Installation of fireplaces and chimneys. Chimney for fireplaces

Installation of fireplaces and chimneys. Chimney for fireplaces
Installation of fireplaces and chimneys. Chimney for fireplaces

Almost every country house has fireplaces, stoves, chimneys, boilers for heating, speakers and other devices. Their main task is to absorb air saturated with combustion products. But what are the nuances you need to know in order for such devices to fully work? There is an unequivocal answer to this question - a high-quality and properly installed chimney. The importance of such a criterion lies not only in productive work on air purification, but also in providing full heat with complete fire safety.

chimney for fireplaces
chimney for fireplaces

How to simplify the choice of a chimney?

What is a fireplace chimney? This is a set of pipes, in which one end is connected to a heating device, and the other is brought out into the street. Its installation is a rather complicated and time-consuming process that requires certain knowledge and professionalism. Chimneys can be made of brick, stainless steel, ceramics, polymeric materials. Each of these types has its own advantages, disadvantages, as well as installation features. Of course, in order to make the right choice, it is better to seek the advice of professionals. However, in order to have some idea about the arrangement of chimneys, we give below a brief description of the most common types.

installation of fireplaces and chimneys
installation of fireplaces and chimneys

Brick fireplaces: chimney device

The most popular types of air vents are stone chimneys. They are designed at the stage of building a house, combining all ventilation shafts and risers into one single system. Most often, the installation of chimneys and fireplaces of this design is built from solid red brick. It is he who has all the necessary properties and certain technical characteristics.

fireplaces stoves chimneys
fireplaces stoves chimneys

Mounting Features

Any heavy device installed in the house needs special foundation reinforcement, as well as fastening to load-bearing walls. Therefore, a brick structure is a rather complicated option, in which it is necessary to correctly calculate the load, traction and other indicators. If even the smallest mistake is made, the results can be disastrous. Therefore, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with some rules that reveal the basic nuances of how to make a chimney for a fireplace, avoiding typical mistakes.

  1. The use of reinforcing meshes with a cell width of 15x15 during masonrythe chimney will give the structure additional strength and reliability. It is recommended to use it at least every 3 rows.
  2. Sand-limestone mortar is considered to be of the highest quality and gives a strong grip.
  3. When installing a chimney in a wall, it is recommended to use anchors that are mounted in a checkerboard pattern in increments of 30 cm. They must be deepened by at least 20 cm.
  4. features of brick chimneys
    features of brick chimneys

Cons of brick chimneys

  1. The formation of condensate, which adversely affects the brickwork. Its constant exposure leads to significant destruction.
  2. Installing a fireplace and installing a brick chimney will require additional wall sealing.
  3. The service life with good care will not exceed 10 years.
  4. Carrying out insulation work most often with mineral wool.
  5. Internal unevenness leads to lower profitability.
  6. The need to install galvanized pipes inside stone chimneys.
  7. installation of chimneys and fireplaces
    installation of chimneys and fireplaces

Stainless Steel Chimneys

Stainless steel pipes are made in different sizes and diameters. Their design is type-setting, assembled from certain elements. Such material itself does not retain heat, however, the thermal insulation is quite good. Sometimes there are combined models, the complex of which includes stainless steel and ceramic pipes. Most often they are intended to be installed inside the main structure.

installationfireplace and chimney installation
installationfireplace and chimney installation

Advantages of metal chimneys

  1. Stainless steel chimney for fireplaces can be installed at various stages of building a house, as well as after its completion.
  2. The lightness of the design makes it possible not to carry out additional strengthening of the foundation and walls.
  3. Use about 20 years.
  4. Easy installation, partial reconstruction possible.
  5. With the right design approach, all pipes are masterfully decorated.
  6. stainless steel chimney elements
    stainless steel chimney elements

Ceramic chimneys

Installation of fireplaces and chimneys with ceramic pipes is carried out by characteristic light weight blocks made of concrete. Their height and dimensions are quite different, so it will not be difficult to choose the most suitable parameters. The laying itself does not have a specific system, it can be laid out in different forms, however, when carrying out such work, it is recommended to use vertical reinforcement, which will give the overall structure reliability and strength. Also, do not forget about laying thermal insulation, non-combustible materials are used for this. Manufacturers can tailor pipes to individual shapes and sizes, making it much easier to choose the most suitable option.

installation of fireplace stoves and chimneys
installation of fireplace stoves and chimneys

Advantages and disadvantages of ceramics for mounting chimneys


  • service life over 20 years;
  • smooth surface inside the chimney ensures goodthermal conductivity;
  • easy installation, you can assemble the structure yourself;
  • large selection of block sizes, making it possible to mount a chimney for fireplaces of different diameters;
  • easiness of cleaning is ensured by the presence of a special hole;
  • the resulting condensate flows down through a certain hole, which is a guarantee of long and flawless operation.

The disadvantages of these designs are quite insignificant, but still there:

  • High price can become an insurmountable barrier.
  • Very few domestic manufacturers are engaged in the manufacture of such products, therefore, they are mainly ordered from abroad, which can take a considerable amount of time.
  • how to make a fireplace chimney
    how to make a fireplace chimney

Modern solution - polymer chimney

Installation of stoves, fireplaces and chimneys, the temperature of which does not exceed 2500, can be made using a new building material - polymer. Such designs are quite flexible, light, reliable and durable. For their installation, it is not necessary to install new ventilation ducts, it can be mounted in old mines.

Tips for choosing a chimney pipe

In order to install a high-quality chimney, you need to read the advice of experienced craftsmen.

  1. Choosing the optimal section. This criterion is influenced by the type and size of the firebox. The most common: 250x250, 270x270, 140x140. It is very important to calculate the exact ratio of the dimensions of the masonry, the inputand outlet, power and fireplace category.
  2. Air exchange rate. The ideal option would be two or three times the values recommended by building codes.
  3. Installation of fireplaces and chimneys requires the installation of additional ventilation systems. With their help, heat will dissipate throughout the house.

Installation rules: general recommendations

When deciding to install a fireplace in a residential building, you need to understand the complexity of the entire system. It is better to entrust such work to professionals, since the process itself is quite laborious, it will require accurate calculations and their correct application. If mistakes are made during the installation of the structure of such a device, consisting of many elements, this can even lead to fatal consequences.

Let's consider the mounting technology.

  1. Choosing a place for a fireplace or other similar device. First you need to evaluate the construction of walls and foundations, determine the load-bearing partitions.
  2. Drawing up a drawing. It takes into account all the features of the layout of the house and the components of the unit.
  3. Preparatory work before installation.
  4. First of all, the bottom of the device is lined.
  5. Firebox installation.
  6. The chimney for the fireplace is being installed and work is underway to connect it to the ventilation shaft.
  7. All joints must be sufficiently sealed and additionally insulated.
  8. Installing the box.
  9. Facing the structure.
  10. chimney installation
    chimney installation

Finally, let's talk aboutfire safety

Since the chimney for fireplaces is directly connected to an open fire, it is necessary to adhere to fire safety rules during its construction. They also apply to the installation of chimneys.

  • First of all, you need to make sure that the wooden roof beams do not fit close to the chimney. The recommended distance is at least 25 cm.
  • It is also worth paying special attention to the area in front of the firebox, it must be sheathed with special refractory material.
  • Furniture and textiles should never be placed close to the fireplace.
  • All wooden elements are additionally wrapped with drag and coated with clay mortar.
