, what materials it will be built from.
open verandas in the country house photo
open verandas in the country house photo

Ideally, this extension should be located so that it links both the house and the site. But the construction from the end side of the cottage, toonot excluded. The most important thing is that the veranda looks good on the territory. As for its location relative to the cardinal points, it is better to choose the south side - so the extension will be more illuminated. Today, open verandas in the country are quite popular. The photo shows that such a design can fit well into the exterior. But it is possible, according to tradition, to create a closed veranda, which, as a rule, is glazed.

As for the dimensions, they depend on the future purpose of your extension. For example, if you plan to receive many guests, then the veranda to the cottage should be spacious. But for quiet family gatherings, a more compact extension is enough. You can choose any material for construction. Of course, ideally, the veranda should be in harmony with the main building, that is, it is better to make it wooden for a wooden house. But most often, any available building materials are used.

How to build a veranda in the country?

how to build a veranda in the country
how to build a veranda in the country

So, we have decided on the location of the extension, the materials have been selected, it's time to get to work. Whatever material is chosen, the construction process will include several stages:

  • laying the foundation;
  • framing;
  • construction of the truss system;
  • roof construction;
  • flooring;
  • additional work if the extension is closed.
veranda at the cottage
veranda at the cottage

The veranda to the dacha should be equipped on a leveled area where the futurethe structure is marked by supporting pillars. After the main work is done, you can deal with glazing. As a rule, houses built in the traditional Russian style have a glazed veranda. Moreover, for the country option, you can stop at single-layer PVC double-glazed windows or wooden windows in one frame, since this extension is usually used in the summer, and therefore is not heated or insulated.

After the veranda is built, you can start designing it. As a place of rest, it requires more careful and creative approach in terms of decoration. For example, you can decorate it with country-style elements, put wicker furniture, thereby creating a feeling of comfort and home warmth. Building a veranda with your own hands is a simple matter, you just need to arm yourself with patience and imagination.
